Ch 15 : Who in their right mind would call a school Hogwarts?

"Don't forget to not tell anyone of my existence, I promise it will just make things worse for you as someone very powerful doesn't want you knowing of magic right now." Logan said to Harry, at the same time putting a weak compulsion charm on him to do as he asked and to not forget about it.

Harry nodded his head as he stroked the snake in his hands, with a happy smile on his face, Logan just decided to leave at that point and get on with his own business, having Dobby pop him back home.


Logan was now 11 years old in this world and he had already gotten his Hogwarts letter from an owl that Kreacher may or may not have eaten once it got enough to close to the house where is was within his reach.

He had used his years wisely by continuing all of his training and studying in to the more obscure or frowned upon magic's but that didn't mean he forgot about about the other areas of study, at this pointed he didn't need to go to Hogwarts at all but he was already in this magical world he might as well go and live the whole experience.

He had not completed another ritual since he performed the ritual that gave him the ability to talk to snakes, he had used a very potent piece of magic to learn said language and he wanted the residue magic from the ritual to completely leave his body before he attempted another one, again that didn't mean he didn't prepare for rituals he planned to do in the future, one such ritual had the last ingredient at Hogwarts.

"Master White, it's being time for Hogwarts train trip." Dobby said after he popped into Logan's room.

Dobby's said Master was standing in front of his mirror, admiring his current appearance in it, his physical training hadn't failed him and it showed, even though he was 11 he looked like a 15 year old, his body was packed tight with muscle that could be seen in detail through the thin layer of skin that covered it, his muscles were like metal cables with how strong and defined they were, most of this though could be attributed to how much swimming he did in his Animagus form alongside the shark friends plus 1 octopus friend that he had made when he first started swimming in the ocean.

He had the good looks of his father added along with the long black hair that reached the small of his back, he had started keeping in a pony tail that would stick out the back of the cap he would never take off, all together he looked like a young adult that was just starting his life, not a 11 year old that was just starting school.

"Yes let's go." Logan said as he took Dobby's hand and they instantly popped away, he would have apparated but there was a chance that he could splinch himself so he decided that elf travel was much safer and much harder to follow, simply because no one has bothered the try.


Logan was now sitting alone in a train compartment, reading a book on magical creatures, he already knew everything written down in it but he was still interested in what was in the book, he turned the page and as he did the door to the compartment opened, an older boy wearing school robes and with a badge on the left side of his chest, "Oh, sorry thought you were a firstie, regardless you should change, we're almost there." He said before walked off to knock on the doors.

Logan ignored that his was mistaken for a older year student and just closed the curtains to his compartment before changing into the school robes he had bought from Diagon Alley just a couple days ago, thinking back to the day it made Logan remember what happened when he went out to get his wand.



Went the bell at the top of the door as Logan stepped into the wand store alone, he stood and waited for the store owner to appear, from where he was hiding under an concealment illusion right next to the door, so that he was right behind Logan, who was getting ready from the man to try and surprise him.

"Well-" The man started before...

*CRACK!!!* *BANG!!*

Logan had punched the man straight in his jaw with a powerful right, spinning back fist, definitely breaking something along with making the man get knocked out cold to then hit the ground like a sack filled with sand.

"Well, you'd think a man that is constantly surprising people for his own joy would be ready for someone to finally strike back." Logan said to the unconscious man even when he knew that he couldn't be heard, he then decided to have a look around the store while he waited for the man to regain consciousness.

-15 Minutes Later-

" 'uh- 'here's a' I? 'hy a'- ARRRHH~!!!" (Huh- Where am I? Why am-) Ollivander screamed as he felt the spike of pain from his jaw, and he was unable to speak clearly due to it effecting his speech, when Logan heard him speak he immediately thought of Sylvester Stallone but it was even worse to understand what Ollivander was trying to say.

"Sorry about that, but it's what you get for trying to scare me. I hope this means you have learned your lesson?" Logan asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer before he pulled out a wand and pointed it at Ollivander who's eyes widened when he saw Logan point it at him, but also because he instantly recognised the wand.

" 'ait!" (Wait!) He tried to say, to get Logan to stop whatever he was going to do to him.

"Don't worry, I'll make it all better." Logan said before a spell flew from his wand and his Ollivander in the face, a couple cracks and a howl of pain was heard before it all stopped.

Ollivander looked surprised and felt his face to become dreaded when he felt that he was missing feeling in some of his face, " 'ha's 'id ow oo?!" (What did you do?!) Ollivander screamed at Logan who just gained a scowl and hit him on the top of his with his fist.

"You should be thanking me, I fix your face and don't kill you for trying to scare me." Logan glared at him, Ollivander just complained more, " 'ix'd ee?!" (Fixed me?!)

"The money for the wand is on the counter, be grateful that I don't just take it while you were having your little nap. Goodbye." Logan said as he left through the same down that he came in through.

From that day Ollivander permanently spoke with a slurred speech and he no longer tried to scare his customers when they entered the the store, many were thankful for it.


" 'irst years! 'irst year! Come this way" A giant man, around 8 foot, with an even larger bear belly yelled to all those that were exiting the train, soon a small group of children had gathered around him, some barely coming up to his waist, besides one who towered over the others, just like how the giant man towered over everyone his age.

That was of course Logan, he instantly attracted attention for his height and because he was standing with the first years when it looked like he should be with the fourth years, even Hagrid, the giant man, was surprised at his height because he could only think of one other time a first year was taller then the others and not by a small margin either, and that was his year group, all the way back when he was a first year just starting at Hogwarts.

With that in mind he instantly thought that Logan was like him, a half giant, or at least he had some giant blood in him, so he decided then that he would try and look out for Logan as best as he could, so that he wouldn't have such a rough time at Hogwarts, like he did when he was a first year.

"Everyone 'ere? Follow me then." Hagrid bellowed across the sea of first year around his feet.