Ch 16 : House Sorting

After they had travelled across the gigantic lake that Logan thought would be nice to swim in and to meet the Merpeople down at the bottom, they had walked up the long steps from the shore and from there Hagrid knocked on the door and the sound echoed.

Slowly the door opened revealing a tall woman wearing robes and a pointed hat with a large brim, her face was very stern and it seemed like the look was permanent from her having to always look like that, probable because of the immature children she has to constantly deal with.

"P'ofessor McGonagall, the 'irst years." Hagrid said before she thanked him and he started walking away but before he did he turned and patted Logan on his shoulder, surprising him a little.

" 'ou can c'me to me if ya need help." Hagrid smiled at him, mainly because when he patted Logan he felt how much muscle he had and was then sure that he was a half giant like him, it didn't even enter his mind that Logan could just really like working out.

Logan was confused as to why Hagrid would single him out and say that he would help him if he needed it but he wasn't going to complain when it just made his plans skip ahead to the next step but he held that thought and caught up with the the rest of the first years as they followed McGonagall.

They had just begun to enter the hall in a line when Logan joined them, so he ended up at the end of the line.

To pass the time Logan looked around to see if he recognised anyone, and as he did the only person he did was a little girl, probable in second or third year with bright pink, hair that came down to her shoulders.

'Nymphadora 'Don't call me that!' Tonks, I guess she is probable my cousin or something like that in this world.' Logan thought to himself, looking away from her and back around the room, he could see people looking at him simply because they quickly looked away when they looked eyes.

'I get the feeling that I will have to deal with a lot of racists and bigots, I guess I'll need to make an example to show what happens when people mess with me.' Logan thought as he continued to wait for hit turn to be sorted.

When it was finally time he heard McGonagall call his name and he then walked up the small step and towards the dirt covered hat that looked like it was made out of rags and it had a massive tear that made up its mouth and the point of the hat slumped forward to give it hollow eyes.

"Mr. White, your hat." McGonagall said in a stern voice that seemed well practiced.

"Oh, right!" Logan made a fake surprised expression and took his Thinking Cap off, letting his long hair fall out, McGonagall didn't even raise an eyebrow and quickly put the sorting hat on his head.

Logan waited and seconds passed but he couldn't hear anything, he wondered if the hat worked differently to what was shown in the movies but decided to wait, that was until the hat suddenly spoke.

"Child! I can't sort you if you don't lower your mental defences!" The hat screamed in frustration, it's yells shocking everyone. Especially those that knew what the hat was referring to ... Occlumency! The art of defending your mind from mental attacks!

Even the sorting hat was unable to penetrate Logan's defences, this just went to show how strong they were and to how much time he had spent building them up, and that's not even taking into account the traps Logan had put around his inner mind, he even had his own guardian beast, Bruce the shark, that could think for it's self so he wouldn't have to focus of it defending his mind like he passively does for the rest.

Directly behind Logan there was the headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore, he had light purple, almost grey robes on and a long white bread with the long white hair to match, if Logan turned around he would have seen his eyes flash with interest before he quickly regained his grandfatherly look that he had perfected even gaining a twinkle to his eyes.

"Why would I willingly let you into my mind just so you can go spilling my secrets to anyone who asks? Huh?" Logan challenged the talking hat, this point made a lot of the elder years straighten up and a few others gasp in realisation, most of them being pure-bloods.

"Well I can't sort you if I don't know where you best fit in, can I?!" The hat shouted back at Logan who was getting fed-up with the hat.

"Just put me in Slytherin, haah~" Logan sighed loudly, making everyone in the hall know his frustration.

"Fine! SLYTHERIN!!! Now get me off your head!" The talking hat yelled aloud, the Slytherin's weren't sure if they should be clapping or glaring at their new house mate, so it was split down the middle with most of the girls clapping for him, most likely because of his good looks.

Logan put his cap back on once the sorting hat was taken away my McGonagall and went to sit down next to the rest of the first years, everyone was watching him closely as he did, two people especially, one was Dumbledore who had a calculating look on his face that not even his grandfather persona could hide from others.

And the other one was Logan's new head of house, Severus Snape, Hogwart's potions Professor and Slytherin head of house, the man had a long hooked nose and long black hair that seemed very greasy like he hadn't been washing properly, he was also staring at Logan with quite a lot of malice and what Logan thought was... jealousy?

'Why would Snape be jealous of me? Probable jealous of my long, think black hair.' Logan thought to himself as he watched the professors table out the corner of his eye.

After the last first year had been sorted there wasn't anymore interruptions and after Dumbledore gave a few words about the forbidden forest, quidditch and a few made up words to make sure he came off as mad and the feast began, instantly food appeared across the tables, making the first years eyes glow at the large spread.

For some reason the best dishes were around Logan, it didn't go unnoticed by the others along the table either who were glaring at Logan like he killer their mother, Logan of coursed noticed and sent the back a wide grin the showed off his shark-like teeth and went a long way to turning the glares into looks of fright and panic.

After Logan felt that he had give a good enough warning her began filling his plate height with lot's of different kinds of meat, there was even his favourite food placed right in front of him, takoyaki, which was basically a batter with chopped up octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion mixed into it and the fried.

It was no doubt put their along with the rest of the food by his house elf's that still worked at Hogwart's.

Once everyone had eaten the first years were called by an older student and they were then lead off to their respective common rooms, Logan didn't even bother remembering the name or face of the person that was leading the first years, he just enjoyed the space that he was getting because of everyone trying to avoid him.

They had walked deeper into the castle, going into it's bowels, where the dungeons were located and the Slytherin common room, they came up to a plain wall at a dead end and the elder student at the front explained that there was a password that changed monthly and that it would be on the notice board inside.

Once everyone was inside the elder student explained some of the house rules, things like have a united front and sort problems between each other inside the common room and then the room situation was explained, one person of a room.

Just before everyone left Logan suddenly jumped up onto the table in the middle of the room, instantly gaining the whole rooms attention, most people stopped and stared at Logan just to see what he was going to do and the other were thinking something along the lines of, 'What is that filthy mud-blood doing in Slytherin?!'

"Sort our problems in-house right?" Logan's questions was directed at the elder student that had lead them to the Slytherin common room, who just nodded his head with a confused look on his face.

"Perfect!" Logan shouted, "So who has a problem with me? Come on! Speak up!" Logan shouted looking around the room, at each persons face, most people looked away due to still being shocked by his teeth from before but there were some that seemed like they wanted Logan's attention.

"Yeah! I got a problem with you!" A boy, probable in firth year, shouted as he came forward through the small crowd that had formed around Logan.

"And what might that be?" Logan said with a clearly fake sweet smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"You're a filthy mud-blood! That's what-!" But beore he could continue his rant Logan kicked him in the chin, making him fall to the floor and spit out two of his teeth, and mostly likely chipping a couple others.

Everyone else was too shocked to react, and a few people jolted when Logan hopped down from the table next to them, Logan then walked over to the boy that he had just kicked and when he tried to pull his wand out Logan just took it from his hand, like taking candy from a baby.

"You pure-bloods all rely so much on your precious wands." Logan said as he chucked the wand over his shoulder and over the crowd that was still frozen, and he then reached down again, grabbing the boy by his shirt.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you but this is going to hurt quite a bit." Logan said before he started punching the boy over and over again, the sound of Logan's fist impacting against the boys face again and again made those around shudder with each thump.

It was hard for everyone else to watch, especially for those that had never seen such levels of violence, it was the same for those that had as well, but it was also for that reason that no one interfered or even spoke up for the now bloody and broken boy that Logan was making an example of.

After a good full minute of bashing in the boys face, probably disfiguring him for life even with magic to fix him, Logan stopped, wiped his bloody hands on the boys robes, at least where there wasn't any blood stains and then stood up straight, looking around to see if anyone else wanted what he just dished out, no one met his eye.

"Good, it seems everyone has learned their lesson, I was hoping that I would have to give a ouple more 'classes' to get it into everyone's head." Logan smiled his devilish grin that just went to disturb everyone around him more.

"Whelp, I better call it a night, see you all in the morning." Logan said with a happy tone, and then walked off towards were his room was.

Everyone else just stood still for a moment before breaking up and going their own ways, the bloody boy in the middle of the room was ignored by everyone besides an older student that just quietly levitated him and then walked out the common room with him, probably to take him to the infirmary.