Ch 6 : Those are some pearly whites!

"Urr~ What the hell hit me?" Logan groaned as he sat up in his bed, at the same time making his entire body cry out in pain for moving.

He fell right back into bed without being able to stop himself, his entire body wanted to rest and it wouldn't except being told no.

"Damn, it was a lot more painful then what I was expecting, I just hope it worked out the way I wanted it too. Dobby." Logan called out, and just like every other time he had called for Dobby he appeared right away with a spring in his step and a smile on his face.

He seemed to be a lot happier then when he found him anyway.


"Before we go to the Black family home I would like to make a stop, you see I need your help with finding something." Logan asked Snaggleclaw as they walked out of Gringotts together.

"What do you need?" Snaggleclaw asked him as they walked along Diagon Alley.

"I need a house elf." Logan answered, "I know just the place." Snaggleclaw said before he lead them down another alley, Knockturn Alley.

They walked until they came to a dirty and dark looking shop.

"Here we are, you can find house elf's from here but I should warn you that they aren't cheap." Snaggleclaw told Logan as the walked into the very dark building with lots of different sized cages, most of them with some kind of magical animal in them, and just like the Goblin beside him said there was also house elf's.

As Logan walked over to the house elf's they all started perking up and getting excited, even when some of them seemed unable to more with how thin their body's were, they called out to him, begging to be bought by him, to be taken away from the hell that they were living in.

Even Logan who was indifferent to a lot of things was affected by the sight before him.

While Logan stood there contemplating just what to do a very fat man with a patchy stubble, like he never learned how to shave correctly, came over to Logan and smirked at him, probably thinking something along the lines of 'Here's my next pay day', "Hello Young Master, I see you have noticed my house elf's, I actually think I know just the elf for a Young Lord such as yourself. Oi, Dobby! Come to the front, the rest of ya' fuck off!" The man shouted as he banged his fist against the cage scarring the rest of the elf's to the back of the cage.

Alarm bells went off in Logan's head, 'Dobby's here, it seems that I've beat the Malfoy's to it then, it just saves me the time in the future as I had already planned to get Dobby from them anyway, I always did like the little guy in the movies.' Logan thought to himself.

Soon the house elf himself came to the front of the cage, scared but he also looked hopeful, that he would get a new Master, and just like Logan thought it was the very same Dobby from the Harry Potter movies and Logan didn't hesitate, "I'll get him, how much?" Logan said towards the fat man.

"100 Galleons for each one of my elf's Young Lord." He smiled, probably charging a lot more.

"Snaggleclaw, if I wanted to get all these elf's?" Logan asked the Goblin without turning away from the house elf's that looked more and more hopeful as he spoke.

"It wouldn't even be a drop Mr. White." The Goblin replied quietly so the fat man couldn't hear him.

"You have yourself a deal sir, 1700 Galleons for these 17 house elf's." Logan said like the fat man didn't have a choice in the matter.

Before the man could even speak back Snaggleclaw placed a small pouch in his hand meaning the deal was sealed and that he wasn't going to get his elf's back so he just walked away, Logan expected the price for house's elf's to be going up by a lot from now on and he didn't plan to sell them on.

"Dobby, you will be staying by my side from now on and the rest of you will go to Hogwarts for now, it shouldn't be a problem for you to get in with the other elf's there helping you, learn the castle and all its secret passages, that will be your job for now, off you go." Logan said making all but one of the house elf's teleport away to do as their new Master asked of them.

"Come along Dobby. Snaggleclaw, I would like to make one more stop before we go to my new home." Logan said as he walked away with the old Goblin beside him, the dazed Dobby also quickly catching up after them as well.


"Master White! You's being awake!" Dobby shouted excitedly as he brought him a glass of water.

Logan took a painful sip before speaking, "How long was I out for?" He asked Dobby.

"It's the next day Master White, you be wanting your lunch now?" Dobby asked, getting ready to summon the tray he put all the food on in the kitchen.

"Bring me a mirror first." Logan asked as he put his hand out for Dobby to then snap his fingers and make a hand mirror appear that he then put in Logan's hand.

Logan held the mirror up and saw that there wasn't any change to his outward appearance but when he parted his mouth slightly he saw a pure white smile smiling back at him.

His teeth were now pure white, but they all ended in a sharp point, and looked a lot like sharks teeth, the very same great whites shark teeth that he had used in the ritual, but he could already notice some differences from them, for one he didn't have the multiple of rows of teeth.

But he had the feeling that the extra teeth were just hiding somewhere else.

When you loose your first set of teeth the next and your very last set of teeth come up from your jaw, the teeth were always there, they were just hiding inside your jaw bone, until they could push out the first set of teeth and take their place.

Logan had the feeling that was what would happen when he would lose a tooth in the future, "Dobby make sure I get more milk in my diet in the future, it seems like I'll need it." Logan said with a menacing smile that unnerved Dobby slightly but he wasn't afraid because of how much he already trusted Logan, he saved him and gave him a much better life after all.

"Yes Master White!" Dobby shouted happily.

"Alright, now bring me the book on the ritual I just did, I think I need to double check something."


"Fuck ... I went through all that pain when if I just waited for my adult teeth to grow out I would have just felt a mild pain in my teeth, haah~" Logan sighed in annoyance, as he let the book drop from his hand and to the ground where it laid open on the page he was just on.

The page read...

"...Now, I would recommend that you don't conduct this ritual until you have grown out all your adult teeth as the ritual requires the space in your jaw to make its changes to the roots of your teeth and if it doesn't have that space then it will make it, painfully ... Again, I don't recommend it..."