Ch 11 : Sharktongue

Logan found it quite freeing to be a shark, to be able to just swim in the deep blue without any worries or responsibilities to weigh him down.


Logan was swimming along when he noticed a dark shape in the distance, going closer he was finally saw what it was, "Oh hey, another shark." Logan said aloud without realising, making the smaller shark turn towards him and swim over, it looked like a bull shark when Logan saw it closer up.

"Ya'alright there Mate, can't say I've seen you around before. You just swim in." The bull shark asked him as he continued swimming along, Logan was stunned for a second before swimming faster to catch up with the bull shark.

"You can say that, but its also a bit strange to see your species of shark in these waters. What made you come all the way here?" Logan asked genuinely curious.

"Honestly I just got lost and couldn't be bothered to turn back around, you know us sharks, got to keep swimming forward and all that." The bull shark said back with a chuckle.

It was strange to hear a shark chuckle but Logan moved past it quickly, "Do you know any other sharks in the area?"

"Well sure, I can introduce ya to them but I'm afraid that you're the only great white I've met in these waters." The bull shark told him.

"That's fine, please lead the way." Logan said excitedly.


The bull shark he learned was called Duke, he had introduced him to a couple other sharks.

Another bull shark called Budai, he was very fat for a shark, even for a bull shark and he was completely surrounded by smaller fish, sticking to his side and just swimming along side him, Logan understood a couple things of what they were saying but it was just things like, "Swim faster." "Food here." It seemed like he didn't have a problem understanding them they were just very simple minded. Budai seemed very relaxed and looked like he just wanted to sleep and was looking at everyone else spitefully for keeping him awake.

Then there was a hammer head shark called Stanley, he seemed like a loner that was dragged along by the rest of the group of stray sharks, but Logan felt that he could get along with him.

The last shark was a whale shark called Salt, Duke had to introduce him as it seemed that he didn't talk at all but Duke said that Salt was nice and very protective of their group, a silent big brother type Logan thought to himself.

"Hey you! leave Salt alone, he won't be afraid to bite back!" A squeaky child-like voice came from around Salt.

"Who's that?" Logan asked Duke, sure that the voice he heard wasn't Salt's.

"Oh, that little feller is Mo, he hangs around Salt for protection but Salt seems to like him so don't try and eat him unless you want to get a tail smack from Salt." Duke warned Logan as a red thing came out from behind Salt, it turned out to be a red Octopus about half the size of his human form.

"You sound like that came from experience, got a little peckish did you?" Logan tried to hold himself back from laughing out.

"Let's just go get some fish to eat." Duke said sounding like he was pouting, causing Logan to smile.


"Did Master White be having fun swimming with fishes?" Dobby asked his Master after he had popped them back home.

"That sounds ominous, but yeah I had fun, I met some other sharks and made friends with them, a very strange bunch of sharks though." Logan explained to the elf who was finding it all exciting and was glad that his Master was making friends even if they were sharks but so then was his Master.

"I did learn that I can speak to other sharks though and some fish, I think its how Parseltongue started, someone somehow made it so their Animagus animals language could be passed onto their children as well, probably Salazar Slytherin seen as he's the most famous Parseltongue, a very impressive piece of magic that hopefully hasn't been lost... or hopefully has. Dobby have the elf's look through the books on blood magic and ritual magic that they got from the Room of Lost things, look for any mentions of Parseltongue or Salazar Slytherin, tell them to put the books on my desk." He gave Dobby an order, making the elf disappear with a pop, to go complete his task.

Logan then went back to his studying in his workshop, an elf would occasionally pop in and drop off a couple of books, Logan stayed sat at his desk reading his own but there was something slightly off about him ... he had Rowen Ravenclaw's diadem on his head, well it didn't look anything like a diadem anymore, it now looked like a black baseball cap, exactly like the one he would always wear in his last life.

After removing the soul shard of Voldemort from the diadem Logan had begun testing the diadems abilities, one of them was being able to change it's shape to what the user wanted with a mental command, it seemed that Rowena Ravenclaw was a big fan of tiara's and diadem's, she probably add that ability to have many different opinions.

Another function Logan discovered was it's ability to let the wearer remember everything they see perfectly and Logan found that when you pair that with Occlumency you get a perfect defence, because your memories are getting sorted by the, what Logan was now calling the Thinking Cap, immediately as you have them, so you didn't need to do it yourself with Occlumency later.

He had now taken to wearing the Thinking Cap at all times so he wouldn't have to take up more of his time with Occlumency training, unless he wanted to go say hi to Bruce or strengthen more of his mental defences. For example he had added a hedge maze all around his inner mind but left a lot of room for Bruce to swim around freely. The maze moved on it own just like the one in the Tri Wizard Tournament, but it wasn't really designed to keep people out as it was to slow people down.

Because it was on top of his sea of consciousness Bruce could also swim underneath the maze and attack the intruder in the maze.

So Logan spent his time using the Thinking Cap to study magic in his workshop, watching the elf's occasionally pop in and out, "Wait, I don't recognize you?" Logan said as he looked at the elf who just popped in, the elf squeaked in surprise and popped away quickly.

"Dobby?" Logan called out unsurely.