Ch 31 : Are we Flying!?

"Dad!? How can I be your Dad!?" Sirius shouted at Logan, Harry also looked surprised at Logan's sudden revelation that Sirius was actually his father.

"Well when one persons loves another so~ much, they-" Logan started before Sirius interrupt him, "You know what I mean!" He yelled.

Logan just smiled at Sirius reaction before walking over to the fireplace and picking up a picture frame, turning back to Sirius Logan passed the picture over to him without saying anything.

Looking down at the picture Sirius saw a younger him next to a woman he knew very well, an old muggle girlfriend of his, they were both leaning on the motor bike with big smiles on their faces.

"Your mother... Isabella ... where is she?" Sirius asked with a resigned look on his face, like he was already expecting the worse answer.

"You've probable already guessed but she's dead, I've never met her and it's clear that you never knew of me either." Logan said to Sirius who started to look like he was in pain, "Don't worry about it, I may have turned out a little rough around the edges but I think I turned out alright without any parents to raise me, I mean look my girls." Logan said to him before he turned around and called out for Flora and Hestia to come meet his Dad.

Sirius was looking confused, turned to Harry and asked quietly, "Girls?" Harry couldn't help but grin at him, looking forward to how he would react to Logan's twin girlfriends, he was shocked beyond belief when he saw Logan kiss Flora and then Hestia like it was normal, until then he thought that they were just good friends.

The twins came into the room arms linked together, wearing the same outfit, skinny jeans and a black crop-top and crop-hoodie, with a light pink cap on top on their heads, copying Logan was cap a bit. They had really taken to muggle fashion after they had gone out on dates with Logan in muggle London over the years.

Logan brought them into a hug before he kissed them both on the lips, turning back to the opened mouth in shock Sirius and he said, "This is Flora and Hestia, my girlfriends. Girls this is Sirius Black, my father." The twins weren't shocked when Logan told them the man in they were meeting was Sirius Black and that he was his father, because long ago when Logan took them in he had explained just how he became the Lord of ancient house Black, and so they knew that Sirius had unknowingly fathered Logan with a muggle woman, Logan's mother, Isabella White.

"He just got out of Azkaban so that's why he looks like shit." Logan said chuckling a bit at the same time, Sirius came out of his shocked daze to give Logan the stink eye for the jab at his current state.

"I'd like to see you come out of Azkaban, 10 years later clean as a whistle!" Sirius said, fighting back against his still grinning son.

After breaking the ice, they all started talking and getting to know one another better, most of it was Sirius trying to make fun of Logan for being with both the twins, and also Harry trying to bond his his godfather better, and listened to him tell stories about his parents.

"This is all good but I really need a shower, my first one in a long time." Sirius said getting up from the sofa and walking to the stairs and Logan having told him the only bathroom in the top part of the house was upstairs, he was about to walk up them when he looked out the window and found it odd when he didn't see anything but clouds.

Looking closer at it he was surprised and couldn't help but shout out, "Are we flying!? How could a house be flying in the sky?!" He shouted at Logan, clearly asking him.

"Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned with you in prison I became the lord of the Black family, this house is the one that was at 12 Grimmauld Place, you can say I made it my own." Logan explained like he hadn't just made a house fly by it's self in the sky, at a very high speed Sirius would like to add!

"This is the Black family home? It looks nothing like it?!" Sirius shouted, a little upset that most of what he knew was being over turned so a abruptly.

"Don't worry old man, I wouldn't leave you homeless. I've already set up a house for you and I've already had some of my Elf's moved your stuff over Harry so you won't have to worry about that." Logan said this time looking to Harry who looked like he had a bolder lifted off his shoulders.

Logan my have made it so that the Dursley were unable to even touch or even harm Harry in anyway unless they wanted their own brains to start attacking them by causing massive headaches or straight up making them pass out, but that didn't stop the loneliness that came with living with people that would rather happily stick nails in their own eyes then be kind to him, so Harry was understandable relieved when Logan said that he would be living with Sirius from now on.

"That's all well and good, and I'm very happy about it but, ah, I think your forgetting something, like the fact that we are miles high in the sky and we are in a house!" Sirius exploded at Logan.

"Alright don't get angry at me you old smelly dog, all I did was steal the philosopher's stone and use that to power the wards and enchantments that are making the house fly. That's actually the least of what I made it do!" Logan sounded excited as he explained how he made the Black family house fly.

He was going to continue but Sirius just put his hand up in defeat, "Alright, that's, that's enough, I get it, the house can fly now. I just need to have a shower and get some sleep right now, okay?" Sirius said tired, with all that happened today to him, it wasn't much of a surprise.

"Alright I'll send you and Harry home and you can sleep there. Kreacher!" Logan called and a house elf in a black butler suit appeared, Sirius thought that it looked mighty familiar.

"Master White?" Kreacher asked Logan, wanting to know why he was called, he was looking a lot better compared to when he had no work and didn't have a master to take magic to live from.

"Take Sirius and Harry to the house I made up for them." Logan told him and Kreacher didn't waste any time carrying out his masters orders, grabbing Sirius and Harry and elf travelling away.

"Well wasn't today eventful." Logan said to the twins, who just nodded their heads at the same time, not saying anything when they saw the look in Logan's eyes, he was up to something that was for sure.

"Why don't we turn in early?" Logan said and before they could answer Logan had put them over his shoulders and was already half way up the stairs when they realised what he had just done.

"To the bedroom!" The twins could only shake their heads in defeat but with two little smiles on their faces that they clearly were trying to hide from Logan who would just use that as an excuse to kiss them both all night long or something along those lines. It wouldn't be the first time that he had.