Side Jobs Acquiring P5

As Xol exited he asked Asteria and Richter if they were interested in eating in the dining hall. Asteria declined as she had plans to eat with her roommates in an hour, Richter decline the offer as he had just returned from eating.

Having finished his meal Xol returned to his room and worked on the recreation of the Academy while waiting for the class of teacher Dylan on tea making.

"Oh, Xol you're intending to join teacher's tea making class?" a voice sounded once Xol arrived to the area teacher Dylan said his tea making class were held.

Glancing at the voice location he found both Amon and Roy, Amon who had called was waving at him and once Roy saw Xol spotted them, he also waved at him.

"Didn't know you guys were also in the class." Xol said as he come closer.

"Hehe, don't be so surprised Roy's family are avid tea lovers and have the biggest plantation of various tea leaves." Amon said gesturing Roy.

"Funny you tell that considering your family is our best customer when it comes to tea leaves." Roy replied with a smirk.

"We just buy a tad more than the Maxmour family." Amon replied with some embarrassment.

"I see, so both of your families love tea." Xol nodded getting the general gist.

"Not only our families all the four noble families love drinking it, moreover teacher Dylan is one of the top 5 tea makers in the country and the previous principal so plenty of nobles come to his class looking up to his tea making skills." Roy explained crossing his arms and nodding. "Once I learn from him, I intend to create my own recipes from the leaves my family grow and someday I go explore the world and bring even more variety to my family.

"The royal family and the Von Braun family also love it and many in the capital that's why teacher built this area to teach the many person who are interested in making their own tea, either for their effects or liking the taste." Amon said faintly to Xol using his hand to hide slightly not wanting to wake Roy from his daydreaming.

"Then you're also a botanist?" Xol asked after Roy opened his eyes after imagining himself exploring the world.

"Un, I´ve learned in my family how to grow almost every tea leaves we sell." Roy nodded puffing his chest.

"Then are you in teacher Sela botany class?" Xol asked with some anxiety in his tone.

"Nop, I don't like the quality of the plants nor the fertilizers she uses. We take pride in our top-quality tea leaves and our various family techniques at growing them." Roy quickly shook his head.

"Beside she their trading rival, so Roy have some fear teacher Sela learns from him, improving her leaves and stealing their customers soon after." Amon replied raising his finger.

"Amon do you have to tell every little detail." Roy replied hitting him in the shoulder.

"*Phew* Glad you aren't else it would have been pretty awkward as I'm in teacher Kenia botany class." Xol rubbed his forehead.

"You know teacher Kenia is another of their competitors, right?" Amon said pointing at Roy.

Hearing the comment Xol panicked and both Amon and Roy laughed and brush it off, Xol explained he was preoccupied how both teachers have a really bad relations and was most preoccupied for how they interact in the school. Roy said he didn't mind it and remind Xol than even if he was in teacher Sela he wouldn't let the teacher relations affect them as he owed Xol for the public lecture.

The group continued chatting as they waited for teacher Dylan. Once teacher Dylan arrived, he moved to the center table and scanned the room seeing 30 students were ready.

Teacher Dylan had a deep blue mage robe, he had wrinkles in his face due his advanced age and gray hair corresponding with it. He had an amiable smile over his dark skinned face with his eyes only slightly open.

"Today I'll teach the recipe for the Starlight Infused tea which is famous for the mind relaxing effect it has, after that I teach about the Nine Rooted Cleansing Tea that help one process faster their food and relieve stomachache. Finally I teach one of my personal recipes Lucid Soul Tea, this tea can help you sleep easier in restless nigh and enhance your dream experiences." Teacher Dylan explained each of the tea.

"Before we start I like to thank Roy von Luminos for providing us with the ingredients for the Nine Rooted Cleansing tea and some of the Starlight Infused tea." Dylan gestured with an open hand to Roy.

"No Teacher is not necessary I wanted to improve my technique when making these tea recipes and wanted to help everyone improve in tea making." Roy quickly said not expecting his donations would be made public.

"I see, good to see there still humble characters in the nobility." Dylan nodded at the display and also send a meaningful look at Amon, due the public lecture incident.

Before long Dylan started explaining the various steps to take in the tea preparation. Amon and Roy were worried for Xol as most of the class had already be accustomed to using mana to mix in the various rotational way's teacher Dylan was describing but were surprised Xol picked up to their skill very fast.

After explaining the various steps, the class arrived at the first tasting phase time, as teacher Dylan like to call it which were 15 minutes where everyone could chat as they drank their teas in the refreshing fragrance they gave off.

Taking the opportunity Roy and Amon asked how was Xol so adept and caught pretty easily to them. Xol explained he had high mana sensibility and once he understood the gist of the pattern it was easy for him. He also said that compared to controlling his Mana Chain skill or the task of recreating the whole academy this was easy. When they heard Xol current value in Mana Sensibility they accidentally spitted their tea onto Xol not expecting it was at 17.4.

Having asked Xol to forgive them and being reprimanded by teacher Dylan the class continued once there wasn't so much of the initial fragrance. Once they were in the last part tasting phase Xol asked about the effect the tea if drunk by someone that have plenty nightmares first before sipping. Hearing the nightmares would also be enhanced, Xol dropped the idea of drinking it.

"Xol a moment please." Dylan said once the class finished and most were leaving gesturing Xol to come closer.


"It come to my attention you still wearing normal clothes instead of a school uniform of the various classes and wanted to know the reason, such a skilled boy like you should already entered a class by this time." Dylan asked seeing the deep blue tunic Xol was wearing

"Oh, its because I wan to join Teacher Izuriel class and haven't finished the various tasks he asked." Xol explained.

"I see then does you joining my tea class has anything to do with that." Dylan said as if wanting to lecture Xol on slacking off.

"Un, I want to learn how to brew various mind relaxing teas so that I improve the efficiency of the task he gave me of recreating the academy with mana during the effect of the tea." Xol said wih smile not catching the indirect.

"Oh that pretty clever of you, how about tomorrow I also teach other tea with similar effect then." Dylan said patting Xol head.

"Un, thanks." Xol nodded.

"That's all you can leave." Dylan said gesturing Xol. Seeing Xol running off Dylan cleaned the room.

'Izuriel, I hope Xol can help you forgive yourself and forget that incident.' Dylan said remembering the days he had to prepare a calming tea for Izuriel enduring the pain of his injuries.


On an academy office there was a yellow haired woman taking care of some documents. She had short hair reaching half of her neck where one could see a black necklace with green gem. She had thin eyebrows and cherry colored lips. Her eyes were like the beautiful night black but filled with life like the stars. Finally, she was wearing a black scholar robes that accentuated his medium bust and her athletic build.


"Come in." the teacher said and soon was surprised at her visitor. "Principal what brings you here?"

"Good afternoon Amelia, let say various things, some about the school other not so much." Zestari said after closing the door and advancing to the desk.

"The first school business would be this, this stone tablet can detect if someone has a special constitution or bloodline by analyzing the information on this crystal. The only drawback is you need a high level in the physician side job to detect various constitutions." Zestari said as she handed both tool parts. "The crystal has Xol's information, I hope we can evaluate if his constitution has a berserker skill or not."

"I see let me take a look." Amelia replied inserting the crystal in the tablet slot, soon after Zestari explained how to operate it and Xol information was displayed.

"Poor kid." Amelia said reading the information. Hearing the comment Zestari heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean?" Zestari said anxiously.

"He was blessed by the heaven but soon forgotten by them. I'm afraid the reason it asked a high physician level it not only due the constitution but also the damage it had suffered." Amelia said as she read Xol state.

"Xol's constitution is the Eclipse body, it has a perfect balance between both yin and yang energies and do this they have great talent in many aspects since not only they are born high mana density but also strong meridians that can circulate any energy type. Depending on the ways nurtured it could develop various powerful skill sadly he has suffered many internal injuries, bad nutrition and many other things have reduced to a really deplorable state." Amelia gave Zestari full briefing on what he found from the tablet.

"I'm afraid the theory of berserk skill should be discarded, most of the damage in Xol's body had been incurred before he turned 5 years old. If all the injuries and damages he suffered are correct a berserker skill would have killed him as soon as triggered." Amelia said shaking her head.

"I see, then it means he has a second personality. Can you heal the injuries in his constitution?" Zestari sighed and asked with hopeful eyes.

"Not sure, I have to investigate plenty, the first step would be healing his meridians that are barely maintaining themselves." Amelia said as she stood up and took one of the books in a nerby shelf.

"I see I give this task to you." Zestari said exhaling a breath of air.

"Now the next matter is a mix of a school and personal business." Zestari said gaining Amelia attention making her return the book and glance at her.

"I made a reservation in the Crimson Coiling Dragon at the end of next month and hope you can assist. It'll be a gathering between the female teachers and some female staff members, mainly to help teacher Crystal adapt to the academy. Currently just Sela had rejected the offer do her personal business." Zestari explained.

"I understand I'll free my schedule." Amelia said with smile remembering the taste of the food and hoped she could taste the food of a spirit chef

"Now last thing, can you train Asteria in shadow attunement, due her constitution and the high starting point it gave her in lightning attunement, she feeling a little alone since most of my students have lost interest in sparring with her she win as she hasn't lost any spar." Zestari said half bowing to Amelia asking her personal favor.

"She came with the suggestion since she wants to improve her flexibility and you're the perfect choice, furthermore she plans to take it slowly this time and limit to shadow so they don't exclude her." Zestari commented still not raising.

"Its alright you don't have to worry, I know her constitution allowed her to start the in the haven creation stage of tier 0, once she finishes the temple elevation stage and advance to tier 1 I'll take her as my student." Amelia said as she slowly lifted Zestari from her bowing position.

"Thank you." Zestari said hugging Amelia.

Having finished discussing Zestari returned to her classroom.

'I hope Kenia, Zia and Amelia can leave their rivalry for my brother on the side while we eat.' Zestari though as she entered her classroom.


The next day Xol practice his mana recreation on the academy while he waited for his next tea class. Having finally acquired the Tea maker side job was smiling at his side job tab.

[Side jobs

Beast Hunter LVL 2

Accessory Tinkerer LVL 1

Tea maker LVL 1

Skill: Mana Infusion, Tea brew.

Recipes known: 7 [+] (Tap to show)]