Ch 3 : 12 Grimmauld Place

"Here we are Mr. White, 12 Grimmauld Place, it has been your family home for generations after they had killed the muggles that lived here before that, I'll show you how to control the wards now, so please follow me." Snaggleclaw said as he walked passed the troll foot umbrella stand and he was about to enter the living room when the portrait on the wall started screeching bloody murder, "Kreacher! There is filth in my home! Get rid of it now!!" She screamed like there was no tomorrow; the painting was alive and screaming at them.

Right after she was finished screaming a small goblin like being with giant ears and a equally giant nose that was wearing a cut up dirty pillow case apparated into the corridor with them, "What are you doing in master Black's home, leave now!" The strange little creature now identified as Kreacher shouted and he was about to snap his fingers when Logan grabbed his hand and stopped Kreacher from bringing his fingers together, stopping whatever magic he was about to perform.

Kreacher actually gasped when Logan suddenly grabbed his hand, he obviously didn't expect for it to happen, "Kreacher right?" He asked the house elf rhetorically, "You are the current house elf of the Black family, yes?" He asked again getting a hesitant nod this time, "Then that means you now serve me, as the only Black's left you can actually serve are in prison, not apart of the family anymore or are just dead." He said looking over at the portrait of his grandmother, Walburga Black, who then proceed to start screaming at him again, but that was ended with a flick of Snaggleclaw's wand, "Thank you." He said turning his eyes towards the goblin who nodded his head at the look, Logan then turned back to Kreacher who was looking from the portrait and then to Logan, unsure as what to do.

"So Kreacher will you serve the last of the noble Black family like you are meant to or do I have to get a new elf?" Logan asked him and then waited for his answer but he didn't have to wait long, "Kreacher will serve new master... "

"Logan White."

"Master White, Kreacher will always serve the noble house of Black, oh great Master White." Kreacher said with spite clear in his voice.

"Alright Kreacher no need to be so hateful about it, now, I didn't actually know if you would still be left alive after being unable to serve someone for so long so I did get a new house elf, Dobby introduce yourself." Logan explained to Kreacher, and after he called for Dobby a house elf in a muggle suit that was completely black apparated into the house next to them like Kreacher did, "Master White be calling for Dobby?"

Dobby looked a lot like Kreacher but he was obviously younger, with bigger ears and he looked very excited when he looked at all the dust and dirt around the house, "Dobby, this is Kreacher, the Black family house elf, you will be working alongside him from now on and you will tell me right away if he isn't doing his job properly, is that clear?" Logan told Dobby who's ears practically flapped along with his excitement.

"Also give Kreacher one of the extra suits I bought for you, I don't want one of my elf's looking like he belongs alongside the trash on the street." Logan told Dobby who nodded his head at the order and snapped his fingers making a black suit the perfect size for Kreacher appear right in his hands, "You will wear that from now on and make sure you do your job, you can start by getting rid of my grandmother's portrait and putting it in the attic or something but you are not to follow anymore of her orders from now on, she's dead, you are meant to serve the living, am I understood Kreacher?" Logan asked but it didn't sound anything like a choice but an order that couldn't be refused.

"Yes Master White, Kreacher will do was he's told." Kreacher said as he snapped his fingers, making his pillow case change for the suit in his hands.

Logan and Snaggleclaw then left the two elf's to their work, finally walking into the living room and then up to the fireplace, "This is the wards control point, at least for more complex matters, for simpler ones you can simply call out and the wards will follow your orders as the Master of them. But first we need to get you recognized as said Master." Snaggleclaw then tapped the fireplace with his wand and a section of the stone mantel raised up from the ground and the stone seemed to erode away in the shape of a hand print, making a perfect space for someone's hand to go into, Snaggleclaw then produced the same dagger he used for the blood test ritual they had done before at his office, "If you would Mr. White." Presenting the dagger to Logan.

Logan took the dagger and didn't waste any time cutting his palm open and then slapping his bloody hand on the ward control point, "What now?" Logan asked Snaggleclaw, who didn't say anything but he did cast some spells that made the control point glow, he could see the glow through his fingers like how you would be able to see a torch light through the tips of your fingers when you covered the torch up with them, the light soon settled down seconds later.

Logan didn't let it show but the wards had already started working for him.

"And it is done, I have completed my duty and I will now be off Mr. White, let your enemy's fear you and let's hope that your gold breed." Snaggleclaw said before he left, closing the front door behind him.

While he was still at the wards control point he decided to make some changes in the wards, "Deny everyone but me, Dobby and Kreacher access to the building unless they have permission from me to enter, including members of the Black family." Once he finished speaking the same glow appeared but disappeared just as quickly, meaning the wards had acknowledged his order.

He then removed his hand and the stone control point smoothly went back down into the fireplace.

He looked down at his still bleeding hand and called for Dobby and Kreacher, "Dobby heal my hand." He ordered, letting Dobby get right to work, he then turned to Kreacher, "Kreacher go bring me the locket, I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about." He told Kreacher.

Kreacher had a look of struggle on his face before giving in and popping away to then pop back a second later with a locket in his hand, it had a snake in the shape of an S behind some type of glass or crystal, and the locket was in the shape of a octagon but stretched out a bit, "Good, thank you Kreacher, you can go back to cleaning now." Logan said dismissing Kreacher, after he had taken the locket away from him and then waited for Dobby to finishing healing his hand, taking that chance to look the locket over.

It honestly wasn't as impressive as you would expect for one of the four Hogwart's founders items, it probably had another use for parseltongues but he would find out what he could do with it later, right now he has something else to address, like the information he got imprinted into his head after he became the Master of the black family home wards.