Ch 12 : The Gathering of the House Elf's

"So you are telling me that you started gathering all the house elf's that either had no master, had a bad master and you tricked them into being free and did the same with the Hogwarts and Ministry elf's." Logan asked Dobby.

"Master White being right." Dobby replied happily.

"Why?" Logan asked calmly, trying to put aside his annoyance.

"Master White said elf's be treated badly by bad Master's, Dobby could help fellow elf's and give them good Master like Master White." Dobby told Logan happily again.

"Haah~ fine, send the Hogwarts elf's back to what they were doing there and also get them started on moving valuable things over from the lost room, the others can work here, but first I'll have to make room for them." Logan said as he started using the ward to add another room to the house and adding expanding charms to it, he then had the elf's start making themselves at home.

He now had around 500 house elf's working for him, he made Dobby the head elf and a couple other elf's to then work under him that would then tell the rest of the elf's what to do so Logan now only had to ask for Dobby to do a job and the rest of the elf's would find out about it.

That was a couple years ago now, Logan was now 9 years old, and in that time he had practiced a lot of different things, he definitely hadn't wasted his time just swimming around with his shark friends.

His wandless magic had progressed to the point that he could lift around 500 different similarly light weighted items at once and make them do different things at the same time, or he could lift something extremely heavy and move it around, he could even make that move pretty quickly.

He also could of course perform spells with his wandless magic, he had studied all the way up to 7th year in the Hogwarts subjects using the Thinking Cap to remember it all, that being Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures he didn't bother with the other Hogwarts subjects as they don't have much merit to them. Why study muggles when he was one his entire last life?

But he didn't just study those subjects, he also studied dark arts, other offensive spells and curses but he made sure not to use any of the dark spells as he didn't want it to effect his soul, it was still useful to know the spells..

In studying soul magic he had learned very quickly that spells that require emotion to fuel them like the dark arts effected the soul, and the dark art's were aptly name as they made your soul dark and tainted, that's why he had immediately started learning the Patronus charm.

The Patronus charm was the only charm that Logan had found that has a positive effect on your soul and that was because it needed positive emotion to power the spell, if your soul was filled with hate and negativity from over using the dark art's then it would be very unlikely that you would be able to conjure a Patronus simply because you can't summon up the necessary levels of happiness.

Logan had also worked out a way to have the Patronus charm in constant effect so his soul would be in a state of being constantly 'nourished', he had made it work with one of his previous ideas.

Another thing he did in the past years was research his Animagus language, what he was deciding to call Requintongue in tribute to Parseltongue by using the French word for shark, like how parsel means forked, like the forked tongue of a snake.


Logan was around 8 years old and he was currently practicing his magic in his workshop.

He held up his hand and took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, he was trying to first completely calm himself so that he could clearly picture his happiest memory, so that he could perform the Patronus charm.

It was the very first memory he could actually remember, he was around 5 or 6 years old and he was with his mother watching Aliens VS Predator, some people might say it's a bit messed up for it to be your happiest memory but it just was for Logan and he couldn't change that, not unless he experienced something that made him even happier.

So while he was thinking of his happiest memory he shouted out the spell, "Expecto Patronum!" From Logan's came large amount of light blue wispy coloured smoke that didn't have any smell or real form until an ethereal creature came out of the blue smoke, leave a smoke trail of it's own.

"Oh my god!" Logan couldn't help but exclaim in shock at the form his Patronus took.


"Alright let's lure one over." Logan said quietly to Dobby, who was holding on tightly to Logan's back, ready to pop them away at a moments notice.

Using wandless magic Logan lifted up a small rock near him and then shot it away from him, towards a dark and dirty tower in the middle of the sea surrounded by sharp, jagged rocks.

The rock hit one of the many floating cloaked figures, making it stop and turn around to face Logan and Dobby, if you could even call what it had a face, what Logan hit was of course a Dementor. A soul sucking demon without a face, everything around it becomes frozen over and loses life, if you get attacked by one it's very likely that you won't have a soul at the end of it.

When it was around 10 meters away Logan felt the surrounds getting cooler so he didn't waste anymore time in summoning his magical guardian, "Expecto Patronum!" A blue ghost like figure came out of Logan's hand, attacking the Dementor that had gotten even closer, to close for comfort.

The Patronus had taken on the form of a Xenomorph! The very same type of alien creature from the movie that he had watched in his happiest memory, tall and sleek with an elongated head that had no eyes, a dangerous tail following behind it.

The Xenomorph and the Dementor met in the air with a crash, which Logan's Patronus won, bringing the Dementor to the ground where the Xenomorph then continued attacking it, finally using its tail blade to pierce the Dementor to the ground, killing it in the process.

Once the Dementor was killed the Xenomorph dissipated into blue smoke and even something similar happened to the Dementor but it left something behind ... its cloak, Logan went over to it and after checking it over with all the diagnosis spells he picked it up, he didn't really feel anything from it besides a thin piece of material, it was hot or cold, wet, or even dirty.

Logan felt that he would have to study it a lot more if he wanted to find a use for it, but before that he had to complete his current project.


Now back to the present...