Ch 29 : All Together Once Again Part 3/3

Standing outside of the room that Logan had left Narcissa and Malfoy he listened in as he heard Narcissa cast curse after curse on Malfoy, he heard mostly the torture curse and other such pain inflicting curses, around 10 minutes later Narcissa came out of the room slightly bloody, though Logan was sure that none of that blood was hers.

She looked a bit shell shocked and out of it, so much so that she didn't seem to notice Logan when he directed her over to a bench in the corridor and he left her there staring into space as he went to look back in the room to see just exactly what she had done to Malfoy.

Looking at the mutilated body that was missing it's toes and fingers, and Logan thought that he could see his head sitting by itself in the corner, Narcissa had used a transfiguration spell to turn the ground into a certain huge phallic member that the blood dripping body was impaled on top of, Logan could only make a promise to himself to not upset a woman so much that she reach the same point that Narcissa did with Malfoy.

"Narcissa~, hey~, Narcissa~, are you in there?" Logan called out to her softly, making her look up at him with a blank look, "What is it?" Her voice dead and flat without any emotion, emotionally drained from the recent events.

"As the Lord of the Black Family, I, Logan Damian White-Black, annul your marriage to Lucius Malfoy, effective immediately. You are now once again a Black." And as if on cue the white streak in her hair turned back to black, magic was reacting to his words and carrying out his orders, her hair was just an indication to that.

Narcissa was clearly shocked that Logan was actually the lord of her family, so much so that her mouth hanged open and her past emotionless state was like it never existed.

"Now come on, I'll take you to your sister so she can take care of you, and don't worry about Malfoy, I'll take care of him." Logan told her before he apparated them both to her sister, Andromeda Tonks, home.

Seconds after they left the manor it set on fire, burning everything inside to ashes.


"Hello Nagini, no need to hide, I know your there." Logan called out in Parseltongue, shortly after a python snake slithered out of the undergrowth, they were in a forest in the alps of Albania, the same place Voldemort was hiding before he possessed the back of Professor Quirrell's head and infiltrated Hogwart's.

"A speaker? How do you know my name?" Nagini asked by as she raised her head up so that she was more eye level with Logan.

"I know your history and about the little blood curse you are having an issue with, if you help me I'll help you regain a human form and even give you a home, no more surviving out here. What do you say?" Logan asked her, Nagini looked like she was contemplating her choice but even though he was a Parseltongue it was hard for Logan to tell her facial expression's.

After a minute it seemed that she had come to a decision, looking Logan in his eyes she hissed her answer.


"Quickly! The unicorns blood, before you die! You fool!" Voldemort hissed to Quirrell from the back of his head, Voldemort's face twisting and making it misshapen and deformed, said blood that Quirrell was about to drink was the only think keeping him and in extension Voldemort alive, directly from its source.

The creature that Quirrell was about to drink the blood from was that of a Unicorn, it was amazing that he had even caught it in the first place since that Unicorns could out run Werewolf's quite easily.

But he didn't really catch the Unicorn, no, it seems that he had just crippled it so badly that it couldn't run and was now bleeding out alive, defenceless.

"Fool! Behind you!" Voldemort screamed at Quirrell but it was too late for them both, before he could even turn around Logan had stunned them both.

Putting the invisibility cloak back in his bang Logan walked over to the fallen body, the very same one that contained two souls, Logan could separate them without any pain, but he didn't really feel like helping Quirrell so he just used the man's blood to paint a seal on his body that would prevent Voldemort from leaving his body as a spirit.

After letting Dobby take away Quirrell-mort he looked to the fearful Unicorn that was breathing heavily and was making weak attempts at trying to stand up but she was too weak to stand, Logan felt the same pity that he felt for the pale Dragon that was used as a guard in the bottom of Gringotts.

So getting out his bag of Dementor dust Logan used a spell to sense the Unicorns soul, he felt that it was getting weaker, so he quickly used the dust, infusing it within the Unicorns body as closely to the soul as he could, and after that he used another spell that let him move the soul slightly while it was still in the Unicorns body and moved it into the Dementor dust, so that when Logan turned it into a tattoo it wouldn't become lifeless and to stop the soul from passing on.

Logan only did it this way because he couldn't bare to kill the animal, it was such a pure creature that even he was against hurting it, it really just went to show what a twisted thing Voldemort had become from splitting his soul so many times or maybe he was always like that, and the soul splitting just released all that he was holding back from acting on his impulses, but it was unlikely that anyone would ever find out with what Logan had planned for him.

Turning the Unicorn into a tattoo was simple after that, Logan quickly summoned the Unicorn right after he did to see how it turned out, and it now was all healed up and it wasn't fearful of him anymore, after all why would someone be afraid of their own home and that was what Logan was to it now, it was now instinctive for the Unicorn to trust Logan, so Logan got to break his new tattoo in by going for a ride on the Unicorn.


In front of Logan was a table with an assortment of different items, a yellow rubber ducky, a twisted metal spoon, a black diary, a cracked old bowl, and finally a rusted necklace, sitting at the table was a unconscious Quirrell-mort.

The bowl was now a horcruxes because Logan had transferred the shard that was once in Nagini into it, the bowl was one that the Elf's had brought over from the Room of Requirement.

Transferring the soul from Nagini was simple once he had identified what soul in her body was hers and what was Voldemort's, she was much happier now in fact that she wasn't under the soul shards influence, draped over Logan's neck and occasionally asking him questions about things that she didn't know about, after all being isolated in a forest can do that to you.

The rusted necklace was also a horcruxes now, it's soul shard had come from the cup that Helga Hufflepuff had made, regarding the cup, one of it's abilities that Logan had identified was that it could increase the effectiveness of potions that you drunk from it, the Elf that was whizzing around the place like he was on cocaine was testament like that when Logan had only given him a Pepper-up potion that was only meant to warm you up and make you more alert.

"All I need now is to get Harry, remove the Horcruxes from his scar, and then get him to destroy all these Horcruxes before finally killing Quirrell-mort so that the prophecy come's true, I bet I'm the "Power he knows not" in this situation, Harry's great power of being friends with me." Logan said to himself before apparating away with Nagini around his neck still to go and find Harry so that he could finally put Voldemort behind him for go.