Ch 5 : First ritual

"Alright that one goes in the charms pile, next." Logan said while pointing towards one pile of books on the floor of the living room.

Dobby did as he was asked and put the book he was holding into the pile that Logan had pointed to and Kreacher then came up to where Logan was sitting with the next book on magic that was found in the house.

After looking through it a bit and getting the general view of what the book held he then would point to what pile it had to go to and it would then be put in that pile by one of the house elf's, this process happened again and again with each book that wasn't clearly labelled, which was quite a few of them and each one had to also be checked for curses or harmful charms by the two house's elf's before they even got taken to Logan to be checked.

"This is the last one Master White." Dobby said and it seemed like he was very sad about it.

"Alright, it seems like this one goes in the history pile. You can take all the books and put them in the library but leave the the books on soul magic, blood ritual magic and all the other ritual books." Logan told the elf's who quickly got to work with moving the books to the library.

Leaving them to their work Logan turned his eyes back towards the books ha had just mentioned.

Soul magic.

Blood magic.

Ritual magic.

They were the three most interesting magics to Logan, for very simple reasons as well, they could give you a lot if you were willing to pay a price and as long as you didn't have a problem with wondering away from the norm, weather that be just the norm of your own physical appearance.

For example the straight teeth ritual, the very one Logan was reading through right now, "Dobby take these books and put them in my room on the bookshelf." Logan said not even waiting to see if Dobby was doing as he was asked, he just couldn't bring himself to take his eyes off of the pages in front of him, just being able to finally learn magic, to be in a world filled with magic and now it was all at his finger tips.

It was intoxicating.

Now Logan had never drank much in his last life, it would be more accurate to say that he just didn't drink at all, it was for a number of different reasons but the main one was that it just didn't excite him like it seemed to do to everyone else.

But now he was feeling like he could understand why some people could get addicted to alcohol, the feeling of excitement and when you add a bit of adrenaline to the mix you get a deadly combination that can play with the sense's.

That was how Logan was feeling right now and he didn't ever want to let this feeling go.

After coming to a natural pause in the book Logan, thought back on to what he just learnt so that he could remember it better, just one of his habits that he had picked up, another one of his habits was noticing when he acted differently to how he normally would, like if a beautiful woman walked into the room he would realise later that he had acted differently at the time, doing things like acting more confident and puffing out his chest to look bigger, so when he suddenly realised that he had just been acting very obsessive and that was definitely out of character for him.

"It seems like I have to start my Occlumency training immediately instead of later, if I can't even properly control my emotions without Occlumency and the mind arts, but... lets do that after I complete this simple ritual, but I'll first have to modify it to suit my needs." Logan spoke to him self out loud.

"Dobby." Logan called out making the house elf appearing right next to him with a pop, the sound of house elf apparition, "Master White be wanting Dobby."

"Move the books on the mind arts to my room and then I'll need your help in my workshop with a small ritual." Logan said while patting the book in his hands.

"I be doing right away, Master White." Dobby said with glee before he disappeared again with a pop.


"Alright that's the ritual circle done, now I just need to place the required material's in their places in the circle. Did you manage to get that baby great white shark like I wanted?" Logan asked the floppy eared house elf next to him who looked excited.

"Yes, Master White, here it is." And once he said that a baby great white that was about 5feet long and it appeared next to them on the floor, it was already dead, but it looked like it hadn't been dead long, "I did like you said Master and checked the seafood restaurants."

"Good, remove the the jaws and preserve the rest, I might need it later." Logan sent the elf away, while that was being done Logan started preparing the other ingredients, they were already in his workshop, he just had to measure out or cut up what he needed.

Once he was done with that he had placed all the ingredients in their places in the ritual circle, and as if by magic Dobby popped in with a large jaw with rows upon rows of sharp jagged teeth and even though it was from a baby shark it was still to big for the ritual.

"Dobby can you permanently shrink this down to about this size." Logan said as he held his hands apart to indicate what size he wanted it at.

Dobby nodded before making a face like he was constipated and when he did the shark jaw in his hands started to shrink down to just the size Logan wanted it.

"Good job Dobby." Logan said while he patted Dobby on the top of his head, who seemed ecstatic to be getting praised, "Hmm, I'm still not used to being so small, I'll have to change that as well." Logan said to himself before he took the smaller shark jaw from the dazed Dobby's hands and he then put that to in it's place in the ritual circle.

Logan then took off all his clothes and put them to the side on a workbench, he couldn't have anymore variables in the ritual that could affect it.

"Alright I'm ready and I'm sure I got the ritual right and so all I need to do now is power the ritual circle with my own magic. Dobby, once its over I'll need a lot of rest to recover from the change, don't give me anything, like potions, as it will affect the changes from the ritual and with the residue magic from the ritual that would still be in my system, do you understand Dobby?" Logan explained to the loyal little elf.

"Dobby understands Master White."

"Alright then, let's begin!" Logan said with excitement as he poured the magic he could feel running through his body into the ritual circle below him, making it slowly become brighter and brighter until it seemed that it couldn't take anymore and that's when Logan knew to stop pouring in his magic.

The ritual was designed that way because it would be extremely painful once the ritual started and then you wouldn't be able to power it, not unless you could withstand the pain and focus at the same time but even during his last life Logan hadn't experienced a lot of high levels of pain and so he knew that he wouldn't be able to do it, maybe in the future when he learns how to us Occlumency to shut off his feelings of pain.

And so the rush of pain came upon him just like he thought it would, and then at the same time this was happening the shark jaw was slowly disintegrated into a fine powder that seemed to swirl in place like a twister.

The pain Logan was feeling was beyond everything he had ever felt before, it felt like someone was using an angle grinder to slowly shave down his bones, but it was more focused on his mouth and he only really caught glimpses of of what was happening around him when he would get used to the pain for a bit but soon after that he would just get hit with a another wave of pain that was at lot worse then the last.

'When will this hell be over!!!'