Chapter 3

I meet Gaara and Sakura at the gate with my stuff. Sakura hugs me and we hop on the carriage.

"So, Hana what happened. Shikamaru only told me to pack and go to the gate?" Sakura asks. Gaara looks interested as well.

"It's not important okay," I say while pulling out a book to read. Sakura huffs and looks out the window. Gaara sighs and closes his eyes. A few hours later we arrive at Suna No Kuni. I poke Gaara and we get out of the carriage. The hot sun is blaring down on us which is making Sakura and sweat like a pig. We arrive at the gat and 2 people are waiting for us.

"Gaara, who are these two?" a man says while pointing at us.

"Did no one tell you pointing is rude," I say snapping at him.

"This is Hana and Sakura. They'll be staying with us for a little while," Gaara explains. The guy nods and reaches to shake our hands.

"Sorry about earlier. I'm Kankuro and the little guy is Shinki," Kankuro says. Sakura shakes his hand and waves at Shinki. I ignore his hand and wave to Shinki as well.

"Who's kid is he?" I ask. I don't see any other adults around.

"He's my adopted son," Garra says. I nod and we head into the village. People point and whisper about Sakura and me as we walk. I growl when one of them gets to close. We arrive at a building similar to the Hokage's tower back at home. We enter and Sakura and I have to show them our ID's. We head to Gaar's office and he starts a report of his mission. Shinki goes to play with toys in the corner and Sakura joins him. I sit down on a couch and start off where left in my book. Kankuro sits down next to me but I ignore him. A few hours past and someone pokes my arm.

"Yes, Sakura?" I ask.

"Shinki and I are hungry. Can you get us some food?" she asks.

"You have money and legs as well Sakura," I say eyes peeking over my book.

"But can you go with us. It will be fun I promise," she says. I groan.

"Fine, I'll go with you," I say. They cheer and grab their stuff. I grab my weapons and wallet and head to the door. Sakura and Shinki head to the door as well. Before we leave I turn around.

"We'll be back soon ok," I say to Gaara and Kankuro. They nod and we head out. We enter the village and Shinki drags us to his sushi place about a mile away.

"I'm shocked that this place has a sushi bar," Sakura says as we enter. The place is pretty empty except for a group of teens. We head to the counter to order our food.

"What do you guys want?" I ask while looking at the menu.

"We'll have a shared tuna roll please," Sakura says. The worker nods and makes their food.

" I'll have a spicy tuna roll with extra spice please," I say. Another worker gets started. It takes about 5 minutes to make our food. It takes about 5 minutes to make our food. I grab it and thank the workers. I head to where they're waiting for me.

"Here you go, "I say while handing them their food.

"Thank you," they both chime. I wave my hand it's fine. We eat for a little until Shinki asks me a question.

"Are you and Sakura dating?" he asks. Sakura blushes and I chock on my sushi. Sakura pats my back as I slowly gain my breath back.

"No, we're not dating. Why would you think that?" I ask him. He shrugs and keeps eating.

"You guys just seem rea

ly close," he says.

"Well, listen, kid, we are not dating," I explain to him. He nods and we all keep eating. We finish about 20 minutes later and I pay for the food even the is though Sakura was supposed to pay. We head out and go back to there tower. This time we don't have to flash our IDs. We head up to the top floor and walk into Gaara's office. To our shock, Konohamaru is there talking to Gaara and Kankuro.

"Hana, thank goodness you're here, "Konohamaru says panicked.

"what's wrong? Did something happen to Sophia, Aiden, the twins?"I ask.

"It was Naruto's family. They were attacked and a note was left for you and Sakura," he says. He hands us a piece of paper with a Jutsu seal. I undo the seal and open it.

dear Hanaie and Kura,

it's Addison. sorry not sorry for hurting his family. If you want answers meet me at our spot at 5.

-love addi

I growl and crumpled up the paper and throw it out.

"What time is it?" I say. Sakura checks the clock above Gaara's desk.

"It's a 4:54. Why do you ask?" she tells me.

"Because I'm going to get answers, "I tell her. I grab my kunai and walk to the door. Sakura grabs my arm.

"Hana wait, you can't go alone. We don't know how strong she is," she says.

"I'm fine alone okay, "I growl out.

"No please at least take me and Konohamaru with you," she pleads.

"No, I'm not putting you guys in trouble," I say. Konohamaru walks forward and puts a hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"How about I go with you and Sakura stays behind," he says.

"Fine, you can come with me," I say. I open the door Konohamaru follows after me. We teleport back to Konoha No Kuni. We walk to a garden very far from the rest of the village. Addison sits on the bench tossing a kunai in the air and catching it.

"What happened to Sakura, Hanie?" she asks.

"I didn't let her come," I tell her.

"Aww why not I haven't seen her in person in forever," she says smiling.

"You really think I'm going to let you near her. Now tell us why you attacked them. He sent us to Suna as you wanted," I say.

" I know but do I look like a person who keeps promises," she says. I growl and throw a kunai at her chest. She disappears and appears with a kunai at Konohamaru's neck.

"Hey put that kunai down and back away from him," Igrowl out. She giggles and disappers.

"I'm all bored , let's play another game," she says. She leaps in the air and her long blond hair flows behind her. She thorws 3 shuriken at us. Konohamaru dodges in time but one of them hits my right arm. A couple strands of my hair falls to the ground.

"Hana, are you okay?" Konohamaru yells. Addison laughs and throws more shuriken at us.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" I groan out clucthing my right arm. I grab 3 of my kunais and throw them at her.

"Fire Style! Blaze of Glory,"I shout out pushing throw the pain. I aim at Addison and she falls to the ground. I get up slowly and walk over to her. I gesture for Konohamaru to follow me. Just before we can check if she is alive smoke appers. Once the smoke dissappers there liesa tree log.

"Dang it she used the art of substitution," I say. I cluch my arm and look around . A piece of paper lays there on the bench. I walk over a pick it up and read it.

dear Hanie,

I'd love to stay for more but I've got plans later so I had to go. Hope your arm heals(not). Sorry not Sorry.

-love addi

I scoff and pass the bloody paper over to Konohamaru. He reads it over while trying not to touch the blood. He hands it back to me and starts to talk. Before a word can get out everything around me went black.

When I wake up harsh bright light blinds my eyes. I squit and look around.

"Hana, are you awake? Can you hear me?" a voice asks me. I turn my head and Sophia sitting down holding my hand. Her eyes hold concren for me.

"I'm good. Where am I?" I ask her.

"You're at the hosptial because you lost too much blood. What were you thinking?" she saysI shrug and look at my arm. A bandge wraps around my arm croving what I assume is a stitch.

"Is Konohamaru okay?" I ask her. I look out the window and it's alomost dark.

"He's okay. He's the one who brought you here," she says. The door opens and Sakura runs in out of breath.

"Are you okay Hana? I heard what happend," she says while walking to the bed. I giggle and open my arms.She hugs me tight.

"I'm fine, just a little stratch," I say. She sighs in relif and Konohamrua walks in.

"Good to see you awake. I told Lord Hokage what happend. He and the others are looking for her now," he tells me. I nod and slowly sit up on the bed.

"I need to use the bathroom," I say. Sophia and Sakura help me stand up. I walk out of the room and walk down the hall. I head to the bathroom and get out quickly. On the way back I hear voices at the front desk.I walk over and peek over the wall. It turns out the voices are Sakura, Sarada, and Sasuke talking to the lady at the front desk.Sarada looks over to my direction and gasp. She runs over and hugs my tight. I hug her back and Sakura and Sasuke walk over after talking to the lady.

"Oh, Hana I thought I never see you again," Sarada cries out in my stomach. I laugh and hug her back more.

"It takes more to bring me down," I tell her. Sakura gives me a side hug and Sasuke nods at me. The 4 of us walk back to my room. Sophia greets them and hugs Sakura and gives Sarada a kiss on the forehead.

"Is your blood level even now Hana?" the older Sakura asks me. I shrug and hop on the bed.

"I think it's fine but the docter hasn't said anything yet,"I tell her. She nods and they all sit down. We all talk for a while about random stuff. A nurse and doctor walk in . We all hush up and listen.

"Good news, your blood evel is normal and healthy. She can leave today, just don't forget to take your meds,"the docter says smiling. We cheer and I go to change clothes. Once I've changed we head to the front of the building.

"Mama can I spend the night with Hana and Sakura tonight?" Sarada asks.

"Sure you can honey," Sakura says. She giggles and runs towards us. We laugh and head out.

"Bye girls stay safe,"Sohpia says. We nods and head to Sakura's place. As we walk in to Sakura's place Sarada is basicly boncing while walking.

"Why are you so exticed?" I ask her.

"This is my frist time being away from my parents for a whole night," she says. We laugh and head to the living room. Sakura walks over to a closet door and opens it as Sarada and I sit on the couch.

"You guys wanna play some games?" Sakura asks. We nod and she brings some games over for us to play.