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Chapter 12: Want to learn?

A Bad Guy

Chapter 12: Want to learn?

After eating food Ken Kai, wrapped the remaining food in cloths as they he don't know when next time will they be able to eat or not.

After this he started doing his every night training, as for the kids they were full of energy as they still felt like it was a dream, they were finally free from there horror.

They were also watching Ken Kai training, as he threw punches on trees and how the tree shook with the punch.

Susan out of the 3 kids, was the one who paid the highest attention to Ken Kai's training.

Ken Kai: Want to learn? *to susan*

Susan: Can I?

Ken Kai: I am not an experienced person, so what I am doing is just instincts nothing else. Its up to you weather you want to learn it or not..

Susan: No, I will learn

With this Susan joined the training session and seeing this Chika and Hana also joined.

While training Hana asked, "Big Brother Kai, are you a cultivator?"

Ken kai: No

Susan: Then how were you so strong, during your fight with those bad people?

Ken Kai: because I am strong…

It was simple but also accurate. Ken Kai was strong, and all 3 kids knew but this was not the answer Hana was searching.

Ken Kai: Do you know about cultivators?

Susan: Yes, I know. My dad was one, but died during a battle.

Ken kai: Sorry…

Susan: Hmm… it's ok. I am a strong girl

Hana was surely a strong girl, as she was the smallest among all kids but still she was brimming with confidence. Also while talking more with Hana, Ken Kai got to know that she was a noble, but after her father's death, her uncle took over all estates and sold her.

But she was ok, as she was happy to meet Ken Kai. She was also the one among all kids, with vast knowledge about cultivation and the world.

She told that the world the live is a simple mortal world, where there are no cultivation as the cultivators live in a different realm, called United Immortal Realm.

She also told about various sect, which she heard from her father and also told that the world they are living has very low essence, which doesn't allow us all to have much progress or cultivate. Thus whenever there is a sect open for admission, lots of people try hoping to get a chance and live the life of an immortal.

She also told, how to adept our body to cultivation and also, about the spirit stones which are rare in this world as it is full of spirit essence which help the body to break the mortal realm and finally step into the path of cultivation.

She told them that 1 spirit stone cost 10,000 gold coins. And there were also different types of spirit stone which she had only heard.

These all information opened a new world to Ken kai. He now knew what he has to do.

Thus after ending the training they slept and again in the morning the continued there journey.

There daily routine was like this, travel in the morning and train in the night. Also, they only eat one time a day as they didn't have proper food resource; also sometime they eat a little bit on the day if they get anything from passerby.

Time passed by, Ken Kai and his small team moved from one place to another, also they bought a few new clothes and a bag from the money they got form those group of people.

Also, after a week passed by, Ken kai thought to learn the sword. He did ask Hana if she knew about anything how to cultivate or fight, in which she response that they have to use spirit stone first to break the mortal boundary and then only they could cultivate, as for fighting, she don't know.

Ken Kai was ok with that answer, and knew that if he really wants to be an immortal, he has to get his hands on spirit stones but, 10,000 for just one? He has a long way to go.

Ken Kai didn't want to rush anything, so he just stood with his daily practice and also learned how to use sword.

From one town to another, they traveled and traveled, sometime they eat or sometime they don't. Sometime they walk on road and sleep at the side of the road or sometime they walk through forest.

As time passed by, Susan, Chika and Hana both started to gain there rich colors, as they were no more mal-nourished. They also learned how to hunt and skin the beast.

Ken kai also thought them, what to eat or what not, also he told that if something is leaking something white color liquid when tore or beaked or if something is highly shining, weather its animal or plant, there is a 99% chance that they are poisonous.

He thought them how to survive in forest with his own experiments during his own time in the forest while waiting for revenge.

Time passed by a week and then months. Finally 3 year passed by.

The kids, who were skinny and were scared all time, now hold the snake with their bared hand and tore apart there head and body like playing they are holding soft toys.

They have grown up, in confidence and in fighting skills and the same goes for our Ken Kai.