Ch 13 : Magical Tattoos

Magical tattoos were his biggest and most proudest accomplishment that only he really knew how to do, just because it took a lot of different thing to come together to work that no one but him had all together.

Some of the main things it took to work was...

An extensive knowledge of souls, ancient runes, and transfiguration.

The lost magic books of Hogwarts that detail how magical tattoos work, the very same moving tattoo that Voldemort used for his dark mark, but his wouldn't be so blurry as he would take the time to customise it properly unlike Voldemort, he didn't want to give himself rubbish tattoos after all.

And most important of all a Dementors cloak which you could only get if you had a Patronus like his, it would be used to act as a core for the tattoo and to let the tattoo have an ability effecting the soul, he needed a material that conducts soul magic well, just like a Dementor does because that's all a Dementor is doing, using a form of soul magic but as a natural ability.

The first step was to make what his tattoo was going to be, using transfiguration he created some life like statues of an Xenomorph and a Yautja, from aliens vs predators, he then charmed them so that they would move and fight each other and he put them on a loop so that they won't stop. This is what made the tattoo move when it was on his skin, at least the way you had to do it if you wanted a realistic looking tattoo and to decide how the tattoo would move once it's on your skin.

If Logan just made them bigger it would be like he was in the movie watching them fight,

He then infused the figures with the Dementor cloak dusk that he had turned it into, using the dust as a core, once he had done that they were then ready to accept the spell, Logan cast the Patronus charm while thinking of his happiest memory and with the realistic fighting figures in front of him it truly helped power his spell, symbolism, will, intent and imagination were all what you would call amplifiers of magic and Logan was easily able to use them.

The everyday wizard just thought that he could become powerful by pouring as much magical power into the wand and the spell as you could but actually overloading the spells some times made it worse, you needed some finesse and Logan had that from constantly practicing his wandless magic and using ideas from fanfics to guide him along.

Once the Patronus charm was installed into the Dementor dust core Logan just need to complete the spell by turning the figures into a magical tattoo and he would then have something that would constantly be healing and nurturing his soul, something no normal or even powerful healing spell could do.

Logan pointed his hand at the fighting aliens, chanted the spell that he practiced hundreds of times before and as if by magic the two figures shot towards Logan's stomach where they then kind of seeped into his skin, becoming apart of him.

Once they were finished Logan looked into the mirror next to him and saw his new tattoo fighting each other, and just like he wanted it wasn't blurry, it was like looking at a moving high definition picture projected on his skin.

They were on his stomach, from his diaphragm to his waistline and Logan was just glad that they would grow with his body.

"This is so awesome." Logan exclaimed unable to contain his excitement at his new tattoo, in his last life he died before he could get any of the tattoos he wanted, but now, in his new life he could give himself all the tattoos he ever wanted and make them moving ones at that, another added bonus was that they would never fade due to the magic that made them in the first place.

He felt a bit like he was under the effects of the Patronus charm so that meant that it had worked just like he wanted, but it was just a warm feeling and not feelings of happiness so he knew that it wouldn't effect his mental state.

"I'll need to continue my research on Dementors to see if their cloak can be used for other soul magic's. Dobby! We're going Dementor farming!" Logan shouted out.


"That's the 50th Master White, do we's be having enough soul sucker's cloaks?" Dobby asked Logan who dismissed the Xenomorph Patronus.

"Yeah let's go back now." Logan said as he took Dobby's hand, letting Dobby pop them away from the cliff edge they were standing on, around half a mile away from the famous wizard prison, Azkaban.


"Store those for now, I'll definitely need them in the future, " Logan told Dobby as he took a seat at his desk, where he found another one of the books the elf's had brought from Hogwarts on it's cover it said, 'Parseltongue. For my descendants. Salazar Slytherin.'.

"Dobby when was this one brought in?" Logan asked the elf as he started looking through the book, his Thinking Cap making sure he could remembered all of it perfectly so even when it looked like he was just flicking through the pages he was actually scanning all the words with his eyes and then going over the information that was now perfectly stored inside his head due to the cap.

"That be brought not long ago, it had snake language written on it, so it was put on Master White's desk like Master White wanted." Dobby replied as he stuffed dark cloaks into a box that said Dementor cloaks.

Logan nodded his head as he kept flipping through the pages when his eyes finally spotted an important part, the ability to pass on Parseltongue to other people, Salazar Slytherin had come up with a way to pass on his ability in more ways then through his bloodline.

Logan quickly started reading through the rest of the text and started becoming excited when he found that he would easily be able to do it, he just need one small thing...


"Hey! I think he went this way! Come on!" A group of young boys shouted as they ran past a bush, they seemed to be lead by a very fat boy that was shouting about someone called Freak.

Once they had left a scrawny boy with glasses and messy brown hair crawled out of the bush and breathed out a sigh of relief, this small child's name was Harry Potter.

The very child the universe was named after, the boy-who-lived, destined destroyer of the dark lord and holder of the plot armour called the prophecy.

"I can't believe you kill Voldemort, haah~ well lets go!"

