Side Jobs Acquiring P2

Xol walked near the burrow where the boss was located, he equipped the 'Nature Element Salamander´s Chitin Chest Plate' with the other 2 equipment he had acquired +10 DEX +7 DEF +5 INT.

Glancing at the burrow he saw the three nature element salamanders he remembered. Retreating some steps, he breathed deeply to calm himself.

"Okay let's taste the waters." Xol grabbed tightly the jumonji yari and advanced, making sure he wasn't noticed.

Creating three invisible chains from the burrow roof directly above the salamander, Xol manipulated two of the chains to catch the elite while the other chain catches one of the remaining salamanders. Lastly, he created an invisible chain to bound first the non-elite salamander before raising it.

Preparing to shoot a mana bullet, Xol bound the non-elite chain while pulling the chains raising the alarmed elite to the roof, once he was secured in the roof, he used the final invisible chain in the roof to raise the bound salamander near the head of the elite, obscuring its sight. Once they were fixed on the roof and none could see him, Xol shot the bullet to the remaining salamander.

Seeing the intruder, the salamander shot a wooden spear at Xol, but being ready for it he dodged, focusing on the chains as he landed, he made sure there were in place.

'Alright this plan can work!' Xol rejoiced but soon despaired. 'Crap I made too little damage to it, plan B.'

Pulling the bound non elite salamander from the roof Xol slammed at the other salamander, followed by the elite. Once the three were close, Xol focused completely on using his pure mana to create a Mana Bomb.


The explosion was bigger and affected the salamanders recovering their senses they camouflaged and scanned the area but could fin him as he executed plan b, better run than death.

Having run 30 meters Xol used his Mana Sonar Skill as he ran, sensing the salamanders were inside the cavern, Xol slowed down.

'Ha, forgot that unless I use a spear, I cannot make lots of damage to stronger enemies.' Xol panted remembering he couldn't really deal damage in the obsidian ragged crater dungeon and he mainly used his chains.

'I improved my technique and have easier time using the chains but my damage output is too low to fight those things.' Xol thought as he moved to avoid some salamanders.

'Maybe if I can improve a little more my control on the chains, I can restrain all three on the roof and sneak in, else I should forget getting the pure mana halls until I entered teacher Izuriel class. For now, let's restock potions and another fire starter kit could be useful as the one I got is running out.' Xol thought as he moved to the mountain pass.

Exiting the dungeon Xol exchanged the loot and went to shopping district, restocking the potions a buying an extra fire starter kit he returned to the dungeon.

Sensing three salamanders circling him Xol quickly bound the salamanders and pulled them together before sending a Mana Bomb at them. Seeing them exit the camouflaged state, Xol saw 2 earth and 1 shadow elemental salamander.

Using the moment before they recovered, Xol took out the jumonji yari and advanced to one of the earth salamanders as he shot a mana bullet at it. Arriving near it Xol stabbed it in the back and shot a mana bullet at it killing it off. Receiving some damage Xol saw the other Earth Elemental Salamander had protrude it bone and used to fire at him.

Xol advanced at it but seeing a black ball in the side he rolled getting grazed in the process. Shooting Mana bullets at them Xol slowly turned the tide and managed to kill the shadow elemental with the jumonji yari while killing off the Earth Elemental Salamander with a Mana bullet as it ran after it cut off its tail to escape.

Taking some time to recover first, Xol collected the loot and advanced to the rainforest to hunt again, he intended to get full armor and the Beast Hunter side job before exiting this time.

Having mended the knife two times Xol retreated to the entrance which was the place with less monsters and cooked a meal with the salamander meat. Having trouble, at first he managed to cook it with a so-so feel. Returning to the hunt he got another equipment on his second kill.

[Congratulations you acquired the side job: Beast Hunter.

Acquired skills: Bestiary, Drop Chance Increase.]

[Congratulations you unlocked the side job tab.

You received +5 DEX since your first side job need of that stat.]


Allow you to slowly compile the information of the beasts you hunted. User can open the bestiary and see the information.]

[Drop chance Increase

Increase the drop chance of monster drops. Increase is dependent on Beast Hunter level and rank.

Current increase .001%.]

Having hunted for about three more hours, Xol finally saw the notifications of him unlocking the side job. Seeing there were no entries on the bestiary, Xol moved to hunt intending to know what the skill would show.

Killing a group of three Water Elemental Salamanders, Xol saw a basic description, drop chance of loot with information, there were also a weak point section, but it stated user needed to fight more of the monster. Seeing as he was still missing two equipment pieces Xol continued hunting for a while longer.

As he hunted Xol got his first repeated armor slot piece, comparing both piece he saw that each gave different stats as they came from different salamander.

Xol had to hunt for about two more hours before he got the pieces. In this time, he also got another repeated piece and he switched with he one equipped as it added better DEF.

Exiting the dungeon Xol decide to return to the dormitory and check on some dormitory members that asked for a day to think if they like the idea of becoming a botanist.

As Xol got closer he could see Ethan was supervising a construction.

"Oi Xol come here for a moment." Ethan called seeing Xol passing by.

Surprised by the sudden call Xol walked and greet him.

"Here they left me this with me. Those are the names of persons that already decided to get the botanist side job." Ethan gave two separated papers, one from the farmers team and one from the alchemy.

Xol could see they had written the name, attunement class and room of the persons that was interested. Counting the names Xol almost tripled the amount of persons teacher Kenia has asked him.

"HAHA, that face was priceless." Ethan laughed seeing Xol reaction.

"It's not surprising the number is so high, judging by what they told me when they handed them to me, it seems most person saw it as a calming hobby between going to the dungeons or the alchemist side job." Ethan reported what he heard from the other leaders.

"I see, but it still more than I imagined yesterday I only managed to convince three persons. Also, I heard that the side job wasn't really popular as teacher Kenia struggle to recruit person for it." Xol replied reading all the information.

"I guess its because our dormitory has many alchemists, most of the students just focus on their attunement not really bothered in learning a side job. I guess many ponder the idea of learning one but don't know what they need or feel that it would require many things so when I said the dormitory will help by nurturing them in a side job many decides to take the chance. I also thought that we would only get five, maybe 10 at most of each side job when Jun explained that the dormitory was a small guild, and this was a strategy he used to grow his guild in Caveshore city." Ethan gave Xol his perception.

"Either way, I also hope you become the leader of the botanists." Ethan shook his head and said after some time. "As you're our only link with the teacher, nobody was against it."

"What, would I have to do as the leader of the botanist?" Xol was surprised at the position and hoped it didn't interfered nor take much of his time to do Izuriel tasks.

"Well for one, you either pass yourself the alchemy materials you get to the alchemy team leader or assign someone to do it, also you will have to come to the dormitory reunion at the end of each month to report what the botanist group need and report your activities. The reunion was voted by the dormitory to be held in my room with only the leaders of each role and in case we need to do a special announcement we´ll do it like last time." Ethan explained Xol responsibilities.

"Un I understand." Xol exhaled in relief that it wasn't so hard to achieve and shouldn't affect him too much.

"Good. We're currently preparing the ground to build the alchemist workshop, we still need more contributions to build the actual building but wanted to prepare the ground, I hope the building is ready during the next two weeks, after it be the tailors' building an then it be the greenhouse for you guys. As you can visit teacher Kenia from time to time while the others have to exit the academy to improve we left it for last." Ethan gave his thoughts.

"I'm not really sure how many persons can be supported by teacher Kenia´s greenhouse. I remember it was pretty big, but don't know if it can support this many. I guess I ask her tomorrow how many people it can support." Xol nodded.

"Un it's understandable, I leave this to you. Don't forget the reunion would be in six days, you can report it then." Ethan nodded at the situation not being outside of what he imagined.

"I leave now and talk with the interested ones, bye." Xol gestured at Ethan and turned around.

"Bye, good luck."

Vising each member Xol exhaled when he noted each person intended take seriously the side job and did wanted to grow good quality plants. He also explained to them that he would arrange with the teacher the schedule for the botany class and wanted to know what hours worked for them. He also checked in the person that asked time to think and got two persons in the process.

Feeling tired after that Xol went directly to his room intending to sleep. Kingo wanted to chat with him about the knife but Xol asked to talk tomorrow as he was really tired due the dungeon run and his new position as Botanists leader. He also asked him if he could upgrade the salamander armor he got, see Kingo nod Xol unequipped and hand it before sleeping off.

[Side jobs

Beast Hunter LVL 2

User improves the collection of loot from beasts. User no longer need a Hunting Knife to collect meat as loot.

User gain experience through collection of loot from beasts, extra experience gained from using hunting knifes.

Skills: Bestiary, Drop chance Increase.]