WebNovelA Bad Guy20.00%

Chapter 6: I will wait…

A Bad Guy

Chapter 6: I will wait…

When Ken Kai reaches the house he saw village chief.

The chief put on a smile on his face and walked towards him. Then after reaching near him, he put his hand on his shoulder and talked.

Chief: I heard about you mother, it was bad. But don't be sad and don't worry, from now on you will live with us and I will pay you money to work at our house. OK?

The chief was smiling on Ken Kai.

Was it really a help? Did he really care for him? Surely we all know the truth.

Ken Kai didn't say anything and left the place and moved inside his house.

"Stupid trash, humph" the chief yelled in a deep voice and left the place.

Inside the house, it was dark. There was no light.

Ken Kai, still remembers the person who was responsible for his mother's death. So surely he wanted revenge but what can he do?

Soon time passed and the dawn came.

This whole night Ken Kai didn't, sleep or he couldn't sleep as whenever he tried sleeping he would again remember his mothers face and that scene where his mother was beaten.

When the light fall on his room, Ken Kai stood up and looked around. He was said, that in this house he will never see his mother. Tears again started falling from his eyes.

"Sorry mother, I have to leave this house. If I remain in this house, only sadness will bring to me and I can't get my revenge" Ken kai said while looking at the bed where his mother sleep last time.

Then a strong gust of wind blew…


"Huh? What? You don't want me to take revenge? Surely which mother would want their son to kill others, but Sorry, even if it makes you angry I will do it. After-all this is the only way I could face you when I die" Ken Kai said to himself.

Ken Kai thought that the gust of wind was none other than his mother, who came from heavens, because she knew what her son was going to do.

Ken Kai looked around and then saw a knife.

He took the knife and walked outside the house. Then one last time he looked back at the house and then he looked into the sky and said…

"Mother, I hope you are living in heavens like a queen, which I once dreamed off. Ordering all those angels around…hehehe… May be I will also meet you soon"

After that ken Kai ran towards the chiefs house.

But when he reached his house, he saw various people around him. He was laughing and talking with peoples.

"Can he really kill him?" ken Kai asked himself this question, again and again, which resulted in stooping his running legs.

He knew that he can't kill him. He is still a kid. Thus knowing his limits he run towards the forest and wait there.

He thought that there will come a day when the chief will be alone and at that time he will kill him. He waited and he waited but the day never came.

A week passed and still Ken Kai waited…

Finally he knew that the chief will never walk alone and even if he walk there will be people around him thus the only thing he could do was to forcefully throw people aside and then kill him. But

But can he do it? No, he doesn't have any strength. He is just a 10 year old kid with just a better physics, that's it.

Ken Kai understood one thing, he needs to be strong, Super strong enough to throw away every person who will come in his way when he will kill the chief.

With that in mind he moved deeper into the forest and then found a place to stay, which was a big tree.

And then started training himself. Day by day he made his training more and more intense.

Ken Kai didn't know how to do cultivation but one thing he knows was his "Ki", a gift by a god.

Ken kai killed every animal which he saw and cooked them in fire and then eat them. For water he go to the village in deep night so no one could see him and all of them think that he has left the place.

Sometime ken kai's hand got bruises and sometime he felt like his bone are cracked but he never let it bring him down. He knew his bodies limit, thus he never tried to do something which could result in something dangerous.

He also practiced his 'Ki', all he had to do is close his eyes and focus on his body and meridians. It was hard but still he managed to control it and then trained more hard to increase his body strength and also the level of ki he could release.

He killed animals and eats them, sometime raw also and kept practicing.

Sometime he also ate poisonous stuff or get bite by a snake, which resulted him, almost dying, but whenever he thought of dying, he saw his mother's face, whenever he closed eyes, he saw that chief's face. And thus even at his death bed, he never lose hope and walked.

The past never let him close his eyes, thus each day he go near the village to see the chief, waiting for that day.

He waited and waited, soon a week passed and then a month and then a year…

But Ken Kai waited…