Ch 19 : More then Friends? Part 2/2

"Well this isn't what I was expecting when I came out of the shower, so, you two must really want to be my friends then?" Logan grinned at them, the two sisters were both naked as the day they were born, laying down on top of Logan's bed with their hands trying to cover as much as they could.

Logan looked at them closely and felt ... nothing. His body was young but his mind was already very old and mature even if he was effected by his bodies growing hormones at times and made silly mistakes because of them, but his tastes had not changed even after so long, Logan could only see the twins as nothing but little girls in the process of making a life changing mistake that would break them if he did what they seemed to want him to do.

"Well speak up, why are you two serving yourselves up to me on a silver platter? And I want a real answer, lie and I punish you, right now I'm not in the mood to play games." Logan demanded of the twins, making them shudder slightly at the anger in his demanding tone.

The sisters shared a look between them before sitting up, not caring about their current state and moving over so that they were sitting on the edge of the bed together, facing Logan, and they then covered themselves as best as they could again, not caring if Logan saw anything when they did, they had already given up on protecting their decency.

"To pure-bloods, the purity of blood and having an ancient magical family line is everything." Flora started, before Hestia continued on from where she stopped, "That goes especially for are parents, they have already arranged who we will marry right after we leave Hogwarts, it doesn't even matter to them that there is a 30 years age difference between us and them or what we really want, we would rather both be with you, an extremely talented half-blood that will go places, it doesn't hurt that you are very handsome, then with two old men that could be our great grandparents." Hestia explained, both of them cringing at time when their future husbands were mentioned.

"I see so I was the lesser of two evils." Logan smiled with a frown that made the naked girls panic and hold each other close, that was until Logan's frown faded away like it was never there.

"Well I'm not the devil, I'll be your man if you two will be my woman," Logan smiled more genuinely this time, the sisters looked even more startled by Logan's sudden change of tune, they were even more surprised by what he did next, "But I'm afraid I won't be able to receive the 'gift's' you are offering right now." Logan said as he gestured to the both of them, they realised what Logan was trying to say and both blushed at the implication.

"Simply because I would be doing more harm then good." Logan said before he dropped the towel that he had around his waist, revealing what it was covering from the sisters eyes make them both astounded, because of what Logan was so casually showing off and because he was right in that it would definitely hurt them move now then later, like for example when they were much, much older.

Ignoring the twins as they checked out his... well everything Logan started getting changed into his school robes when he was just about to put on his shirt Flora called out to him, "Logan ... I've wondered this since we were walking back to the castle from the lake but what is that on your stomach? I've never seen a tattoo like that or creatures like them." She asked still now her and her sister covering themselves with Logan's bedding.

"Oh, these?" Logan said as he pointed to his toned stomach, directly at the fighting aliens, "Well I made a new way to tattoo, that was actually quite a bit of work, and it is of two aliens." That surprised the girls, both mouthing aliens to each other in scepticism, seeing that Logan kept going.

"The magical world is unbelievably small and it is well behind the rest of the world, the pure-blood culture that everyone seems so adamant to hold on to has slowed innovation so much that it's none existent, the rest of the world is already gone to outer space and even landed on the moon, space travel will become much more realistic a couple dozen years from now, and then there's even more advanced civilisations out there that have already conquered space travel that they make a living off taking over other worlds." What Logan said made the girls so shocked that they discarded the blanket and rushed over to Logan, kneeling down in front, and either side of him, so used to showing themselves to him now that they got used to it very quickly.

"You mean these are actual aliens? From a whole other planet? That's incredible!" Flora said amazed, Hestia sounded her agreement with a hum as she traced her fingers along the lines that made up Logan's tattoo, Flora also following in her sisters example.

"You know it feels wrong for me to say this as I'm currently living every guys dream, but I think you two should start getting dressed, not kneeling, naked in front of me while you both also feel me up." Logan said with a cheeky tone that got the girls moving back to their piles of clothes and putting them on finally.

Logan waited for them before he lead them out of his room and past everyone else that stopped what they were doing as they watched Logan move through the common room, Logan stopped and looked around, catching peoples eyes before they would look away quickly.

"Good, that you are all here, this will save me some time." Logan then put his arms around the twins waists, them not even flinching as he did, they were already used to something much more embarrassing, "These lovely lady's have agreed to be mine, meaning you even think about doing something to them that I wouldn't like, I break a finger. You actually touch them I take a finger, agreed? Good! Glad, we could clear this up without having to use someone for a demonstration, but ... maybe you all need another one? Hmm~ Anyone?" Logan looked around and when his back was turned to a cocky looking forth year that had just pulled his wand and then fired a cutting spell at Logan neck.

Logan span around, slapping away the red spell with his hand that was covered in a small shield, said spell redirected so it was hitting above another group of students that screamed as they dropped to the floor in panic, the spell cut into the rock of the common room above them.

"What do we have here? A volunteer!" Logan grinned as he descended upon the forth year that tried to decapitate him, the student had no time to react before Logan was in front of him grabbing his wand and hand in his own, all he did next was squeeze down on them both, and after that followed a series of loud cracks the first was his wand and the rest were his bones.

Everyone else in the common room were amazed and horrified with what Logan had just done, he had done what they felt was the impossible, deflecting a high powered offensive spell with his hand, even doing that with a wand took years of experience and skill and a whole lot of luck and talent, for Logan to have done what he did also while it had been fired at his back meant that Logan was a godly talent, even worse was that he had a habit of hurting people and he seemed to have the skills to do so.

The one thought on everyone's minds after that was to just stay out of Logan's way, he beat someone half to death, so what as long as it wasn't me, he takes on twins as lovers, good for him it doesn't really matter to me though, oh he broke someone's hand, must have been that guys fault for getting in Logan's way.

"Come on girls." Logan called to the twins who were smiling as they walked up to Logan together and went on to both of his sides, they both entwined their fingers with his hands and also used their other hand to hold onto his arm, the added bonus of feeling his muscles was something that they would keep to themselves.