Ch 20 : Third Year

In the three years that Logan was at Hogwarts he had completed all the of the things he had set out to actually do when he decided to actually attend Hogwarts.

Number one on that list was to obtain a sample of Hagrid's blood, that was willingly give, it always annoyed Logan when rituals had such requirements for them to work properly but he was able to get it by saying that he would perform a family relation test ritual, at least that's what he told Hagrid when he asked for some of his blood, Logan did actually also do a relationship test with some of the blood just so that he could lie with the truth if anyone ever asked him about it, it turned out Logan and Hagrid actually had a great great great grandparent in common so Hagrid was pleased about that.

Using that blood, Logan isolated what made giants grow so large and used it to make himself grow larger, the ritual he used was to just make it work along side his natural growth, his growth spurts would be a lot bigger then others though.

He was only 13, nearly 14 in another month and he was already 2 meters tall, and was no where close to where he would finish growing.

His hair had stopped growing down and instead started growing out so it now reminded him of Madara's hair from the anime Naruto, long and wild hair that was also very soft. The twins liked it, they liked stroking it so that was also a nice bonus.

After that day in his room they had started following him around everywhere, even to the bottom of the lake and on his work outs, they would hold onto his fin while he swam them round the bottom of the lake, they of course had warming charms and bubble head charms on so that they didn't freeze or drown to death, the fact that they were riding on the back of the unofficial king of the Hogwart's lake stopped creatures from trying to attack them.

His shark form also grew with his giant blood, he was now 17 meters long, it was a huge leap from 8 meters so it would seem that the giant blood had more of an effect on that form then it did his human one, he could also no long call his form a great white shark as he had left that bracket a long time ago, he was now thoroughly in the realm of a Megalodon.

Speaking of his girls, he could really be called their boyfriend now, after the first day of being 'together' they were both very forthcoming with their feelings for me and so they slowly wore me down until I was in the same boat as them so to speak, I blame my teenage hormones making me fall in love.

Logan had even performed a special ritual that was very common amongst pure-bloods before the ministry of magic made it illegal and called it dark magic due to it requiring virgin blood straight from a torn hymen but it also needed willing parties that want to do it and not against their will, said ritual would boost both parties magical abilities and capacity, Logan of course used the ritual twice, for both twins when he finally 'took' them and so he got an extra boost. Logan made sure to only do so once he was sure that they were mentally and physical able to make the decision to be 'connected' with him.

The twins had been disowned by their family recently, right after their parents had found out about the kind of relationship they shared with Logan, who was in their eyes a "filthy half-breed beast" and so the only reason Logan hadn't done something to them, yet was because the twins insisted that they deal with their own parents, the way they wanted to.

But that also meant that they would be living together with him from now on during summer and winter holidays, it also meant that Logan would have to reveal his true parentage, as a Black.

Logan still wasn't sure how they would react when he finally told them as they had changed a lot over the years after being around him all the time, he had an affect on them he just wasn't sure if that was a good thing, they started becoming more happy and less expressionless so he was hoping for the best but preparing for the worst as the Black were a very powerful pure-blood family that was sure to effect someone who was raised with those ideals constantly being shouted in your face from the moment they were born.

The other things on his list that he had got done was the hardest as it had time constraints, he killed Slytherin's basilisk after opening the chamber of secrets from the woman's bathroom that was haunted by the snakes last victim, from almost 50 years ago.

He had killed it with a cry of a rooster that he had gotten from Hagrid's little egg farm, after that he had to work quickly, using a ritual that he was very familiar with to transfer the snakes soul to a rock before it could fly away, from there he altered the way he made a magical tattoo so that it would be able to take a soul as an ingredient and not a spell.

And after that all he prepared the basilisk's body for the tattoo and the soul to the go in that tattoo, he infused the body with Dementor's cloak dust and he then put the soul back into the body but it stayed this time due to the Dementor cloak core holding it there, after that Logan just had to chant the spell that he made that would make it into a tattoo on his skin.

And one second later Logan now had a Basilisk tattoo that was wrapping around his forearm with the head of the snake resting on the back of his hand, but after that Logan noticed something odd, the tattoo blinked at him, that startled him and even more so when the snake actually started slivering around his body, just like as if his skin was the ground, "It worked? ... It worked!!!" Logan couldn't help but scream with joy, down in the chamber the shout bounced off against everything making a great big echo.

Logan had been able to create a living tattoo that looked like it had real intelligence, all Logan had to confirm now was if the other side he made it to do worked, so looking down at his arm where the Basilisk was currently Logan started talking to it in Parseltongue, "Can you here me?" He asked and what he got was what look like a nod but it was hard to tell with the snake being flat to his skin, "Alright I want you to try leaving my skin and appearing in front of me."

A second later there was a huge Basilisk right in front of him looking around with curiosity, "Okay good and now go back to my skin." And just like magic Logan once again had his moving Basilisk tattoo, "Now that is cool." Logan grinned to himself.

Back to the present moment Logan was sitting at the Slytherin table in the hall, waiting for the next sorting to begin, on either side of him was his two girls, Flora and Hestia, the more active lifestyle that Logan had introduced them to had worked very well for them, especially their curves, they were already growing up to be very beautiful and many had noticed as well, so over the years Logan had to break a couple more hands until it was an unwritten rule across the whole school that you stay clear of Logan White and his twin lovers.

Even from inside the hall you could here Hagrid's loud knocks at the door, the sorting was about to begin and he would once again see little Harry Potter, Logan couldn't help but wonder how he turned out after what he did to change things.