Ch 2 : Diagon Alley and Gringotts

"Can I help you Lad?" The man behind the bar asked Logan, leaning over the counter just to see him.

"Can you open the passage for me Tom?" Logan asked Tom, he was a bald man with slightly pointed ears and a giant hunch in his back, his clothes were also all black and looked strained against his deformity, "Alright'y lad, follow me." He said before awkwardly walking around from behind the bar and then to the back door, from there into a back alley, Logan followed behind him as he went to the back of the Leaky Cauldron.

Tom out pulled his wand from his sleeve and tapped four different bricks in a certain sequence, making the bricks fold and move around each other so that it opened up a passage to the famous magical street, Diagon Alley, and Logan took the opportunity to remember the sequence Tom just used to open the passage, replaying the memory in his head a couple times so it would stick, he didn't want to ask for help every time he came but hopefully by that point he would either have a house elf getting things for him or have a house elf apparate him to Diagon Alley.

"Thank you Tom." Logan said as he walked passed him into the Alley, Tom gave a small grunt in acknowledgement of the thanks and he then tapped the wall with his wand again, closing the passage back up the way it opened.

Logan kept walking past all the different witches and wizards in robes and pointed hats that were doing their daily shopping at the Market and shops on the alley, he walked directly to Gringotts, a building built on the corner of a fork in the alley with white columns going all the way to the top floor.

As he entered he got some looks for the muggle clothing that he was wearing and because of how young he was as he was without a guardian, he ignored them, walking directly up to the closest goblin, they looked like short men with sparse hair, wrinkles, claws and pointed ears, that wasn't dealing with someone, once he stopped in front of the very high desk he stopped and waited, looked straight at the goblin sitting there with an intense stare that spoke of a maturity that a boy his age shouldn't have, waiting to be called upon, he didn't want to start off on a bad foot by demanding the goblins attention.

Around a minute passed with Logan waiting, starring constantly at the goblin without breaking his almost dead serious expression, and he seemed to have passed the test because soon the goblin seemed to come to a natural pause in his work and leaned over the counter to stare back down at Logan, "What is it boy?" He asked gruffly, getting right down to business as wasted time was wasted money to goblins.

Logan didn't waste anytime either, he pulled the picture of his new father and mother from his worn coat pocket and held it up for the goblin to see, "A picture of my mother and father, I'd like you to read their names on the back, you should understand why I'm here after that." Logan said still holding it up, a second passed for the goblin to digest his words but he then discretely pulled out a wand and flicked it towards the picture, making it rush towards his other outstretched hand making it seem like it was wandless magic.

Logan could practically see the gears turning in the goblins head and a second later, "Follow me." The goblin then stood up and walked away from the counter, Logan quickly ran to catch up with him.

They went through a couple winding corridors and a couple different rooms as well, most likely to disorientate the person entering Gringotts and defend against theft, you can't steal something if you can't even find your way out of the building you're stealing it from.

They finally reached a door, completely the same as the others but the goblin knocked on the door this time and as if he got an answer he sends Logan in but not before handing back the picture he was given in the first place.

In the room there was a one very old and grumpy looking goblin behind a big solid wood desk with stacks upon stacks of paper and folders on top of it, in the room there was also are filling cabinets, most likely enchanted with expanding charms so it can hold more folders.

"I can assume you are the account manager of the black family or something along those lines?" Logan asked the goblin in front of him, he didn't wait for an answer and sat down in the seat directly in front of the desk.

"That is right, I am Snaggleclaw, I assume you have some proof of identity but I'll tell you now we will be doing a blood test regardless." The old goblin now known as Snaggleclaw said looking uninterested.

Logan handed over the picture once more, watching as he looked it over and read the names on the back as well tapping the picture once as well, most likely as diagnosis charm of some kind to check authenticity, "All things to be in order but to proceed I will need some of your blood in this bowl here." He said waving his wand that was hidden inside his sleeve and making an ornate bowl and short dagger appear on the desk.

Logan stood up and took the dagger in his right hand, putting it against the tip of one of his fingers and slicing it open slightly but not to deeply, holding his bleeding finger over the bowl and letting it freely bleed into it, once it had covered the bottom of the bowl with a thin layer Snaggleclaw gestured for him to stop and he also then waved his wand again, causing his cut to heal at a viable rate.

Once he had done that he returned his attention to the bowl now filled with Logan's blood, he cast some spells under his breath and added a couple powders he had taken out from somewhere and once that was done he unfurled a blank scroll on his desk, pouring the now black blood onto it, the blood seemed to move by it's self as if it was filling in gaps in a road, the gaps it filled in made a complete picture, of a family tree and at the top it said Black Family Tree.

"It seems that you are a Black, Mr. White." Snaggleclaw said as he tapped a name on the scroll with his clawed hand, "It's that irony at it's finest, a Black named White, hahahaha! Your farther definitely did that on purpose with how much he hated his family." Snaggleclaw seemed unable to hold in his laughter, Logan just let him stayed quite and let him laughter until it had run its course, but it was strange for him to witness a goblin laugh, a being so well known for there greed and hate that seeing one laugh would get marked down in history.

It was almost a full minute later that Snaggleclaw's laughter calmed down, "I'm going to guess that my family had a reputation and given both last names meanings I'd guess it's not a good one?" Logan asked pretending not to know the answer.

"That's right, the Black family especially well know for its insanity in its female members, your father is well know for his betrayal of the Potters as their secret keeper, and your aunt the right hand of the most recent dark lord, Voldemort, but don't let wizards here you say that in front of them, they're are a bunch of pu**y's about it, to scared calling him anything but You-know-who or something along those lines. Anyway let's move on to the Black accounts"