Side Jobs Acquiring P4

Seeing he still had time before meeting teacher Zestari, Xol paid a visit to the shopping district intending to buy some seeds to use in his life ring and some botanist tools. Having bought a hand shovel and a hand rake, Xol transferred them to the life ring after some tries, following that he started looking for some specific seeds, he had seen last time.

'There they are.' Xol thought seeing the plant he wanted to use.

'Teacher didn't recommend this plant, but I still want to try growing it first before growing other plants, after all they are one of the plants that protect me inside my nightmares.' Xol though once he exchanged the contributions for a bag of the seeds. 'Though why did they have to be so expensive?!'

[Rainbow Elemental Maize Kernels

Kernels from the Rainbow Elemental Maize, tricky to grow. Rainbow Elemental Maize final composition is dependent on user's mana quality, attunements and the care of the plant.

Kernels in bag:








"Oi Xol is that you?" Xol heard a female voice behind as he tried to store the bag inside the life ring.

Xol panicked and almost dropped the bag, catching the bag, he turned with some fear, seeing it was Asteria and not Ena, Xol exhaled a big breath of air.

"Did I scare you?" Asteria teased seeing his reaction.

"Un, I thought you were someone else." Xol replied sheepishly

"I see, what did you buy and whom are you hiding if from?" Asteria asked with devilish smile.

Sighing Xol showed the kernels bag, seeing the bag Asteria was surprised.

"I didn't know you were such a spend drift for your food." Asteria commented awestruck. "Unless you're planning on growing them?"

Hearing the comment Xol immediately gulped.

"I knew it, you do know nobody in the academy had managed to grow them ever since my uncle got the seeds and the maize plant it grows right? Teacher Sela tried to grow them as she liked the taste of the maize but couldn't grow it and advised her students to not try as she saw buying the seeds as waste of money, even teacher Kenia who's best known for her quality products and the care she takes for her plants couldn't." Asteria said with an eyebrow raised.

"Teacher Kenia just told me it was very difficult plant to grow and said to not bother with it. She didn't go onto so much details. How do you know so much about the plant?" Xol replied scratching the back of his head and glanced at her.

"My uncle gave me to taste them when he got them 3 years ago in a dungeon of some kind. He gave my family some to taste and we loved them, so we asked both teachers to try and grow them, but they never managed it in the end." Asteria said with some sadness as she loved the taste they have.

"I see, uhm could you perhaps keep it a secret from teacher Kenia?" Xol asked as he scratched his right thumb with his index finger.

"Don't worry I'll keep the secret as long you keep the secret, I told you before." Asteria said with a sweet smile. "Also give me some lightning elements kernels."


Xol sighed seeing the open hand Asteria extended and handed a fistful of lightning attunement kernels to her.

"So, what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in the lightning class?" Xol asked once he managed to store the kernels inside the life ring.

Hearing the question Asteria furrowed her brows and made a stomp.

"It's all Richter fault, why can't he just accept I'm stronger than him and not make a fuss every time I beat him. I came for a snack to distract me and saw you in front of the store I wanted to visit." Asteria said crossing her arms with a humph.

"I see, sorry for making you remember it." Xol scratched his head.

"If you're sorry then come with me and help me prepare the snack as I already got the one I wanted to buy thanks to you." Asteria said as he pointed for Xol to follow her.

"Wait then you wanted to buy the kernels yourself?" Xol asked.

"Un." Asteria replied and tilted her head slightly.

"You called me a spend drift for buying the kernels a moment ago when you intended to buy them yourself." Xol said abruptly hearing the confirmation.

Hearing Xol comment Asteria face turned bright red remembering she did say that and started walking in the direction she had pointed.

Xol laughed faintly seeing her behavior.

"Why aren't you coming?" Asteria said stopping herself some steps away while turning with a pouting face.

"Coming." Xol said seeing Asteria still wanted him to accompany her.

Asteria guided Xol to the dining hall and entered the kitchen. Asteria soon opened the door and gestured for him to come reassuring Xol she had already made this and wouldn't get into trouble. Walking by some staff members greeted her being used at her entering and coming from time to time. Asteria placed a stool near a skillet and then grabbed some ingredients from her inventory.

Taking a pot Asteria added some oil and butter before adding the kernels. Putting a see-through lid she paced over the flames and waited.

Xol could hear the kernels slowly pop and before long Asteria opened the pot with some popcorn, adding salt, she gestured Xol to take some.

Eating some Xol could taste some slight sweetness and the salt Asteria added, gave Xol a tasty new feeling. Finally, he could feel a small quantity of lightning mana coursing through him after some time.

"So, how are they?" Asteria asked after eating some herself.

"They are really good. Didn't know they could be prepared like this." Xol said with a smile.

"Un, I know. Uncle said that depending on the one who grows them and how strong their corresponding attunement are the better they would taste, plus if you have the matching attunement it can be beneficial to one." Asteria said with a smile.

"Shame you don't have lightning attunement if you had it would have tasted even better. I remember the taste before I got my attunement and let me tell you the taste improved a lot." Asteria said as she took some more.

Having finished Xol chatted with Asteria some more as they left the dining hall, seeing as it was noon Xol asked if Asteria was returning to the principal classroom, seeing her nod Xol told her he also was going there, as the principal wanted to talk with him. Asteria was surprised at the information and nodded when she heard the whole story.

Entering the classroom Richter greeted them and told Xol the principal was in her office checking some documents and should finish shortly.

"I see, is there a place where I can sit and examine some thing inside my life ring?" Xol asked hearing the principal haven't finished her work and scanned the classroom.

The classroom was double the size of teacher Izuriel's has. In the right side it had a sparring area of a 10 square meters with formations included, there were various cushions near the office door and finally the left wall had many pillars like the one teacher Izuriel had used in his public lecture.

"Well as it's checking a life ring how about one of the cushions over there" Richter said as he pointed to cushion near the wall. "As it not to close to the door nor the sparring area you shouldn't be disturbed."

Sitting at the cushion Xol entered in the life ring, grabbing the kernels and the tools he walked to the center spot and started preparing the ground. Making a hole to plant a kernel in the middle of black soil circle, Xol felt as if the planting method was wrong once he took some kernels. Soon his body started moving as if knowing what to do and excavated a little deeper, the he expanded the hole before filling again with the dirt. He then used the rake making sure the soil was loose, finally he used the handle to make a vertical hole in which he dropped a fire element kernel, then filled with some soil leaving some space.

He then took an Element-less kernel in his hand and concentrated his mana as if nurturing it, he then manipulated the mana and cut the pointed part of the kernel leaving half of it original size, nurturing for a second time he dropped it onto the hole. Using the rake he filled the hole and then moved to repeat the same process 9 cm from the first plant which he repeated once done.

As he made this, he would always make sure, the first kernel was of the fire attunement and the second he would use any element. As he made all this, he felt some familiarity as if he had made it in the past. Slowly he felt as being pulled to another place where he heard some familiar yet foreign voices.

"How about it I told you your cousin had a natural talent like us." A female voice sounded.

"Un, you were right. Thanks again for teaching him. He had gone through enough, why my uncle and aunt keeps saying he is useless, I mean yeah his brother is awesome but him too." A male voice sounded. Xol identified this voice as the one of the cyan eyed kid that gave him some chocolate after some time.

"Oh, don't worry if you ran out of fire attunement ones, you have a really special inborn fire attunement so just insert mana to compensate them!" The female voice shouted.

"Seriously if he works hard enough and get a water attunement, he could catch to us. Even a normal one if added with his other attunements could make the difference between a normal water attunement and the one which we were born." He female voice commented

"Yeah, he … can …" the male voice sounded but it kept growing fainter as Xol worked.

Finishing Xol had made a 2 square meter area with the first hole he made in the middle, using some of the light brown soil. He had mixed feeling about that memory he felt, though he had experienced this in a dream some time ago he couldn't get used to the feeling of a certain part of his memory and him missing.


'All I need now is to water them from time to time' Xol thought as he exited the life ring.

Scanning the room Xol could see the principal hadn't really finished as he couldn't find her. Richter saw Xol stood up and once he came closer, he confirmed it for him. Having nothing to do Xol examined the sparring hall as he noted it was being used, surprised he recognized both fighters, Asteria and senior Jin.

Xol could see that Asteria had improved tremendously in the past month as she was toe to toe with Jin. They exchanged fists and kicks various times and Xol could see they used some lightning skills. The match ended with Asteria win after she used a black lightning chop with her right hand to Jin's side.

After the fight was over, some congratulated her halfhearted, but many had a sad face as if they hope Jin could win. Asteria was the saddest as she scanned the area, but her humor lifted seeing here was someone happy for her, Xol eyes were brimming as he enjoyed the fight.

Chatting some time, the office door opened and Zestari walked out. She examined her student performance and answered some doubts before calling Xol.

Entering the office Zestari gestured Xol to sit in chair in front of her desk. Sitting Zestari explained she wanted to know Xol personally as she had heard of him through Jun in various letters he sent in the past. She asked why Xol had to delay his inscription for two years, which Xol explained Jun he reclassed about time as Jun told he could pass the inscription with the scholar class.

Zestari told stories of Jun's time in the school and asked how Jun was hanging in Caveshore city which Xol explained how good he was doing. Having chatted for some time Zestari took out a crystal and stone table.

"I got this some days ago to test my students and find if they have some special qualities in the body that helps them as they study in the academy, as you're here why not give it a try?" Zestari said as she handed the crystal to Xol.

"Like inborn attunement or a monster bloodline?" Xol asked.

"It can detect bloodlines or other body qualities but it can't really detect the attunement of a person, for example it could say someone has an Iron skinned constitution and describe it's defense points would be increased by certain value, it would also state if the constitution had fully awoken or was in dormant state. If the person with a special constitutionhad inborn fire attunement and metal attunement none would appear in the tool."

"A person with Iron skinned constitution could imagine they have metal attunement due the tool or would get some form of it once they awaken the constitution, but the fire one would remain hidden until the person enter his/her mana pool, though usually one would know if they have inborn attunements due a corresponding skill they have from the start or as they level up, very rarely an attunement wouldn't give a person some skills, When this happen it means the person has very little amount of the attunement." Zestari explained to Xol.

"Finally, if the person was injured in some way the attunement could be damaged affecting the presence of the skills though the attunement is still there, one needs to recover from the injuries and use some special means to heal the damage the attunement suffered." Zestari added lifting her index remembering the experience she and her brother endured 30 years ago to recover and the fact some injuries and damages remained from that incident.

Nodding at the explanation Xol did as Zestari explained and then returned the crystal. Maintaining a poker face Zestari saw Xol had actually a special constitution but there was also a warning. She explained to Xol this detail and told him to not tell anyone about him having a constitution while she investigated a little the constitution. She told him she would call him once she found more information. Nodding his head Xol left the room intending to go to eat something as he was feeling some hunger.

'I hope Amelia can give me more information. Wished this tool didn't need a high leveled physician side job to detect certain constitutions else I would get one for each teacher. The price of this doesn't help either and I still need to recover my personal savings.' Zestari sighed leaving the tool in the desk. 'At least I can use it to monitor Asterias's constitution state.'

[User: Xol

Special constitution detected.

Name: ???

Description: ???

State: ???

Needs mana from a higher leveled physician to detect accurately.]