Ch 30 : Why is one a Rubber Ducky?

"Why is one a rubber ducky?" Harry asked Logan as he looked the table that held all the horcruxes on top of it, Harry now had a white bandage wrapped around his forehead, from when Logan had to cut out the soul shard that was trapped underneath it, they had already destroyed that piece with the sword that Logan got from the sorting hat, that same sword was now in Harry's hand.

"It was just something I picked at random that I wouldn't mind destroying." Logan explained, "Now just like before, you will destroy the horcruxes and I'll protect you from the backlash so don't worry and swing away." Logan smiled at Harry who nodded his head to Logan and raised the sword up before bringing it down on the rubber ducky, slicing it into two pieces which made a cloud of black smoke with a screaming face raise up from where it was cut.

Logan lifted his hand at the exact moment that Harry cut it in half, putting up a shield to protect them both, they then repeated this same process with the diary, spoon, necklace, and also the bowl, all that was left was too kill Voldemort's wraith that was still unconscious in the back of Quirrell's bold head.

"Well done Harry, now you just need to cut off Quirrell-mort's dead and he'll be dead for good, no more coming back to life after 10 years." Logan tried to encourage Harry but he could tell that he was having a hard time with the concept of taking a life, Logan was honestly fine with that, it just meant that he was a normal person, not everyone could value life as little as he did, he was just extra special that way.

"Harry I'm sorry about this, I hope you know I am but you don't have a choice, and I'm sorry for what I'm forced to do." Logan said as he stepped closer to Harry.

Harry looked confused at what Logan said, "Sorry for wha-" He started before Logan ended it with grabbing his hand that was holding the sword and he swung it through Quirrell's neck killing him and Voldemort without any pain.

Right after that Quirrell's body started disintegrating into black particles, that looked like burnt paper, they raised into the air where they slowly disappeared into nothingness, just like what happened to Voldemort in the last Harry Potter movie.

"Sorry for that. Don't worry Harry I'm going to make it up to you." Logan said as he took back the sword from the shell shocked first year and patted him on the shoulder, "You can just think of me that killed them, after all I did force your hand." Logan said trying to lessen his guilt.

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked curiously, wiping at the tears that were starting to build up in his eyes, Logan could see his pet snake talking to him from inside his collar and Harry saying that he was alright back, the snake was probably trying to calm him down, but that also meant that Harry kept his Parseltongue even after having the horcruxes removed.

"Get you a Godfather to take care of you. But first I need to do some rat hunting!" Logan exclaimed Loudly before apparating them away with Nagini around his neck and by grabbing Harry by his shoulder.


"Why are we waiting for Harry Potter again?" A bored looking man asked a weirdly dressed woman who had a not pad and quill with a long feather floating beside her head, they were in the centre of the Ministry, next to the fountain.

"Because he said that he would be bringing with him a big scoop. I might be able to actually report some actual news, not the usual rubbish that I have to write about." The news reporter with weird taste in fashion said to the man that had a old fashioned camera on his shoulder.

It was a couple minutes later when the man was about to once again complain the floo lit up with bright green flames and out tumbled a ruffled up Harry from the journey over and a knocked out Peter Pettigrew that Harry then used a levitating spell on so that he could move him over to the pair that he saw near the fountain, they were just like Logan described them.

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter, oh, and this is Peter Pettigrew, he framed my Godfather, Sirius Black, and then faked his death to get away with it." Harry explained to the shocked pair, the woman quickly told the man to contact the Auror's while she started questioning Harry about how he found Pettigrew and also then capture him, Harry was glad that Logan had coached him on what to say and do when the reporter suddenly started firing off questions.


It took some time for Sirius to finally be released but with the pressure from the people supporting Harry after the news had been released the Minister had no choice but to finally give him a trail and then let him go free.

Harry was waiting alone on the dock that boats from the prison Azkaban would coming in to after leaving the dreary place. Slowly a small boat with three people in it came towards him, one Auror, a boatman, and finally Sirius Black, Harry's Godfather.

Harry was actually quite excited to meet the man, after what Logan had told him about the man, it honestly sounded like he would be able to have a family member in his life that actual cared about him, and he would be able to hear stories about his parents as well.

When the boat got along side the dock you could see the light in Sirius eyes rekindle with a vengeance as he saw Harry, leaping out of the boat as soon as it got close enough Sirius ran up to Harry and looked him over closely, before he then gave him a giant hug that surprised Harry with how strong it was, he did just come from probable the worst prison on the planet you would think that he would be extremely weak from abuse.

"Oh, you look just like your father Harry, but your eyes, those are all your moms." Sirius smiled as he separated from Harry shortly, he hugged Harry right after that though, with how starved for attention he was Harry wasn't surprised with how much Sirius was hugging him and he wouldn't be afraid to admit that it felt nice ... even if he did smell quite a bit, Sirius seriously needed a bath.


"So this is the world famous Sirius Black ... I thought you would be taller." Logan said after Harry and Sirius had stepped through the floo together into the Black family home.

Sirius gave Logan the stink eye at his comment, "Well we can't all be giants like you can we?" Sirius said with a snarky tone that just made Logan grin which just surprised Sirius when he saw Logan's shark teeth, he was even more surprised when Logan started letting out a bellowing laugh, that also let him see Logan's forked tongue, unnerving him with his unnatural it was.

Calming down from laughing so hard Logan let out a breath before staring at Sirius, "You don't know how right you are ... Dad."

"... Huh? Dad?" Sirius said confused.