WebNovelA Bad Guy23.33%

Chapter 7: The day has come

A Bad Guy

Chapter 7: The day has come

In this 1 year Ken Kai has noticed various things, like when the village chief go out, how much time he spend outside, at what time the village people are busy and much more stuff.

But still he didn't get to see that perfect moment.

He still waited and waited, hiding from the world, just so that no one would doubt on him.

Time passed by a day, week and months.

It's not that Ken Kai just looked at the chief all day he also practiced and trained his body. Now he is enough strong that he can make the hole tree shake with his fist or leg strike, or he can blow the tree away with his 'Ki'.

During his practice he come to know that 'Ki' is not like other energy which is limited but it is vast and can be used again and again, only limit is how long can your body hold up, as the ki will be controlled and moved using the body as a medium.

Thus Ken Kai tried best to make his body as strong as possible. He carried rocks and then moved here and there. Also while carrying heavy stones or rocks he threw punches, the rocks made the hand so heavy that it was even hard to move or lift.

Day by day he trained and trained.

Surely, he didn't just train, with the passing time, he also thought of ways to torture the chief, after all he has waited for more than 1 year and killing him in a second won't be fun. With that in mind Ken Kai also searched for poisonous stuff and snakes also.

Finally the day came…

It was the perfect moment. The village chief was taking a stroll around the village and right now it was evening, and all the people are finishing their work meaning they are much focused right now.

Right now there is no one around the streets.

Ken Kai couldn't just jump in and take him; he wanted the chief to at least come near the forest area, so he could strike at that time.

The village chief walked while stretching his body, each time he moved Ken Kai also moved with him and when he stops he also stops.

Slowly-slowly time passed and the chief stroll around the village.

Finally he was taking a small road, which stick with the forest and the end of the road was nearest to the forest.

He walked and walked, slowly-slowly reaching the end of the road.

As for Ken Kai, his breathing started to increase, his hands were starting to shake but his eyes were full of flames.

Ken Kai took the rope which he found in the forest and get ready to strike.

The village chief reached the end of the road, and now he was turning back.




The moment chief turned and show his back to Ken Kai, it the end.

Ken Kai, threw the rope around Village Chief neck, and strangled it as tightly as possible so he won't be able to make any noise. And with that Ken Kai also attacked with a stone on his head.

The chief fell down on his face, he was not dead but he will be soon.

Ken Kai then dragged the body to the forest…

Village Chief POV-

Chief: *while stretching* haaa… such a nice evening perfect for a walk.

The chief started to stroll around the village, in his walk he noticed that there were not many people around…

Chief: What the hell is this… there is no person around? Hahaha… feels like I am in a ghost village…

The chief didn't mind the situation and kept on walking… During his walk he also felt like someone is watching him but when he looked around there was no one around…

He kept on walking, and when he reached the end of the road he felt a sharp chill on his back…

Chief: Whoooow… what the hell is this felling… Let's just go back, I am not feeling well.

But the moment he turned, he felt something falling on him, and that thing wrapped around his neck, making him unable to speak.

The chief thought, "Fuck, Just who the hell is messing with me?!!!!"

But before he could turn to see who it was, he felt something on his head and then darkness fall around him.

And that he felt like someone is holding his legs and while holding legs he was dragging him…

The village chief could only feel right now and do nothing, why? Because only darkness were around his eyes…

He was unconscious

After a few minutes passed

The chief started gaining his conscious and but he felt like his body was tied to something, as he couldn't move.

Soon the chief open his eyes, and then he saw that his chest, legs and his left hand were tied to the tree.

Chief: what the??? Who is it?!!! Release me now!!!

The chief struggled but couldn't escape and then he heard something… a very familiar voice

?: Why so hurry??? At least let's have some fun…