Ch 33 : Cleaning Things Up Part 2/2

Hello everyone! Good job on reaching half-a-million views! Yay! (Insert cute animals dancing).

Just to let you know my Pat reon is up to chapter 42, already on the second world after Harry Potter, go check it out!



"Hello Professor Snape, how's the dark mark been treating you now that old Voldy is 6 feet under?" Logan asked Snape after sneaking up on him.

Logan batted away the first spell with the back of his hand and then did the same to the second, he got really annoyed by the sixth spell that Snape fired at him and so he decided to just disarm him and once his wand was rolling around on the ground next to a simmering cauldron he used wandless magic to push him down into a chair and then turned the chairs arms into snakes that he told to hold him down.

Snape struggled in the chair but one hiss from the snakes holding him he stopped moving and looked up to Logan with clear hate in his eyes, "Mr. White. Why? Is killing one Professor not enough for you?" He sneered at him.

Logan just rolled his eyes as he sat in the chair across from him, "Oh, come on Snape, we both knew I just called you Professor to humour you. You were never a teacher. No, you were just Dumbledore's little pawn, and you know out of everyone I thought you would be the most glad that the manipulative old man was finally dragged down from the thrown he made on the top of his old boyfriends defeat." Logan told the confused man, clearly referring to Grindelwald, not that he knew that, but Snape was smart and quickly realised that Logan was referring to the Dark Lord before Voldemort came to power.

"Dumbledore and Grindelwald were... lover's?" Snape look unsure if he should throw up, Logan was unsure as to why as homosexuality wasn't an oddity in the magical world, but inside Snape's mind he was worrying about all the time's he thought he found Dumbledore looking at his behind, the thought that an wrinkly old man was checking him out made him sick.

After composing himself better Snape looked back at Logan, "Well you are right on one thing, that I am glad that he's dead now, I'm finally free from his clutches, and free from Voldemort's fang's. I have you to thank for that don't I, Mr. White?" Snape said looking pointedly at his forearm where his dark mark was, it was now a scarred mess of what the skull and snake tattoo it used to be, not that it was ever a good tattoo Logan thought to himself.

"Ah yes, I always did wonder what would happen once old Tommy boy was dead, I was so sure that he put a kill switch in it that would set off once he was dead. Guess I was wrong." Logan told Snape who turned even more pale, he had never considered that possibility.

"How did you do it? Potter was destined to kill the Dark Lord." He asked looking to Logan for answers.

"Oh, simple, I just gathered all the horcruxes he had hidden and then had Harry destroy each one, and then finally I had him kill Voldyshorts, though to be fair I did have to force him to do the last one. Not all kids can be as cold blooded as us am I right?" Logan said with a chuckle in his voice.

"Well enough of that, I didn't come to chit-chat unfortunately, no, I came to offer you a job." Logan grinned at Snape.



"I see that everything is coming along nicely. How's the dragon farms handling so far?" Logan asked Snape as they walked beside each other, as they walked they would pass by lots of different farms and greenhouses that house elf's were tending to, most of the farms were for magical ingredients and creatures.

There was even farms for the most dangerous of magical creatures, like dragons for example, the very farm Logan was having Snape set up with the elf's help to steal- I mean borrow for him.

"It is almost complete, your elf's learn remarkably quickly, I'm very impressed." Snape complimented the house elf army that Logan had found forced onto him so long ago when Dobby brought them all in.

Snape had accepted the job offer Logan gave him, and there's no way he couldn't, not when Logan apparated them to his house and showed him the private magical industry that Logan had built in the magical expanded basement.

Snape took particular pleasure when Logan showed him his Dementor farm, and showed him around the prison cells, he found a lot of enjoyment when they went to Bellatrix's cell and he got to taunt her with her late masters true death.

He never did like her. No one should enjoy torturing someone so that much that they ... achieve release.

Snape agreed and after signing a lot of magically binding contracts that basically guarantee his complete loyalty to Logan he started work on building a potion lab some where in the maze of a magical house, apparently it was next to Logan's work shop, and he also made use of the house elf army to gather all the different magical and muggle ingredients and creatures that he could think of, there was now a constant stream of elf's popping in with plants, animals and products like clothes and books.

Snape half suspected that they had cleared out every shop on Diagon Alley and then all the magical houses, and most likely once they were cleared they probably moved on to the wilderness and magical creature reserves, the forbidden forest was definitely clear by now if the tribe of centaurs he recognised from the forest was any clue; said centaurs were running in the grasslands that held a lot of the muggle creatures the elf's were popping in.

Snape was still amazed by how Logan had made his house expanded to such a size, when he asked Logan he had apparently enlisted the help of Newt Scamander as he had done something on a smaller scale with his suit case, the fact that Logan did it with his house just meant that he had more space to expand to fit everything in, the basement was collectively the size of a continent.

And his library was the size of a small country that was being constantly filled with books by the elf's, he was just glad that Logan had made it so that you just had to think of a subject that you wanted information on and the books would appear in front of you on a table, the only down side was that you couldn't leave with the books, Logan had apparently copied some magic arrays that he had found on the seventh floor of Hogwart's to make it possible.

And Snape didn't even care about the magically binding contracts, even if he was basically a slave now, that part wasn't any different to what he had been to Voldemort and then to Dumbledore, unlike with them he wasn't treated like a pawn, he had his own freedom as long as it didn't harm Logan, his people or his things in anyway, and the biggest bonus was that he got to keep anything that he made from all the farms Logan was having made, and he only had to make potions for Logan when he was asked.

It didn't even take a second for him to agree and then sign the contract that said he would be able to use all said facilities if he did as asked of him and never refused, he was given the right to refuse though, but only for a good reason like it went against his morals, even that was a high step from what Voldemort and Dumbledore demanded of him.

"Mr. White, I have to ask, why did you do all of this? Killing Voldemort and Dumbledore, gathering all of this." He said gesturing to all the farms around them, "You honestly don't seem like the type to want to clean up after other people's mess's. So I couldn't help but ask just why you are doing it?" Snape asked putting real emotion in his voice for once, his tight control of his emotions most likely slipping due to all he had seen in just an hour, and by someone he once considered beneath him in everything, when in truth it was the other way around and he could only clam to be better at potions, and even then that was probably only slightly better difference between them.

"Oh, I simple don't want to leave this world in a mess when I go." Logan explained while he picked the dirt from his nails.

"I see, you don't want to leave a mess when you leave this world. When you leave this world?!" Snape shouted in panic, thinking that his new boss was about to commit suicide so soon.