Chapter 2

All 4 of us enter and look around in wonder.

"This place is astounding. You use to live here Hana," Sakura says while looking around.

"I did, but I was too young to remember much about this place, "I say while taking my shoes off at the front door. Sophia, Aiden, and Sakura take their shoes off as well.

"Hana, Sakura. Welcome," the older Sakura says while walking towards us. Aiden, Sakura, and I all bow to the older Sakura.

"Thank you for having us, "we all say to her.

"There's no need for that. You're always welcome here," she says while giving us all hugs.

"Oh, Hana this is my husband Sai," I no say while walking from behind a wall. A pale man with black hair wearing a crop top follows behind Ino.

"Nice to meet you, sir," We all say to Sai.

"Nice yo meet you as well," he says backs.

"Daaad. Boruto taking my paintbrushes again," a young voice yells from somewhere in front of us. Sai and Ino whitened. Ino breathed and Sai groaned.

"I'll go check on him, "Ino says while heading towards the voice.

"That was just our son Inojin. So what rank ninja are you?" Sai asks

"Sakura and I are ANBU rank Ninja, "I say boastfully.

"I am a Chubu rank ninja but I stopped to help Naruto before the war," Sai says. Sakura and I make an oh face and nod along.

"Ah, Hana, Sakura. Nice seeing you here," a voice says. Outcomes Naruto the 7th Hokage.

"Good evening Lord Naruto," Sakura and I say bowing to him. Sophia and Aiden shake his hand instead of bowing. Sai, Naruto, Sophia, and Aiden start talking about boring old people stuff.

"Hey Kura wanna ditch the old folks and make some new friends, "I whisper to Sakura. She nods and we slowly back away. We run away laughing and look around for some people to meet. We see some kids talking over in the living room sections and deiced to walk over.

"Hi, I'm Hana, this is Sakura. Mind if we hang out with you guys?" I ask while greeting them. A kid who looks exactly like Rock Lee nods and we sit down on the couch.

"Hello, ladies I'm Metal. Rock Lee's kid," Metal says with a charming smile just like his father. I laugh.

"Nice to meet you Metal. So, wo are your friends here?′ I ask while shaking his hand. Aww, he's so cute. Everyone else introduced themselves but one. He was blond and has whiskers just like Naruto. he must be his son.

"You must be Lord Hokage son, Boruto," Sakura says while looking him over. He nods and rolls his eyes.

"Wait, aren't you two ANBU cus I've seen you around before," he says. The rest of the group gasp.

"wait, you guys are ANBU. Wow, that's cool," Metal says in wonder.

"Yes, we are ANBU. Also, Shikadi stop bothering Sarada," Sakura says while grinning at us but glaring at Shikadi.

" How do you know him, lady," Boruto says roughly at us.

"Firstly, I'm his cousin, and secondly, watch your tone," Sakura says while glaring at him with her mean eye. I shudder, I haven't seen that glare since Addison.

"Excuse me, miss, Hana is it true that you're an Uchiha?"Sadara asks me.

"I am an Uchiha. So are my brother and sister. I think that would make me your older cousin, "I say while grinning to lighten the mood. She gaps.

"I've always wanted an older girl cousin," she says looking so happy I laugh and she hugs me.

"Do you think you could train me when you have time Hana?" she asks while looking up at me. She still has to look up at me even if am sitting down.

"I would love to train you Sadara but we have to ask your parents first," says while beaming brightly.

"Hey, guys foods ready. Hana hanging out with a bunch of 12 year-olds," Aiden says while walking towards us.

"First of all your the one who wears clothes from when he was a kid and second of all, we're coming," I say while getting up and helping Sakura and Sadara up. He scoffs and walks away. I roll my eyes and follow after him. We enter the dining room and sit down. My knees bump the table when I sit down.

"Did you want another chair Honey?" the older Sakura says from a couple of seats down.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," I say while looking down. Aiden snickers to the left of me. I elbow him in the ribs and start eating.

"Mama, Papa guess what?"Sarada says looking at her parents.

"What is it, honey?"Sakura asks. Both her and Sasuke are looking at her.

"Hana said she would train me when she has time," she says cheerfully. Sakura and Sasuke look at me in shock.

"You said you train her?"Sakura says. I giggle and nod.

"I would love to train her. It would be like having a little sister," I say smiling. Even Sophia looks shocked.

"So can she train me pretty please?"Sarada asks giving her parents puppy dog eyes.

"Of course she can," Sakura says. Sarada squeals and starts eating. I laugh and continue eating. While waiting there was quick knocking on the door. Sasuke gets up to go check to see who it was.

"Did you invite anyone else Sakura?"Sasuke asks. Sakura shakes her head no. He walks down the hallway to the front door. We hear some talking at the front door.

"Naruto, it's for you," Sasuke yells. Naruto gets up and heads to the front door.

"Hana, Sakura I need you here now" Naruto yells. Sakura and I get up and head towards them. Sakura gasp when we get there. There stood Tiffany all beat up and bloody. I grab one side and Sakura grabs the other.

"Where do we put her?" I ask.

" Put her on the couch. I'll get Sakura," Sasuke says while heading to the dining room. He returns quickly with Sakura following behind him. Sakura steps towards Tiffany and we back up. Sakura starts to heal her and I start pacing.

"So, can you tell us what happen Tiffany?" Sakura asks once she starts to wake up.

"It was a girl. Tall, blond, she had a scar on her lip," Tiffany says. Sakura and I gasp.

"Could it be Addison, Hanie?" Sakura asks me looking scared.

"I don't know Kura but if it is we'll be ready," I say squeezing her hand.

"Wait, who's Addison?"Naruto asks. Sasuke and the older Sakura look interested as well.

"She's an old friend of ours from when we were younger. She left and went rouge when we were 15," I explain to them.

"So, you think she might be back?"Naruto asks. I nod and look at Tiffany.

"Is there anything else you remember?"I ask. She shakes her head no and starts to fall asleep. She's hiding something I know she is. Sasuke carries her up to a room for her to rest.

"She can stay here for now. Why don't you two head back to dinner," Sakura says. We nod and go back to the dining room. Everyone looks at us when we enter.

"Is everything all right, Hana?" Sophia asks as we sit down.

"Yes, everything okay, "I replay. Everyone relaxes once I say that. We eat in silence with the occasional laughter of the kids. We finish eating and everyone gets ready to leave. Before Sohpia, Aiden, Sakura, and I could leave someone calls my name.

" Wait, Hana. Wait for us," a voice says. I turn around and see Sarada, Mitsuki, Shikadi, Inojin, and Metal running towards me.

"Yes. Is there something you need?" I ask them once they reach me.

"We wanted to know ... if you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Inojin asks out of breath.

"I would love to hang out with you guys," I say smiling. The kid's cheer.

"Can you meet us at Ramen Ichiraku at noon?" Metal asks. I nod and wave at them. I walk out with Sophia, Aiden, Sakura behind me. We walk Sakura back to her house and head home. Aiden goes back to his house once we get home safely. Sophia says goodnight and heads to her room. I hop in the shower and get this creepy feeling that someone watching me. I get out and wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on pj's and hop in the bed and fall asleep.

Someone is shaking me awake and they're doing it very harshly.

"wakey wakey Hana, "the person says. I shot straight up. I remember that voice.

"Addison," I gasp out. There she stood with her blond hair hanging behind her.

"Hiya, besite. You miss me," she says with a sickly sweet voice. I reach for my kunai but her hand stops me.

"Be a good girl and listen," she says while putting a finger to my lips. I nod and she sits down on my bed.

"I have a message for you. You're going to tell the Hokage that if he doesn't send you and Sakura to Suna No Kuni tomorrow with the kazekage he'll have a little surprise," she says. I nod and she gets up.

"See you around Hanie," she says. Then she hops out my window. I struggle to fall back asleep but I do after a while. My alarm clock wakes me up this day. I get up and et dresses. I brush my teeth and head to Sophia's door. She's still sleeping in bed while I walk over and sit down.

"Good morning Sophia," I say. I kiss her forehead and head to the Hokage's Tower. I walk in and flash my ID and head to the top floor. I knock on the door and Shikamaru opens the door.

"How can I help you Hana?" he asks.

"I need to speak to the Hokage," I say. He looks confused ut lets me in. I walk up to Naruto's desk and bow.

" Sorry to interrupt you lord Hokage but I have a message for you," I say slowly getting up.

"It's fine Hana. Who is the message from?" he asks.

"The message is from Addison. She said that if you don't send Sakura and me to Suna No Kuni today with the kazekage there be a little surprise for you," I say looking at I'm dead in the eye. He nods and calls Shikamaru in.

"Can you tell Sakura to pack and go to the gate please?" he asks Shikamaru.

"Hana cancel all your plans today. You're going to Suna No Kuni," he says. I nod and leave to pack.