Ch 23 : News Travels Fast Around Here, Huh?

Within hours of Draco's death, the news had spread to the entire school that he had apparently died of his injuries that he mysteriously had sustained that evening, but everyone knew that was just code for 'Logan White beat him up and he died because of it' so in the hall the next morning everyone was looking over at Logan and whispering to each other, not even bothering to hide what they were doing.

The man in question had much more important and pressing matters on his hands so the whispering that was going on around him was ignored, said important matters was sitting either side of him.

The twins had been learning from Logan ever since they properly became a couple, Logan wouldn't stand to have his girls defenceless after all, he was currently teaching them about how to become an Animagus, only doing so now because he was happy with where they were with their transfiguration magic.

They had already found out their inner beast but were keeping it to themselves as a surprise for Logan, so that when they completed their very first transformation he would be surprised, probable one of the few times they will ever be able to surprise him, because to their eyes it seemed that he seemed to know what would happen before it did, they were both still very curious about that little detail but never questioned him about it.

"How much longer do we have to have these leaves stuck to the roof of our mouths?" Hestia moaned to Logan, Flora nodding her head in agreement on his other side, both slumping on to his sides in mock sadness.

Logan chuckled at their pouting expressions, "Just a few more days, you're basically already at the finish line, don't give up now." Logan encouraged them, "Once those short few days are over you'll be able to change into ... what form is it by the way?" Logan tried to ask like he wasn't interested, to try and trick them into letting their Animagus form slip without their realising.

"Ara! Ara! Ara!" Hestia and Flora wagged their fingers at him together as the tutted like they were telling off a child for trying to steal a cookie from the jar, "We promised that it would be a surprise so don't even think about trying to trick us into telling you the answer." Flora continued as Hestia kept giving Logan the stern stare.

The hall suddenly became very quite as a group of Auror's, the magical worlds version of police, walked into the hall and they all had their eyes locked onto Logan, angry stares and wands in their hands already.

Walking right up to Logan they tried to glare down at him to show their authority but it didn't work very well when even when Logan was stilling down he was still taller then them, "Logan White?" They asked him like they weren't sure that he was who they thought.

"Who wants to know?" Logan asked back standing up from the bench to his full height and looking down at them all with contempt, a few of the greener looking Auror's took a step back when Logan did, Logan let out a smirk at that.

The oldest looking Auror stepped passed the others and held his wand to Logan's neck, "Logan White you are under arrest for the murder of the Malfoy heir, Draco Malfoy." He growled at Logan, he was most likely a veratrin of the wars with Voldemort and his death eaters, so it seemed strange to Logan that he would be so upset with Draco's death, the son of a well known death eater that got off easy with the Imperius defence, claiming that he was mind controlled by Voldemort.

'He must have a hard on for justice or doesn't like it when kids get killed, well, who cares not like I'll remember his face after this.' Logan thought to himself, smiling down at the man, "Lead the way old man." Logan said as he held up his hands out in front of him, the man then put a pair of iron shackles that self locked once they were on both of his hands, the old Auror also grabbed his wand and put it in his pocket.

The twins were both so shocked that they were unable to do anything when they watched their boyfriend get taken away in cuffs, and walked all the way out of Hogwart's, they were still sitting at the table with shell shocked looks on their twin faces when the Auror's and Logan was apparated from Hogwart's right into a Ministry cell where they left him.


"Ahem! Hello, Mr. White, do you understand what you stand accused of?" A middle aged woman that hadn't aged very well that was wearing way too much pink and had a clearly fake sickly sweet voice was staring down at Logan, a hard feet unless you can suddenly fly, staring at him from the top of her podium in the circular room that had seats lining the walls so that everyone sitting in the room could see the centre, where Logan happened to be, sitting in a chair that probably overly large so that the normal people seemed small when they are put in it but for Logan it was just the right size which meant that it lost a lot of it's tactical purpose of making him look weaker.

He was after all in the Ministry of Magic's court room on trial for the death of a pure-blood heir that he 'supposedly' beat to death, "Yeah, Um-bitch, I'm accused of beating a egotistical brat to death. Or are you trying to pin some other crimes on me?" Logan asked as he leaned back into the chair.

The woman in pink, the one Logan called Um-bitch was clearly trying to control her anger as she breathed in deeply and then started shouting, "That is Miss. Umbridge to you! You filthy half-breed-!" She screamed before suddenly realising what she was saying and stopped herself, calming down with another deep breath, before putting on her fake sickly sweet voice that just made her sound like a child molester that was trying to lour in young naive children.

"You will address me as such, is that understood?" She asked not even expecting and answer as she glared at Logan who just looked uninterested and ready to kill someone.

Logan suddenly sighed loudly, everyone in the court room was thinking that he was giving up to her and would play along but they were completely wrong and were stunned with what happened next, Logan stood up, stretch to his full height making many of them surprised, but they now understood why Umbridge called him a half-breed, with that kind of height he could only be a half-giant.

"I was going to wait going to wait until the verdict, where you would ultimately rule me guilty with the minimal evidence you fabricated but this is too boring~!" Logan said before grinning at all the confused faces around him, "So I'm just going to skip ahead to the good bit." Logan finished before suddenly growing and deforming into another shape.

His clothes were unable to contain him anymore an burst from his body leaving his top bear, Logan was just glad that he made his trousers magically resizable to his body so that he wasn't completely naked.

His skin became blue and wrought like it was made up of interlocking plates with a razor edge, and his hands became webbed and the same happened to his feet, that you could now see after they grew too big for his shoes and they exploded just like his clothes.

He grew a large fin from his back and his head became that of a shark along with gills on both sides of his neck, he was now 5 meters tall and his muscles became even larger to fit his now huge body.

(Author Note: Imagine King Shark from the Flash TV series but taller and with tattoo's.)

"Oh~ this is going to be fun!" Logan's voice was deep and gravelly, after he finished speaking all hell broke loose, people started screaming and rushing to get to the doors, not even bothering to attack him.