Ch 4 : Rearrangement

When Logan became the Master of the wards his mind became filled with the difference ways that they could be used, for an example the command he gave before was just one of the ways he could use them, he could also choose who he gave access to the house and who would get instantly teleported to a holding cell once they entered the house, another use that he was quite interested in was being able to rearrange the layout of the entire building, including the outer appearance.

But besides that there are a lot of the other functions that couldn't be used right now but that problem would easily be solved in the future when Logan got more experience using them and getting other necessary things for the wards to function.

Right now the buildings outer look had to match up with the buildings around it for the muggles but that didn't put any limitations on the inside changing capabilities, he could make the inside completely bare or he could even add entirely new rooms with the space expansion charms that already exist but it seems like the previous members of the Black family that lived here didn't use them for whatever reason, it was Logan's belief that it was just pure laziness that was born from a live time of magic doing everything for you so they expect things to just happen for them and they then don't even notice when they have to actually do something themselves.

But the first thing he actually thought of when he learned the houses wards was of the House of Mystery from the DC universe, but the Black family home obviously couldn't travel through time and space and it wasn't sentient, at least not yet, it would have to be one of the things he had to get done in the future.

Logan started off by having Dobby and Kreacher pack away everything that wasn't of value, so the tables, chairs, personal possessions that were left in the house but he made sure to tell them to check it first in case it was anything of value like books on magic or magical objects.

Others things like books on magic from the library or magically enchanted items, or even magical animal parts were brought down to the ground floor and put in different pile's where they would later be sorted and put in their new place once Logan had finished fixing the houses interior to his tastes.

But the rest of the useless things would be put up in the attic alongside the portrait of Walburga Black, his grandmother ... it was still weird for him to think that he was in the Harry Potter world and to then think of some of these characters as his family, if he can even call them characters now, they aren't just actors or characters in a book anymore after all ... I'll just except that they weren't works of fiction and think of them as people and treat just like I would anyone else.

Forgetting about that though, not really important when I really think about it, they are just people even if I do have some metaknowledge of what they might do in the future, it's not really going to change how I think or act.

The building was quickly striped clean with the overly enthusiastic Dobby working together with the reluctant Kreacher, "Alright I'm going to rearrange the rooms now." Logan told the elf's before he put his hand back on the fireplace, the same place where the ward control point would raise up from.

Logan could instantly feel his connection to the wards and so he started using them by willing the walls to shift and move, the entire house creaked under the stress of the walls moving to suit Logan's mental picture.

They seemed to walk themselves across the room and then blend into the outer wall, either becoming an entire new room or completely disappearing into the outer wall.

The entire rearrangement must have taken half an hour to get everything the way he wanted it.

Logan had left the basement the way it was but just fixed some broken things and rearranged existing things to the way he liked them, the basement was where the kitchen was so the house elf's could work out of sight, alongside the kitchen was the boiler and furnace for heating the entire house, the wards told him that the furnace housed a magical fire that was similar to fiend fire in that it was incredibly difficult to extinguish but without the control issues as the wards were made to do just that for him.

Because it was a magical fire there was a chance that Ashwinder's would be born from it and as luck would have it there was a couple Ashwinder egg's resting in the furnace at that moment.

Now normally you would be worried about having some magical snakes that were practically made of fire in your home where they would most likely start some fires and burn the placed down, but that was already accounted for and a neat salutation was made for certain magical homes, the Ashwinder's would hatch and then live the rest of their lives in the furnace, enchanted to suit them perfectly, from their they would keep the fire alive and strong and with the house elf's close by they would be well looked after but it seems that Kreacher had been neglecting that duty.

Logan learned all that as well from the wards, it was a truly enjoyable moment for him, one of the very first after being reborn, not even looking around Diagon Alley could compare to learn so much in only a couple seconds and have total recall of it, it really made him realise just what world he was in.

"Dobby make sure you feed the Ashwinder's in the furnace once they hatch, they will be keeping this home warm after all." Logan smiled at the excited elf.

"I'm disappointed in you Kreacher for not keeping up your work while the rest of the Black's were away." Kreacher just looked away and grumbled quietly after his Master showed him his displeasure.

The new house layout was just as Logan had changed it in his mind using the wards, the ground floor was a open living room with the fire place on the left and the stairs to the next floor on the right so when you enter through the front door you can walk straight up them, he now had a lot of space for different things but that space was mainly taken up by the different pile's of things.

The first floor was going to be his library, it had no walls as well so it wasn't blocked off and Logan had moved all the houses book shelfs to the room but it seems like he would have to get even more and then magically expand the space even further if he wanted to make the library larger but that wouldn't be to hard with the wards and even then he could just do it him self when he learns how to do it in the future.

The next floor was something like a workshop and a office rolled together, Logan had a very large desk near the window, so he would be able to turn in his chair and look out when he needs a break or just a nicer view. He had also made the house elf's move all the magical animal parts onto some other desks in the room, in their separate pile's. They ranged from dragon skin and teeth, all the way to the legendary phoenix tears, albeit there only being one.

Now on to the third floor, besides some furniture and some of his belongings he had his new bed room in the middle of the room against the back wall, he had a very large bed that could fit 5 full grown men, he planned to grow a lot bigger after all, but that would all depend on weather or not the books in front of him had what he wanted.

"Let's get started shall we?" Logan said to the two house elf's next to him while he looked on at the pile of magic filled books, it was like looking at your dreams in physical form, a dream for magic.