Ch 22 : Let the Game's Begin!

"What's a pathetic half-blood doing in Slytherin?!" Malfoy shouted at Harry right after they had entered the common room, Harry looked indifferent as the little brat had his tantrum, at least that's what it looked like from his point of view.

But before Harry could speak a tall dark shape came up to him from the passage behind him, when it stepped into the light, it became clear it was who everyone was waiting for, Logan White.

"You're called half-bloods pathetic? When, you, a pure-blood is nothing but dirt from where I'm standing? Now that just doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe I should show you your place in this world." Logan started as he passed Harry who was looking at him with curiosity as to what he would do.

"How dare-!" Malfoy screamed with ego dripping at every pour, that was until he really started screaming, mainly for his father oddly enough.

From all the screaming and crying Logan had done something very violent to him but instead all he had done was flick his forehead, to test the waters so to speak, to see just how much punishment he could dish-out before it just became redundant as such, past a certain point they just collapses into them selves to get away from the pain and then they didn't learn anything and went back to annoy him again.

Logan had learned this from all the trial and error over his time at Hogwart's a place filled with people that can't seem to learn their lesson, even when it smashes them in the face.

"I just flicked him on the forehead and he's already begging for me to stop, stop what? I've not even touched you. But I'll use this chance to toughen you up a bit, make you more of a man instead of this 'pathetic' blob I see in front of me." Logan said to the crying boy, stressing the very same words that he had used at the very start.

Malfoy pleaded but Logan wasn't listening he was too focused on what had become a hobby of his, putting egotistical bigots in their place, the Logan before, in his last life was nothing like this, he was quite, stayed to himself and enjoyed himself by reading, it was only later in life that he socialised and interacted with others in settings such as bars or clubs, his only violent out bursts were because of being forced to the edge, but he never went looking for that person to push him off that edge so that he could 'explode' for a reason, not like he was doing now.

Logan had hypothesised that it was an effect of his Animagus form, his form was that of a predator, he needed that hunt, and he never went backwards now, he only kept moving forward, not looking back on past decisions or mistakes, learning from them but never repeating them, in that way he was also like his other form, forever moving forward and it was for that reason that Logan had decided on what he wanted to do...


"A broken nose, 4 broken fingers, all his toes have been crushed, and his body is covered in bruises and cuts. This can all be easily fixed, but I'm afraid that fixing his mind is beyond my abilities, only time will heal that wound. I'm sorry Lord Malfoy." Madam Pomfrey said to the long white haired man next to her as they stood over a hospital bed in the medical wing of Hogwart's, in the bed was a badly beaten up Draco Malfoy.

The man stood silently as he waited for the nurse to walk away and leave him with his son, once she was gone he moved around the bed and leaned down so he was able to whisper something to his son, something only a few would have guessed at what he said, "You are a waste of my blood, I should have never wasted my time and money raising a sick little parasite that only took and never gave anything back, not even appreciation ... goodbye 'son'." Malfoy said with a stone cold face and it only broke to let out a sneer but it quickly went back to indifference.

Malfoy then stood up straight and pointed his wand at Draco's head, a silent spell later and he was done, leaving straight after, not even bothering to look back when Draco started thrashing around on the bed, like he was have a seizure.

A panicked nurse had no clue as to what was happening and so was unable to prevent the death that soon happened under her watch.

'I'll make sure to get 'revenge' for you son, for the incompetent Hogwart's staff that are in direr need of replacing.' Malfoy thought to himself as he walked along the corridor, at the same time mentally going though the check list that he had prepared long ago for such a situation, 'Oh, I forgot to send off that letter to the minister, I'll make sure I get every sickle and knut for your death my 'dear' son.' He thought to himself, letting out a small chuckle as he thought about a perfect plan coming together.


"How do you know Potter so well?" Flora asked Logan as they were lying down next to each other on a blanket near the lake, Hestia was sleeping on his other side her face pressed into his neck, she was looking mighty cute if you asked him. Cute in the way she was trying to practically suck the heat right out of him, by pressing herself as close to him as she could in her sleep.

"I found him when he was younger and helped him out a bit, got a future favour out of a little bit of work from a potential powerful wizard, not a bad deal if you ask me." Logan explained to her, she just shrugged and went back to trying to get some sleep like her sister was currently doing, losing all interest in how Logan knew Potter from before Hogwart's, not even bothering to ask what the favour was, but even if she did Logan wouldn't be ashamed to say that it was to torture a family, she and her sister where tempted to ask the same of him when their parents disowned them, but they were still set on getting their own revenge.

They couldn't have Logan sort out all their problems for them, that was something the twins both whole heatedly agreed on together.


"Who in their right mind would name a giant Cerberus Fluffy?!" A pale man wearing a purple turban and robes huffed as he limped along the corridor.


Author note:

I'm planning to give the twins Animagus forms, please give me some ideas.

I'm fond of the idea of making them bunny's or something as equally cute so I can have the tough, Madara looking Logan pet them and have some cute situations. :)

Please answer in the comments.