Ch 34 : Goodbye World

I have been busy and so now my Pat reon is up to chapter 60. I should be able to post weekly chapters again now. Thank you all for waiting.


After Logan calmed down the hysterical Snape he lead him back up through the maze that was starting to form so that they eventually ended back up in the living room.

Waiting on the sofa's were the twins, sitting next to each other wearing the same white sun dress, looking over a muggle fashion magazine together, they had become so obsessed with the clothes that non-magical people had come up with that Logan had to add a walk in wardrobe to their bedroom, it was basically just another room for all the clothes they had started buying when they went on shopping sprees in muggle London, but Logan didn't really mind since they were using money he had stole from people like Malfoy and they would also put on little fashion shows for him that he enjoyed very much, especially when they discovered there was different types of swimwear.

Sitting in a lone leather chair next to the sofa was a beautiful Korean woman reading a book on magic with a warm looking blanket covering her from the waist down, most people from Logan's old world recognise her from films like Avengers : Age of Ultron and Fantastic Beast's. It was Nagini in her human form, Logan had managed to re-purpose and remake the Animagus potion and the ritual he used to combine giants blood with himself to give her a human form, a little like how he got a hybrid form but this time he was trying to repeat the same results that gave him such a more versatile form then just his megalodon form that was only really useful in the water.

Seeing Logan and Snape walk in Nagini's head shot up and her eye's locked onto Logan, she stood up from the chair and moved over to him, letting the blanket that covered her fall to the ground and when Snape saw the entirety of her he froze in shock while Logan just kept on walking towards her, meeting her halfway, and accepting the hug that she gave him.

While they were hugging Snape was trying to restart his brain, it had stopped because for what he saw when he looked at Nagini's bottom half, the Animagus/giants blood potion had given her a human form but not a complete one, from the waist down she was part snake, her legs were a snake tail big enough to match her human size so it wasn't small by anyone's standards and it actually took up most of the rooms space.

Releasing him from the hug, but still holding onto his arm she slithered over to a sofa that was across from the twins, dragging him over so that he was sitting down next to her on it with her coils naturally coming to rest on top of his lap and his legs but not wrapping around him, Logan had already warned her of doing that when it happened the first time and that was because the twins had looked at her like they were going to plan her murder.

The twins did understand though that Nagini had been a snake for so long that it felt better to wrap around something warm and with Logan there, the biggest heat source and with him also being the one who gave her a new life, one that she thought would never be possible, it was natural that she would want to be as close to him as possible and the twins did understand that, and so that's why they didn't say anything when she would hug him or press up against him so often around the house, they had faith that Logan would remain loyal to them alone.

"What are you standing around for Snape? Take a seat." Logan said to the still frozen waking him up from his daze, he slowly walked over to where Nagini was sitting before they came in and took a seat, keeping the corner of his eye on Nagini at least, at all times. Snape didn't trust any snake, even though he was Slytherin head of house, not after what he had seen under Voldemort's command, what he had made a snake do to a person.

"Alright, now that we're all here, what do you all know of the Deathly Hallows?" Logan asked around, looking at all their faces and eyes to see if they showed some recognition of what he asked, it seemed that only Snape and Nagini knew something about them, most likely just the story of the three brothers and not the rest, the part that he had managed to put together once he had arrived in this world and felt the magic in the air, used it, and figured out how to tell one spell from another.

That's how he figured out what he was going to tell them next, "Since it seems the girls are the only one's who aren't familiar I'll tell the whole known story and then tell you all the rest of it." Logan said, getting a raised eyebrow from Snape and a patient look from Nagini.

"There was once three brothers, who travelled together, they reached a treacherous river and to cross it they make a magical bridge over it, halfway across the bridge, they meet the personification of Death who is angry for losing three potential victims. Death pretends to be impressed by them and grants each a wish as a reward. The rewards were the deathly hallows, a cut off from death's own cloak that makes anyone it's covering invisible to everyone and everything and that's including from death, an unbeatable wand made from elder wood and the core is a tail hair of a Thestral, and finally a stone that resurrects spirits from the after life. Supposedly once one person hold's all three they become the master of death." Logan explained to the girls who now looked incredible shocked.

But Logan continued, "Now most people thought this meant that they couldn't die, Dumbledore and Voldemort certainly thought so, but what they didn't think about was that when they say master of death they don't mean not dying, no, they mean the manifestation of death on earth, the veil." Logan said as he looked towards Snape, enjoying the shocked expression he knew he would have once he revealed the truth.

Seeing the confused face's across from him he started to explain, "The veil is an unexplained archway with a vertical liquid like surface that the ministry went to so much trouble building their building around just so that they could study it and learn... nothing. They didn't even entertain the idea that it was the death referred to it the three brothers story. Anyway, back to the story, the veil kill's anything that passes through it, a man walk's though and his soul gets sent to the after life and his body falls out the other side, dead." Logan explained.

Snape looked confused, "I don't understand, you said that you were going to leave this world, you can't mean through the veil can you?" Snape asked panicked, once again worrying that he would lose all the farms in the basement so soon.

"I'm the master of death now, who say's the veil has to lead to the after life?" Logan grinned at them and at their dawning looks of awe.


"Alright is everyone ready?" Logan asked everyone in the house as he flew it in the sky, they were somewhere above America at the moment. Logan had a cloak on that rest on his wide shoulders with a round metal pin with a stone in the centre holding the cloak up, in his had was a wand that he used to direct a small stone rectangle that was floating in front of himself.

After getting nods and shouts to go ahead he used the elder wand to control the veil so that it was now in front of the house as it flew, and with a flick from Logan the stone arch started getting bigger and bigger, until it was big enough for the house to fly through it.

It was then just the matter of controlling it to changed destinations, so that it wasn't going to send them to the afterlife if they were to pass through in a second, "Alright I've changed the portal's destination, but I don't know exactly where it will lead us, is everyone ready to leave this world behind?!" Logan said with a grin that was infectious, and spread to the twins and to a lessor extent to Nagini. Snape just looked resigned to his fate.

"Well let's go then!" Logan shouted before controlling the veil to stop and the house to continue flying so that it was on a direct course to go right through it.

From an outside point of view, all anyone would have seen is the house go through the portal and not appear on the other side, like before how the veil used to work when it just sent souls to the after life.