Ch 25 : Adding to My Collection Part 1/2

On a normal morning at Hogwart's the hall was filled with students eating breakfast and of course the rumour mill was already in full effect with the recent happenings, Malfoy Jr.'s death, Logan's arrest and there had been whispers of what happened during his trial last night but it was too unbelievable for anyone to take it seriously.

But most of what they heard did seem like the truth, it was Logan White they were talking about after all, he had a certain reputation that just made the impossible seem possible even enough to give doubt to whether what they heard could actually be the truth, it was also for that reason that almost everyone was outright staring at the twins sitting down at the Slytherin table across from them the world famous boy-who-lived, Harry Potter.

But it seemed that in this case he was just a normal first year that everyone else felt wasn't enough to warrant them staring at him like they were doing just yesterday, there was now a much more interesting target, or rather targets for their imagination to run wide on.

The fact that most of the staff was absent didn't help quell the students and real just went to confirm the rumours that had started to spread by work of mouth.

The hall was suddenly flooded with owls of different sizes and colours, delivering their payload to the right people, and within seconds like was like the last strew was set on fire and all hell broke lose, students jumping from their seats after they read the front page of the wizard news paper, The Daily Prophet.

Plastered on said paper was Logan's face and it moved like it was a small video that was on repeat, with the word undesirable in bold at the top, it was a wanted poster and at the bottom of it it had a giant No.1, meaning Logan had jumped right to most wanted in magical Britain.

If the hall wasn't on fire with gossip before it certainly was now.

People were so busy that they didn't notice when the twins and Harry running after them left the hall suddenly after reading the paper and what the crimes Logan was accused of, it was mostly for murder of high Ministry officials and Auror's, and for stealing something very valuable from the Ministry.


"Do think that Logan's alright? I mean if he's wanted that should mean that he got away from them and is probable hiding somewhere, right?" Harry asked them, worried about the first person that had been kind to him.

The twins didn't stop walking, where Harry didn't know, but he anxiously waited for an answer.

"Logan's smart, he'll known what to do to fix all this." Flora said to him, both girls confident that what she said was the truth no other thoughts even crossed their minds, they may have been shocked when Logan was suddenly arrested but they grew stronger from it and so did their faith in Logan's abilities.

"Thank you for that Ladies, I'm glad that you trust your man so much." Logan smirked after coming out from behind a stone pillar that they were about to walk past, the twins instantly jumped on Logan, hugging him as tightly as they could, showing their deep love and affection for the one person that they had both poured so much attention and love into over the years.

"I had to speed up my plans due to a little hick up, so prepare to leave, but don't worry I already had some of the Elf's pack up all your things we really just have to grab a few more things before we go. I'll need your help with that Harry." Logan explained to his girls before looking to Harry who was bewildered as to why Logan needed his help, pointing to himself like he was asking if he got the right Harry.


"Now just imagine mirror you putting the stone into your pocket." Logan explained as they stood in front of a larger full length mirror with a descriptive frame holding it up, and some strange unreadable writing going along it's sides.

Harry did as asked and his eyes widened when he saw exactly as Logan said, mirror him did put the red stone that was in his hand into his pocket and he then suddenly felt a weight in that same pocket.

Reaching in he grabbed the red stone and inspected it closely, Logan beside him was doing the same thing but he was actually using his magic to get a feeling as to what the stone actually did, what he got was confusing but the most sense he could make of it was that the stone stored every type of energy it came in contact with, be it heat, light, sound or magic, and you would then be able to use that energy for whatever you want or just compress that energy into a liquid to drink and then extend your life.

"Thanks for that Harry, it's just what I need to power something important." Logan said as he took the stone from Harry and then passed it on too Dobby that disappeared right after.

"What are you going to power?" Harry asked curiously.

"Oh, just my house."


After having a very tiring day trying to fix the mess that Logan had made Dumbledore apparated back into his office with his eyes closer after doing it so many time it just became habit so he didn't need his eyes to find his desk and instead opted to rub his tired old eyes, he sat down with a mighty sigh, not even bothering it look he reached out to grab a lemon drop and popped one in his mouth.

"Umm~ that's better, but sadly I now regret leaving White up to his own devices even if he would have been a very valuable weapon against Tom, not if he was going to cause this mess. Actually thinking of Tom, how's he doing with the wards I set up to protect the stone." Dumbledore thought aloud, used to the privacy that his officer provided.

Trying to get up to got look a that trinket he tied to the wards protecting the stone he was surprised when instead of moving like he wanted, he was unable to move a muscle, like he was glued down to he chair, "What's going on?" He panicked slightly, his tiredness playing against his normal calm state of mind that he had perfected over the years.

"Oh, that would be my fault. Hello Dumbledore, how's your day been?" Logan said as he came out from under the invisibility cloak that he had found locked away in Dumbledore's office, getting in had been easy but it did require some elbow grease to finally open it and then it was just the matter of removing everything Dumbledore had done to it, like tracking spells and spells that would alert him if the cloak was being used, probably how he knew where Harry was when he was using it in the movies.

"Mr. White! What have you done to me?!" Dumbledore raged as he tried yet again to get up or reach for his wand but was only successful in wiggling his head a little bit, which only went to making Logan laugh in his face, which he clearly didn't like if the look on his long breaded face was any clue.

"I poisoned your lemon drops, you won't be able to move for a very long time, even with your great magical reservoir to pull from." Dumbledore looked shocked that his most favourite sweet would be his down fall.