Ch 24 : Most Wanted!

As everyone was screaming and running as fast as their lazy wizard legs could carry them Logan was looking through the terrorised mob, trying to spot the pink, toxic toad that was trying to hop away from him.

Logan spotted the pink blob in a sea of black robes and started walking towards it, scaring the people closest to him and making them try and apparate away to safety, completely forgetting about the anti-apparation wards in place that are meant to prevent criminals from trying to get away during their trial but instead it just made it into a perfect place to trap them all in with Logan.

Once people bounced back from the wards they either landed badly and hurt something or worse splinched themselves, meaning they 'left something behind' when they tried to leave, some people were only missing a few strands of hair or a part of their clothes but others were missing fingers, whole limbs, and in some cases people had left their entire body behind so that only their head ended up bouncing back from the wards, it was quite a gruesome sight and it only made to panic the mob even further.

Logan ignored the pandemonium that he had inadvertently caused and continued on walking towards the pink toad that was now on the floor after being pushed down, thrown towards him by other people trying to save themselves from the threat that was a shark-man called Logan White.

Panic was clear in her eyes and a puddle started forming underneath her, slowly getting larger as Logan got closer, "That's just gross, die with some dignity at least." Logan said as he reached down and put his large webbed hand around her head, she whimpered what sounded like mercy as Logan started to squeeze, eventually bursting her head like a watermelon, brain matter, blood and bone fragments dripped off of Logan's hand and he looked down on it in disgust before using wandless magic to clean his hand.

Leaving Umbridge's headless body where it laid in a pool of her own piss and blood, not even giving her a second glance as he looked towards where he felt some powerful magical signatures coming at him in a group and in what felt like a battle formation, 'Must be Auror's' Logan thought as he prepared for them to come through the double door's that people were still banging on trying to get out, not even thinking of using their most powerful tool to get the doors open with a simple spell that even Hogwart's first years knew.

It was likely that as soon as those doors opened he would be bombarded with attack spells that even his magical enchanted skin would have trouble holding up under so Logan decided to unleash something that would be able to and take out the threat at the same time.


"We go in with formation B, I want wands in the air and civvies on the floor, make sure they're only stunned though, I can't be bothered with the paper work if one of you idiots accidentally kill one!" A senior Auror shouted at the front of the group that was rushing down the hallway towards the court room that Logan was being sentenced in as they got closer they got into a formation that made it to so none of them would end up hitting the others but would also allow them to cover for one another if one of them went down.

"We enter on my count! 3! 2! 1!" The senior Auror shouted before he flicked his wand and made the court room doors open, a flood of people wearing robes ran out as soon as they could, most falling over one another and getting trampled on by the ones behind them, the Auror's stunned most of them and then levitated them to the side, just trying to clear a path forwards, working together as quickly as they could.

When they were finally through they were shocked at what they saw in the centre of the room, a hulking beast that looked like a part-man part-shark hybrid with blood and bodies all around it, because they were staring directly at the shark-man they saw when a mark on his skin actually started to move from around it's shoulders to the hand that it was raising towards them.

Thinking that it was just a magical beast that someone had unleashed in the court room they didn't even entertain the idea that it would be able to use magic as there had never been such a case before but it seems they were wrong when a black long object shoot out from the shark-mans skin, quickly getting larger as it came towards them, they didn't even have a chance to move when they saw the giant gaping mouth with fangs coming towards them at high speed.

The black blur turned out to be a huge 60 to 70 foot Basilisk that crushed people that just happened to be unlucky enough to be in the way at the time when it landed, when the Auror's tried to attack it, the spells would just bounce off of the the snakes skin and if they even tried to look at it and if they were unlucky they would end up turning into a corpse, the snakes eyes were like a window to the afterlife that sent anyone who looked into them onto meet their maker.


Once all the Auror's were either dead or unconscious Logan summoned the Basilisk back to it's tattooed home on his skin and then transformed back down to his human form, just so that he could get through the door, granted that he still had to lean down when he went through them so that he wouldn't hit his head on the frame.

Logan had discovered that he could transform half way one day while he was out swimming in the lake, a gut instinct telling him what to do, Logan believed that it was the effect of the giants blood he had made apart of himself, it's effect giving him a more human like Animagus form.

Walking through the Ministry corridors Logan watched as people ran to get away from him, he couldn't imagine why, but he felt that it had something to do with the blood splatter that marked his body.

Logan was walking with a destination in mind, followed the strong magical signature that he had felt as soon as he was arrested and apparated into the Ministry cell, going through door, after door and even taking four different lifts up, down and sideways he finally arrived at a door that went straight down into a black abyss, recognising the place from the movies Logan didn't hesitate to jump straight down into the darkness, transforming into his shark-man form as he went.

It was seconds later when he hit the stone floor with a great thud that made the ground crack and pebbles bounce up from the ground when he landed, he had landed on the edge on a stone plate form, it looked like the Ministry was built around the stone formation in front of him.

Walking up to it Logan studied the archway known as the veil, it's surface rippled like the ocean on a calm day but it was completely see through and didn't have the deep dark depths that he liked to swim in to relax that the ocean did, it was also known as the gateway to the land of the dead because everything with a heart beat died once they passed through to the other side, it certainly felt powerful but Logan wasn't so sure that it was the pathway to the land of the dead but it certainly went somewhere.

It was exactly what Logan needed.