WebNovelA Bad Guy43.33%

Chapter 13: they are animals only

A Bad Guy

Chapter 13: they are animals only

In the forest, there are 4 people, 3 of them are attacking at one person.





"You all have improved a lot"

"Its all thanks you Big Brother kai"

"Me, hahaha, no, it's your hard work"

These 4 people are none other that, Ken kai, Susan, Chika and Hana. All of them are now grown up and look lot stronger than before.

Ken Kai, Age-15

Susan Aoki, Age-13, her fighting style is dual sword

Chika Hanada, Age-13, her fighting style is single sword

Hana Fujiwara, Age-12, she also love single sword fighting style

In the span of 3 years they have learned a lot and improved a lot. They are now healthy and are strong. All 3 girls know how to use sword properly, as for Ken Kai, he also knows it but he rarely uses it.

Ken kai has improved a lot and can now finally control his Ki and can use it however he want, only limit is how far his body can hold it. Also, he has made many moves; most of them are named from webtoons from his previous world.

After ending their morning light battle they continued to travel.

Today they are in a deserted type town, there are people but the place doesn't give any town like feeling, the place was more like bandits gathering.

All the people around had and evil smile when they entered the town, especially girls, they felt weird gazes on them.

Hana: Big Brother, I think this place is not good, let's go out.

Ken kai: Nope, I think this place is good. I do agree that this place is bad but I think it will be good for you girls.

All 3 girls: Ha?!!!

Ken Kai: What? Are you feeling weak? After all those training, now you are scared… Let me tell you one thing, if you get into trouble I won't be helping you

Chika: bu-

Ken kai: wait let me finish. I will help you, but I first want you all to be confident in yourself. Look around yourself. They all are bad peoples, (in his mind, 'hope there is no good guy') you can kill all of them, if you won't then they will kill you so, be ready.

With this he ended the talk, The girls were scared and they knew that Ken Kai will help them but what he said is also right. In this harsh world, if they won't have confidence in themselves they will surely die.

Susan was still composed, she felt what Ken kai said is true and was ready to kill anyone who would try to hurt her or them. With this she held her grip on the sword on her waist tightly.

The onlookers were still glancing at the girls and didn't care much about Ken Kai.

Ken Kai: If you are nervous, then just think them as a wolf or snake or whatever animal you like the most in hunting. Just imagine all these people as those animals…

Ken Kai said to the girls so they could get over there nervousness and fear.

Soon the girl took breath and then looked around themselves. They really started thinking all those peoples as animals, Susan thought them as a wolf meat, Chika thought them as boar meat and Hana thought them as Ugly rabbits which was so ugly that she wanted to kill them,

Soon Ken kai felt a thirst and rage behind his back. When he looked behind him, then he realized that he might have said something wrong.

At night-

The 3 girls took leave from the side of Ken Kai, as they wanted to do something and soon all of them entered behind a bush.

The town was full and didn't have any place to stay, so they thought to sleep in the stable.

Behind the bush, all 3 girls were done and when they were leaving suddenly something came on their face and then darkness fall around them

The people who attacked were some old geezers, while covering the face of girls with their hands, they were carrying a piece of clothes which were diluted with sleeping drugs, they smelled the girls and then carried them away.

Little did they know that there was someone standing a few meters away in the dark. It was Ken Kai, and his eyes were full of rage. And he followed the men's to their hideout.

The hide out was the biggest building in the town, It was like a small mansion.

Inside mansion-

The 3 girls were thrown into one room, they hand bind their hands behind their back with rope and taken the sword they carrying.

When they were thrown, Susan, Chika and Hana all of them were awaked and the biggest thing, rather than being scared they were angry.

Chika: I will kill that fucker…

Hana: If they wanted to kidnap, at least they had kidnapped me in the morning so that I could spend my night with brother Kai. Jeez, I want to kill them

As for Susan, she was so much angry that she didn't know what to say.

In the past 3 year, ken kai, had been always together with them, which led all 3 girls to have an extreme addiction of Ken kai. They were in Yandre mod.

Outside the mansion, Ken Kai, was now all worried and ready to attack the place. Surely he didn't know that the 3 girls he think cute, are not just cute.