Ch 17 : Going for a Swim

Waking up early, just like he would do any other day, Logan got dressed into a pair of black and white swimming shorts that were charmed to dry quickly on their own once out of water, Logan didn't want to get water all over the castle floors after all.

And so he went in some shorts and flip-flops, he left the Thinking Cap back in his room, he always wore it but not when he went for a swim, shirtless so that his muscular and toned body was on display, especially his magic tattoo of a Xenomorph and Yautja fighting on his abs.

Because of how early it was there was no one around so Logan walked along the corridor alone.

After a short walk, Logan finally arrived at the giant Hogwart's lake, home to a many a magical creature, including a giant squid and Merpeople.

Logan didn't hesitate to dive straight in, leaving his flip-flops on the small dock, once he touched the water he transformed into his Animagus form, that being a great white shark, and over the years this particular form never stopped growing, and that's what most likely effected his human form and what give him his height.

His shark form was around 8 meters long from his nose all the way to the tip of his tail and he didn't notice his growth slowing down anytime soon, but instead of thinking about that Logan wanted to enjoy his swim while he could before he would have to head back in and get ready for the rest of the school day even if he wouldn't learn anything

As Logan was enjoying his swim he spotted a small school of fish, well small relative to his current size, so he decided to have some fun and chase after them, maybe have some breakfast while he was at it.

While he was sneaking through the sea weed, getting closer and closer to his current target he felt something stab into his side, on instinct he swam forward with all his strength even though all he could feel was pain.

But that quickly went away once the adrenaline set in and the anger at being attacked clouded his mind, angry because of a group of Merpeople that were just coming out of the sea weed cover that he had also just been in, armed with tridents that looked like they were tipped with shells.

Logan would have been very excited to see some Merpeople if they hadn't just attacked and injured him, so without much thought Logan rushed at the group and with how fast he was travelling they had no change to get out of the way or counter attack.

In his charge Logan had gotten two of them in his mouth and he instantly bit done with literal tons of pressure that instantly killed the Merpeople that were too unlucky to face Logan when he was angry.

After his first attack Logan's head became clear once again, and so when he saw that there was one more Merman trying to attack him even when the other swam off he decide to kill him also, it's not his fault that he has kelp for brains.

The Merman was rushing right at him, so Logan thought he would have some fun and do the same, they were both having a game of chicken, see which one one of them would back down first but it seems that neither of them had such an idea.

Now just a dozen meters apart Logan did the unthinkable for a creature his size he turned right around and hit the Merman at just the right time with his tail, slapping the Merman so hard that Logan could smell blood in the water and it looked like he had knocked him out as well.

Seeing that sight Logan thought so himself, 'I wouldn't want to waste food when it was specially brought right to me.' Logan then when on to eat each piece of the Merpeople that he had killed in the fight, bones and all.

Logan only didn't find in disgusting because of the instincts he had gained from being able to turn into a great white, so he didn't even raise an eyebrow when he started eating the human shaped fish.

Now a little full Logan decided to head back inside, a nice battle scar on his side to tell of his victory later on.


"Hestia, are you sure you saw White walk out here in swimming shorts? I really doubt he went for a swim with what is lurking down there." A first year girl in Slytherin, with straight brown hair down to her shoulders said to her sister who also seemed to be her twin.

"Flora, trust me some more will you, I'm certain he came this way, look!" Hestia said pointing towards the flip-flops Logan left behind, "Those are his! And they are placed like he took them off before diving into the water, lets just wait for him to come back. It will be the perfect opportunity to try and become friends with him and gain his protection!" Hestia said passionately, desperately trying to convince her sister to see things her way.

A couple minutes later the sisters were still waiting for Logan at the dock and were starting to get worried about him, they were about to go get a professor when a great white shark crested the water in front of the dock and scared them to their very bones.

It passed over high above them and it looked like the shark would land on the dock but it was more likely going to break it into half when it did land and you could see the looks in the sisters faces change from shock to panic when they both realised it likely going to end up killing them.

But they were even more shocked when they saw the great white change into a man, with black hair and blue eyes, a muscular physique that made the sisters share an equally large blush and become stunned once again when they see that it is Logan.

"Huh, I didn't see you two there." Logan said as he walked towards the two identical looking girls.

As Logan put on his flip-flops and the girls watched him closely one thought went through both of the heads, 'We need to get his protection at all costs.'