Chapter 4

After a long night of playing games and eating we all get ready for bed. We give Sarada the guest room and Sakura and I share a bed. After telling Sarada goodnight we head to Sakura's room. I walk over to her drawers and grab a pair of shorts and tank-top. Sakura lays on the bed while I get changed in the bathroom.

"Are you going to change Sakura?" I ask her while walking to the bed. She groans and gets out of bed. She grabs a t-shirt and short and heads to the bathroom. I laugh and hop in the bed. I get comfy on the left side on the bed and slowly start to fall asleep.

"Hana, when do you have to take your meds?" Sakura asks me while walking out the bathroom.

"The doctor said I have to take them when I wake up," I tell her. She nods and gets in the bed.

"Goodnight Hana," she says as she gets comfy.

"Goodnight Sakura," I say back as sleep slowly takes over me. I open my eyes to see complete darkness. I slowly get out of the bed and walk around.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I call out searching for any sign of light.I hear giggling from behind me and I turn around ready for an attack. Instead something or someone tackles me to the ground. I groan out and try to flip myself over but this thing is holding me to hard.

"Not yet Hana. We're still waiting for the main guest," the person above says. I gasp in shock. I know that voice. It's Tiffany.

"Tiffany, why are you here? Is someone making you do this?" I ask her while still trying to get out of her grip.

"Would you stop trying to get out? You're hurting my hands," She says while griping my arms harder.

"You can let her go now Tiff," a voice from behind us says. Tiffany lets go of my arms and walks over to the voice. I get up and turn around and to my surprise (not really) it was Addison.

"What do you want now Addison?" I ask her while rubbing my arms where Tiffany was gripping them.

"I'm hurt Hana. Why would you think I want something? Aren't we friends?" she says while putting a hand on her heart acting hurt.

"Please Addison make this quick. I have things to do tomorrow," I say while tapping my foot. She sighs and walks towards me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eye.

"Hana, I don't want to do this but I have to. In 5 days there will be an attack on the village. You and 2 others can stop us but it won't be easy. Here's something that might help you," she says while putting an Akatsuki ring in my hand. I roll it around in my hand and put it on my left ring finger.

"Why are you telling me this?" I look at her.

"I'm being force to do the attack but I want you to stop us. You only have five days. Don't waste them," she tells me. I nod and give her a hug.

"I'll help in anyway I can . I promise ," I tell her. She nods and pushes me backwards. I wake up back in Sakura's bedroom and it's already morning. Sakura walks in holding my meds and a glass of water.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" she says while handing me my meds and water.

"Thank you,wheres Sarada?" I ask her after taking a pill with the water.

"She's in the kitchen eating breakfast still why?" she replies.

"I'll get dressed and drop her off at her house. I need to go to the Hokage's tower," I tell her. She nods and goes to check on Sarada. I get up and head to the bathroom. I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. I hop out and put on some clothes and head to the kitchen.

"Why do I have to leave early Hana?" Sarada ask me. I grab an apple from the counter and put on my shoes.

"Something that I'll tell you when your older," I replie. She whines and puts her shoes on.She goes over and hugs Sakura and say goodbye. She grabs my hand and we head out. It doesn't take long to get to her home.I knock on the front door and Sasuke opens the door.

"Hello Sasuke. I'm here to drop off Sarada,"I tell him. Sarada gives her father a hug and walks in the house. I bow to Sasuke and leave to head to the Hokage's office. I enter and go to the mission room. I open the door and Yuuto Bokusa is standing there looking at the mission board.

"Hey, Yuuto would you wanna help me with something?" I ask him. He turns around with his sea green eyes shinning in the sunlight and blond hair with a blue streak. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Yeah, sure I would love to. When are you leaving?" he asks me.

"You, Sakura and I will be leaving tonight at midnight. Go home and pack what you need and meet us at the village gates" I tell him. He nods and we walk out together. We go our different ways and I head to Sakura's house again. I walk in and find Sakura reading on the couch.

"Pack your bags , we're leaving," I tell her as I walk to grab some supplies for our trip. As I walk to the kitchen to get food for our trip Sakura grabs my arm.

"Wait, Hana where are we going," she asks me.

"We are going on a mission,that could save our home," I tell her. She lets go of my arm and I keep packing.

"What do you mean to save our home?" she mutters. I tell her what Addison told me in my dream and showed her the ring.

"Hana, why am I now finding this out? Who else knows? Have you told Lord Hokage yet? " she ask me looking me dead in the eye.

" I didn't know how you would react. No one but us and well maybe Yuuto. No I haven't told Lord Hokage and I won't," I tell her. She looks at me like I'm crazy which is a look I don't get often.

" Why haven't you told the Hokage yet and why does Yuuto know?" she almost yells at me.

" If I tell the Hokage he'll try and arrest Addison. I don't want to see my friend arrested because of me," I tell her. She looks at me with disbelief in her eyes.

" Please Sakura, just help her this one time and you can go back to hating her as soon this is all over," I ask her. She sighs and nods.

" I'll help her but only this one time, okay" she says. I cheer gleefully and hug her. She hugs me back and helps me pack. It's only 7pm so we rested for a while until we had to leave. We finish packing and head to bed for a while.. We wake up around 11:30 pm and shower, make sure we have everything we need to leave. We get everything and head to the gate. We hide from the gate guards and bump in to Yuuto.

" oh, you're early, guess we can leave now" I say. He shrugs and we sneak past the guards into the woods. When we get out of hear of them Yuuto starts asking questions.

" Is now a good time to ask where we're going" he asks me while running. We stop some where so I can explain. I look at the ring Addison give me and now relies it's the symbol of the village hidden in the sand.

" To the village hidden in the sand i guess" i tell them. They look confused and I show them my ring. They nod and we start running again. It's almost sunrise when we stop for resting. I take the first watch shift and let Sakura and Yuuto sleep for a while. 2 hours later it's my turn to sleep so Sakura takes watch and Yuuto scouts around. Yuuto wakes me up and we pack everything up and keep going.

" How do we even find where she is" Sakura ask me. Maybe her ring can locate the hideout.

" I don't know. Maybe her ring might attract it" I tell them. I twist the ring around my finger and look around. I feel the ring pulling my hand to the Northwest of us. I shrug and nod to the direction. We all nod and head to the direction.After running for a while the ring pulls towards two boulders

" Is this it" Yuuto asks. I look around to see if anyone is around.

" I guess, how would we even get in" I say. They both shrug and we hear rumbling and the two boulders slowly opening. We look at each other in shock and run to hide. 2 teenagers come out auguring about something. The 2 kids keep auguring and walk away from the 2 boulders that are somehow doors. We sneak in before the doors close. We look around in awe at the hideout. I walk around and just as I was about to turn the corner I hear to voices talking. I don't move in time and they turn the corner to face me.

Sakura and Yuuto yelp in shock and grab my arms to pull me backwards to them. The 2 teenagers look alarmed but the boy attacks first. He throws 3 kunai at Yuuto ,one of them traps him to the wall and the other 2 go above his head. Sakura goes to help set him free leaving me to face two very powerful ninjas's all alone. The girl who is a couple inches taller begins to chant something and I didn't stay around to find out.

Just before I could turn to Yuuto and Sakura the boy pulls a chain out and it wraps around my legs. I yelp as I fall to the floor. I groan out in pain as my head hits the cold, hard floor. Sakura gets Yuuto free but they can't reach me as I was being dragged by the boy towards them. Before we know it the hideout doors open and the two teenagers from earlier rushed in. The girl behind me finished chanting a while ago, that must be what she was doing.

The two at the door grabs Sakura and Yuuto before they can attack. The girl holding Sakura release some magic purple mist and everyone but Sakura, Yuuto and I cover their mouth and nose.We inhale the purple stuff and everything slowly start to fade away.