Ch 14 : Parseltongue get!

"Where am I?" A boy with messy hair said as he looked around himself, panicked from suddenly changing locations after being grabbed on his shoulder from behind.

"You are in my home." Logan said making the boy turn around in shock, he was even more shocked when he saw the little wrinkle elf in a suit standing next to Logan.

"Don't mind Dobby, he's the sweetest little fella you will ever find." Logan said as he patted Dobby's head making his ears flap in happiness.

"Now just to confirm, your name is Harry Potter, yes?" Logan asked Harry getting a nod from him, "Good then I need your help with something and if you do help me then I'll help you with dealing with your family. Do we have a deal?" Logan asked as he put his hand out towards Harry.

He looked hesitant to take Logan's hand, "What do you mean "deal with my family"?" Harry asked Logan.

"I'll put compulsion charms on them so when they think something like wanting to hurt you or making you do something no 5 year old should be doing they will be forced to do something else, I'll also put one charm in them that makes them take care of you, it will be against their will but I doubt they have a strong enough will to go against my magic." Logan explained.

"Magic's real?" Harry asked surprised and excited.

"Yes, so do we have a deal?" Logan asked again.

Harry instantly took his hand like it was his last life line and it would drag him out of the river he was drowning in, "Thank you so much ... but I don't know how I could help you at all." Harry thanked with tears in his eyes.

"You have a rare skill in the magical world and to gain that skill I needed someone with it, it's called Parseltongue, the ability to talk to snakes. Come along we have a lot to prepare if I want to get this done in time to send you back without anyone noticing your absence." Logan said as he walked off, Dobby following close behind already used to how his Master acted, it took a second for Harry to realise that he had to follow as well.


"So I just talk to this snake and while I'm you will do the magic to gain Parseltongue, is that right?" Harry asked as he stood in front of a small snake with red and black bands along its back.

Logan was standing behind the snake in a ritual circle with a dagger in his hand and Salazar Slytherins locket around his neck, "That's right, but first I need you to tell this locket to open in Parseltongue." Logan told him, pointing at the locket.

Harry nodded his head and after a couple of tries he managed to say open in Parseltongue, which sounded like hisses to Logan but he knew that it meant open when the locket did just that and it turned out to be empty, "Good, now just talk to the snake and don't stop no matter what, hopefully I'll be telling you to stop in Parseltongue." Logan grinned making Harry smile as well.

"Okay begin." Logan told Harry who started talking to the red and black snake in front of him, once the snake started talking back the ritual circle below Logan started gaining power, it's runes and symbols lighting up.

Logan waited until it was sufficiently powered and once it was he stuck out his tongue and using wandless magic he kept it out, with one slash of his dagger his tongue was split down the middle giving himself a split tongue.

Seeing that Harry was shocked and stopped talking to the snake, causing the ritual to lose power, Dobby imminently shouted out when he noticed that as well, "Don't be stopping talking! Master White needing snake language!" This woke Harry up and he started talking to the snake again albeit in a shaky voice due to his panic.

Logan used his Occlumency to shut out the feeling's of pain and wiped the bloody dagger on the open locket which caused it to snap closed.

The power contained in the ritual circle also started moving, going into Logan's body to do it's job, healing Logan's tongue and changing some other things to let him gain Parseltongue, his tongue stayed split down the middle so he now had a forked tongue like a snake, a consequence of the ritual, Logan thought it was quite cool anyway so he wouldn't be trying to fix it, that might even effect his ability to speak Parseltongue.

After getting used to his new tongue for a little bit Logan turned to the snake and spoke out, "You can stop now Harry." Harry stopped instantly, "It worked ... it did right? I can't tell if you said that in English or Parseltongue." Harry asked.

"Dobby?" Logan asked the unsaid question.

"It be working Master White, You be saying hisses." Dobby said excited that his Master's ritual had worked, he also clicked his fingers making the blood on Logan's black hoodie disappear.

Harry was amazed at the casual displays of magic and Logan thanked Dobby, before turning back to Harry, "Alright lets go complete the deal." He said as he went to grab Harry and Dobby.

"Wait! Can I take Lucy with me, I've never had someone to talk to and be friends with ... so would it be alright?" Harry asked looking hopefully at Logan.

"Who's Lucy?" Logan asked confused.

"The snake." Harry said pointing to the snake who was now looking bored on the table Logan had put it on.

"Fine, but under one condition, in the future I'll ask something of you and you won't be able to refuse, Deal?" Logan asked, once again putting his hand out.

Harry this time didn't hesitate, "Good but you should know that deals sealed between wizards are bonded by magic so you will have to do it if you don't want to lose your magic. That's also why I have to deal with your family now, to keep my end of the deal. Don't be making deals willy-nilly from now on, you could lose your magic without even realising it." Logan advised to Harry who took on a more serious look, showing the maturity he had gained from his rough life.

"You should also know that Lucy is a magical snake, so she will live for a lot longer compared to other snakes and will get a lot bigger as well, be prepared for that, actually I might as well put a low powered notice-me-not charm on her so she doesn't gather to much attention or at least people won't think its weird that you have a snake." Logan said as he put a charm on Lucy.

Harry quickly ran over to Lucy and picked her up, Dobby then popped them away again.


"Who the hell is this Boy? Didn't I tell you not to bring any of your friends here?" The extremely fat man was about to start shouting even more when his mouth simply disappeared from his face leaving behind a smooth space of skin, like he was never born with a mouth.

Causing the horse face woman and the fat boy from before to start shouting and screaming in panic, the extremely fat man also started panicking and scratching at his mouth to try and get it back or even open up a new hole.

"Stop screaming, my ears don't want to bleed, and don't be scratching at that, my human transfiguration needs more practice." Logan said as he waved his hand again, making both the woman and fat boys mouths disappear as well, he also then forced them to sit in the chairs at the dinning room table with another flick of his wrist, which sent them flying towards the table.

Parts of the chairs turned into snakes that wrapped around their arms and legs to keep them in place, Logan hissed some instructions to them as well but it was mainly for the added fear affect.

"Now there's going to be some changes around here." Logan said giving them his shark like grin, which just went to scare them even further.