Amassing Contributions

Teacher Kenia was exiting her greenhouse with Xol behind her, having finished the botany class Xol had asked various questions.

"I'm sorry Xol, I can't really teach you how to grow the starlight infused lotus flower as only the Luminos family knows the exact method of growing them. I also don't have ways to obtain the Gelid Moondrop spring water which it requires." Kenia said hearing Xol questions of growing various plants as he exited fully the greenhouse

"I can teach you how to grow some of the nine rooted plants you need for the Nine Rooted Cleansing tea but you have to buy the rest from the Luminos family, I heard there various student from the family in the academy right now, you may strike a deal with them through contributions." Kenia said as he locked the door and started activating a formation.

"Lastly, I can fully teach how to grow the plants for the Tranquil Mind Heart Bond Tea and the other teas you mentioned though, you will need to harvest some plants to get the botanist side job first. Also, you'll need certain level to nurture certain plants, so you don't harm their medical properties." Kenia said raising he index finger once he finished closing her greenhouse.

"Un I understand, many thanks to teacher." Xol said nodding his head and smiling.

"No Xol, thanks to you, it's the first time I have such a big class of botany. You said its due your dormitory´s circumstances. If you have time can you come with me to a certain place as you explain these circumstances." Kenia said with smile as he waved her hands brushing off Xol comment then pointing at a direction.

Nodding Xol explained how his dormitory started nurturing their own alchemist and other side jobs to cut their contribution expenses and stop their descent in dormitory ranking. Kenia nodded and understood why they were focused in HP an MP potions ingredients and to help them grow healthy maintain most of their medical properties.

Talking for some time Xol soon saw they were in the East side of the dormitory area and soon started to hear a thud sound as if someone was throwing something.

Soon Xol could see girl throwing various knives at a target bull's eye. Recognizing the hair and dark skin Xol recognized it was Ena.

"She has been practicing her knife throwing technique ever since she lost to you. She still feels if she hadn't missed her throw, she had win against you." Kenia said while looking at Ena's effort.

"She plans to challenge you again once she improves this and various other things she came up in your tournament, she really had fun that day and I hope you can invite her again. Don't worry she not going to do a ranking battle like last time, she doesn't want to kick you out of top ten, but I wanted to show this so once she challenges you had also improved. I really hope you two can have a friendly rivalry and improve yourselves through it." Kenia said with smile.

"Don't worry I also wanted to keep inviting her to our tournament, but we aren't going to make another for some time, Marcel said until he finishes his new spells he wouldn't spar with us." Xol replied.

Having waited a bit so Ena finished, Xol went and greeted her. Ena was surprised by the visit which Kenia explained she brought Xol so he knows how hard she was working and he better prepare to give a good fight. Having chatted a little Ena showed her dormitory that was close by.

The dormitory had a different architecture than Xol's, instead of a straight-line building with a patio next by the had their dormitory room circling the patio in a 'n' shaped pattern. Though Ena called it a patio Xol saw it more like a sparring area, as there were three arenas in it. Taking note of it Xol realized he would have to visit every dormitory in the future as he though every dormitory would be the same.

Kenia explained that each dormitory could have different architectural designs based on when they were built, so they could be various differences apart from the facilities they could build, like the workshops Xol's dormitory were building. Their could also be difference in the terrain do student testing their spells or even have lake for the water and ice attunement training.

Having finished the tour Xol returned to his dormitory room and was greeted by Kingo who had finished upgrading Xol armor.

[Name: Xol

Race: Human

Titles: Pure Mana Blessed

Level: 10

Class: Apprentice

HP: 1,050 /1,050

MP: 2,000/2,000

STR: 14 (+10)

DEF: 11 (+20)

VIT: 80 (+25)

AGI: 20 (+30)

DEX: 16 (+35)

INT: 165 (+45)

Unassigned Points: 0]

Except for his boots and hunting knife all the equipment was of the highest quality for blue equipment.

"So how is it, you like it?" Kingo said once Xol finished equipping it and switched the equipment to invisible in the system, with the exception the boots and the hunting knife, which Xol liked how they looked. Plus, due the characteristics of the knife it couldn't be turned invisible.

"It's really nice, I can move more freely than when I got them." Xol replied as he stretched.

"Good, don't forget to always leave the disguise ring on the knife, though its stats are pretty low for a Yellow grade item, if someone see the fire mending skill or the grade they could get greedy. Remember I'm only lending you the disguise ring while I'm in the academy as it's a memento from a childhood friend." Kingo said as he pointed to the hunting knife.

"I understand but are you really sure I can have it for the time being." Xol said once he turned the option of daily wear in the equipment screen, which stored the armor in a separate inventory so he didn't have to feel the armor equipped constantly. He just had to turn it off and he armor would be equipped in their corresponding slot.

"Yeah, currently I don't have an equipment that I need to disguise, beside she wouldn't mind if I lend it to a friend that really need it as long as he returns it." Kingo said remembering the girl that made the ring with a smile.

"Oh, I see" Xol nodded. "Don't worry I'll take proper care of it and try to find another one before you graduate."

Xol continued talking with Kingo about the various things that happened in the dormitory, apparently, they had already be 9 person who became beast hunters including Xol. The blacksmith had leveled a lot thanks for the hunting knives which improve their success rate at upgrading and repairing armor.

Kingo explained Henley was training constantly to seek trouble with him, though teacher Aidan was pretty angry with his attitude and lectured him not to cause trouble and seemed to calm down, Kingo still kept feeling Henley ignored the warning as every time Teacher Aidan and Henley returned from eating he seemed pretty pissed at having to ask for teacher Aidan to paid his food expenses do him not being able to get more contributions for two months.

Marcel and Richter arrived some time later and joined the chat at what they being up to, Richter had be a little more focused in alchemy this days as he intended to make certain pills from his past life to help his cultivation but, he didn't told this part and wasn't really sure if he could pull his plan. Marcel said he did pretty good in the team trials but declined joining any team as he only wanted to test himself, plus he still wanted to make a team with his roommates and other friends so he joined the farmer group and elected the alchemy team.

Kingo offered to make a hunting knife for him which he accepted, Marcel further said he only use the knife for bosses or other monsters with decent loot and use a lower quality to get the side job so Kingo could focus on getting his sword intent skill, which Kingo kindly thanked. Chatting for some more they went to sleep.

At the next day Xol went to the dungeon in the morning to get more monster drop and restock his contributions after exchanging them. Once inside Xol got a crystallized earth element from a elemental salamander, which he wondered if teacher Izuriel would catalogue it as interesting to exchange for contributions.

Going to Izuriel office, Izuriel thanked Xol as this could really help him in his investigation, he explained not all crystallized elements obtained from monster were useful to upgrade an attunement due the monster strength. Xol asked if the drops from the blue fire winged lioness would count as interesting as he still had some leftovers from the forging of the hunting knife.

Seeing the description Izuriel did found it interesting and took one of the two drops of blood that remained, a feathers and a bone. Seeing the contributions in his academy ring, Xol eyes widened as he had only exchanged four items, but his contributions skyrocketed.

Contributions on ring: 200 -> 15,700.

Xol also show the lion drops, which Izuriel also took a liking, he cut a small part of the fur and took one of every other drop except for the core which he recommended Xol to hang on in to make an accessory or other tool, he also said it would be highly beneficial if someday he study fire attunement from Aidan. Lastly Xol showed the Yuan Life Mammoth Meat he got helping Smith when he exited the academy last time, Izuriel declined as he had already examined those drops in the past, though he did ask how Xol got it. Xol explained how he helped Smith when he went to the city library.

Leaving the office with a smile from his contributions tripling Xol went to exchange the rest of the drops for contributions and then headed to the front gate to exit the academy. With all taken care Xol went to the Crimson Coiling Dragon restaurant to see if now he could meet chef Hao.