Side Jobs Acquiring P3

Exiting his dormitory Xol went toward the classroom area, having slept good for him he was feeling full of energy.

'For now, let's start talking with teacher Kenia about the greenhouse capacity. After that I think I go to teacher Izuriel's office and ask when would he be able to teach me about painting and accessory tinkering, if he has time when I go then I can kill time until its noon and see the principal. Finally, I would head to the tea class at 3pm.' Xol organized himself for the day as he walked down the stairs.

Heading down to the nature class Xol knocked and opened th door, scanning the room he found teacher Kenia, when he told her how many students were willing to join her class Kenia lost decorum and hugged Xol thanking him for promoting her class to this extent.

After receiving the life ring, Xol exhaled in relief hearing teacher Kenia could support the aspirants but they would start with little space and once she harvested some herbs they would get more space, she also say it would be good practice to help her as she harvests so they get used to botany. Finally, they discussed a suitable hour for taking the class based on teacher Kenia schedule and what Xol gathered of the aspirants schedule.

Having discussed they decided the class would be at four each day as most student were free in the afternoon. Leaving the classroom Xol walked to teacher Izuriel classroom. Knocking on the door, Xol entered the office once he heard he could do so.

Entering teacher Izuriel office Xol felt a nostalgic aroma he couldn't quite place in the office, glancing at the room he could see Izuriel was preparing a drink as he poured some brown powder to a pot with milk from a pestle through a funnel he made with mana.

"What is teacher Izuriel making?" Xol asked as he sniffed the aroma.

"It's a drink I like to make time from time, I got it from a story dungeon. I got these grains, the axolotls and some other things from it. The drink is called chocolate as I'm still preparing it, want some?" Izuriel explained

"If it's all right then I take kindly the offer." Xol replied being curious at the drink.

"Well it be ready in a few minutes. What brings you here this time, already gave up?" Izuriel said nonchalantly.

"No, last time I forgot to ask what time I could come to learn about painting and accessory tinkering. I also wanted to ask I can learn right now?" Xol quickly shook his head and explained.

"I was wondering when you would ask that detail, I still haven't made one of the accessories I promised in the public lecture. I can show you the ropes as I craft it." Izuriel said as he mixed the brew.

"Painting can be later, let's see how about a week from now. In that time get the following materials for the class …" Izuriel enumerated various materials, some of which Xol had seen in the shopping district, once Xol confirmed the materials ant that he could get them in the district Izuriel continued the brew.

'Well while he gets those materials, I can check with Zestari what she found out some days before the lesson and see how much we act with him.' Izuriel though seeing Xol went to examine the axolotls.

"Here you go." Izuriel said having finished the chocolate and serving a mug for Xol.

Drinking the chocolate, Xol felt a bitter taste but he didn't dislike it feeling as he had drunk it in the past but at the same time, he felt I was missing something

'Wait where the surprise face at being bitter like the one Asteria made, don't tell me he likes the strong flavor it has.' Izuriel complained as he wanted to see what Xol expression would be at his little prank. Sighing Izuriel sipped his chocolate, nodding at the brew Izuriel glanced at Xol and was shocked at what he was seeing, tears had formed in his face and were flowing out.


"How is it, little cousin. Bitter right?" Xol was seeing a kid around 11 years with light green hair and cyan eyes with dark green robes over his white skin.

The kid took the cup Xol was using to drink chocolate. Xol hands were tinier being the size of a 3 to 4-year kid.

"Hehe, this is the recipe everyone likes, though I prefer it a little sweeter. Here let me add some vanilla and some other things, come here let me teach it to you. Also don't tell your brother, if he tells your dad I wouldn't hear the end of it, even if I'm one of the prodigies in the clan." The kid gestured Xol to see while he taught his personal recipe.

"Here try it." The kid said with big grin giving Xol another cup.


"You're alright was it too strong for you?" Izuriel asked seeing there were some tears in Xol face.

"Un, I'm alright." Xol replied but soon his face switched to a surprise expression as he felt a cold wet feeling sliding on his face. Using his left hand, he saw he was crying.

Xol tried to clean his face to no avail as the tears wouldn't stop, accepting a handkerchief from Izuriel and after some time the tears stopped.

"Feeling better?" Izuriel asked once Xol returned the handkerchief.

"Un, thank you for the handkerchief." Xol said clamming himself from Izuriel seeing him cry.

"Why did you start crying?" Izuriel asked while putting the handkerchief in one of his storage rings so he would remember to clean it.

"I'm not sure, when I tasted the chocolate some images came to my mind, then I heard teacher Izuriel voice and noticed I was crying." Xol replied as he faced the side trembling slightly.

"I see, guessing by your reaction it mustn't have be some pleasing images." Izuriel said after seeing Xol behavior and decided to drop the topic.

"It wasn't, they actually had a nice feeling." Xol replied glancing at Izuriel anxiously.

"Then why you look so afraid?" Izuriel asked raising an eyebrow in concern.

"Isn't teacher Izuriel going to lecture me saying boys should never cry?" Xol asked with anxiety.

Widening his eyes Izuriel grasped the crux of the problem, coming near Xol he kneeled and placed his left hand over his head and rubbed it slightly.

"Xol, you can cry if you want, if you want to cry, cry, if you want shout, shout, don't bottle your emotions as this lead to various problems and it can affect your mana purity severely, so don't bottle them up and feel them, they are an important part of you." Izuriel said in similar way as he did in the public lecture, he was using his mana as he talked so his words were both soothing and clear, making them easier for Xol to remember in the future.

"So, teacher Izuriel isn't going to hit me nor laugh nor shout at me for crying like the other people in Caveshore city?" Xol said looking upward to Izuriel.

Hearing the question Izuriel was perplexed at how he was treated and shook his head.

"Thank you." Xol said with a warm bright smile seeing Izuriel answer.

"Come let me show the ropes for accessory tinkerer." Izuriel said as he stood up.


Izuriel guided Xol to the classroom area and made wide arc in front of him with his left hand. Xol saw a ring shine in his hand and soon saw various tables with tools appear. Once a forge appeared Izuriel explained he had various spatial rings where he would carry various things, his workstations books and finally dirty clothes where in a different ring.

Taking out a beast core and placing it in a table Izuriel took a chisel and with a hammer made of mana. Soon he started to break it as he controlled the hammer in smaller chunks. Taking the parts, Izuriel show Xol how to polish it and explained that usually a core could be used to make between two to four accessories depending on the accessory size. He taught Xol how to polish not only the core but various other monster materials and how they could be used to form various accessory. Finally, he taught Xol how to forge a metal bracelet and told him the most important part was using mana to inscribe once the bracelet cooled off, if this process was good the system would do the last step and form the accessory.

Seeing Izuriel finished the inscription, Xol felt a mana syphon almost a strong as the one that drained his mana, thankfully this one didn't absorb his mana. Seeing the end product, he saw a green grade golden bracelet with a bright red stone cursing with the power of fire over the many inscriptions.

Asking some questions Xol thanked Izuriel for the demonstration, after that Izuriel helped Xol make some basic accessories made with bones. He preferred to start with bones mainly to obtain the side job first before moving to make metal ones, as they were more difficult. On his tenth successful craft Xol got the notification for the side job.

Nodding at Xol achievement Izuriel taught some accessory recipes before he returned to his investigation. Thanking him again Xol exited the room.

'How long has it been since I acted like a proper teacher?' Izuriel thought to himself remembering how he patted Xol while giving him an important life lesson.

Glancing toward the deserted classroom he could remember the time where its wasn't so empty and could see some kids training in it.

'Mother, you were right, helping and guiding others can really help one.' Izuriel though closing the door remembering one of the reasons he came to teach in the academy.

[Side jobs

Beast Hunter LVL 2

User improves the collected loot from monster hunted. User no longer need a Hunting Knife to collect meat or improve in the side job.

User gain experience through loot collecting from monsters, extra experience gained from using hunting knifes.

Skills: Bestiary, Drop chance Increase

Accessory Tinkerer LVL 1

User can create various accessories with various effects and/or added stats.

Skill: Inscription, Accessory craft.

Recipes known: 5 [+] (Tap to show)]