Ch 7 : Training Montage!

"...Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It is ancient, and has existed since medieval times. It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them in anyway. A person who practises this art is known as an Occlumens..."

"...Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practises this art is known as a Legilimens. Muggles might call this "mind-reading," but practitioners disdain the term as naive. The opposite of Legilimency is Occlumency, which is used to shield one's mind from the invasion and influence of a Legilimens. Some magical creatures, such as Wampus cats, can also perform Legilimency..."

"Huh, I didn't know there was magical creatures that could do Legilimency." Logan pondered to himself as he sat in his library and read a book on the Mind Art's.

A couple days had already passed since he had completed the ritual on his teeth and he was already feeling better, but there was another side effect of the ritual that was only making it's self known now.

Whenever he damaged one of his teeth it would fall out on it's own and a little bit after that a new tooth would grow out, as if by magic every time he damaged his teeth new ones would grow out, again and again.

It seems like he would never have to worry about going to the dentist again, plus sharks were awesome in his opinion.

But right now he was trying to teach himself Occlumency and it seems like a lot of what he would be doing is meditating but with magic to help him out, by letting him enter his mindscape and sort it out.

By doing this he should be able to build up his mental defences and defend against memory or mind art based attacks.

"No time like the present I suppose." Logan said to himself before he took a seat on the floor in a cross legged position with his hands resting in his lap, with his back straight and his breathing calm, the optimum state to practice Occlumency in.


"That wasn't that hard to do, just sorting out my memories each night should work out until I have to start building up some real defences." Logan said to himself before he got up from the ground in his bedroom.

"What can I do now? I need to let the residue magic from the ritual leave my body before I can do another one and even then I'm not going to make the same mistake again and not learn everything I can about the ritual before I actually do it." Logan mumbled to himself as he rubbed his chin, deeply in though.

"I've already started training my Occlumency, I'll be training that everyday regardless so I can put that to the side for a bit... wait, wasn't there something else that you could do with Occlumency ... what was it? ... something to do with animals ... wait that's it!" Logan shouted out excitedly.

"Animagus training!!!"


After weeks and months of training in Occlumency, wandless magic, and learning all he could about transfiguration and how to become a Animagus Logan felt that he was ready to start training in it.

His first step was using Occlumency to find out what animal he would turn into, you did this by looking deep within yourself and by finding that animalistic part of yourself, that part would be in the form of the animal that you could become, a lot of people couldn't even finish this step because they simply lack more of an animal side for it to take on a form.

He just hoped that wouldn't be the case with him but he wouldn't be surprised if it was as, he has never shown much emotion throughout both of his lives besides a bit of anger here and there but even then that would go away quickly as well.

"Let's just try and find my animal side first, if someone like Peter Pettigrew could do this then I don't see why I can't." Logan said to himself before he entered his mind once again but to look for his inner animal this time instead of the usual Occlumency training.



That's all he could see once he stepped out of the safety of his inner mind, where he kept all his thoughts and feelings.

His inner mind looked like a floating crystal in all of the darkness around its brightly shining self, it looked about the size of a large house and you could see different scenes behind each one of it's faces.

Scenes of Logan as he was now, doing things like talking to Dobby and practicing his wandless magic, but also scenes of what he used to look like, a slightly tall ginger teenager wearing hoodies mostly, spending time with his friends, going for exercise, but most of those scene were of him reading.

All these scene that were inside the crystal were of his memories, contained and protected inside his inner mind, exactly where Logan put them during his Occlumency training but it didn't always look like this inside his mind.

No, when he first stepped into it, so to speak, it was a wasteland, all of his thoughts and feelings were all over the place, there was no order to it whatsoever, he just hated thinking about what a mind would look like if that someone wared their heart on their sleeves.

So Logan picked up all of his minds pieces and put them together to form the strong, unbreakable crystal that it was now, but he also had the feeling that wasn't how someone else would normally practice Occlumency, it probably had something to do with his reincarnation strengthening his mind.

If the crystal represented his mind, then the inky blackness all around it would be the unused parts of his brain. For example the animal part of himself.

He just now needed to go and find it, I mean how hard could it be, anything would stick out in all of the black around him, any splash of colour would be like the sun in his minds outer reaches.