Ch 36 : The Truth Hurts

I just read a fanfic that made me really happy so I decided to post an extra chapter.

If you do want to check it out it's called, Izuku Midoriya the Rabbit By treegirl5 over on FF.Net, go show it some support as I had a great time reading it and so will probably you.


"Let me try and understand this correctly. You are a reincarnator that kept their memories of a passed life and in that passed life our world was a story in a book, written by a homeless woman?" Snape asked, basically screamed at Logan after he had explained to them all his biggest secret, the fact that he could and that a random god didn't suddenly smite him down probable meant that it wasn't a god that reincarnated him in the first place.

Which was a good thing in Logan's mind, he had read so many stories where a person gets reincarnated and then can't even say the words without sounding like their crazy to the person they are trying to convince because of the god that reincarnated them was stopping them.

"Yeah, that's about right, the world we just left was called the HP World for short and for longer ... the Harry Potter World." Logan told him enjoying the shocked face change to a disbelief one and then an angry one.

"Why the hell is my world named after that Potter brat?!" Snape screamed, his magic effecting the room slightly in his anger, something that only normally happens with first years and under, not someone who has been keeping a tight control of their magic for their entire lives.

"Because before I got there and fixed everything up, the hobo writer made that world into a challenge for Harry, everything was set against him, Dumbledore especially, did you know that he set the Potter's up to die?" Snape eyes shot wide open when he heard that, he looked like he was going to ask how but Logan beat him to it.

"Why would he interview a possible teacher in his brothers pub, the same brother that hate's his guts, for when Dumbledore killed their sick little sister, no, he made sure you were there to listen to the prophecy, and after that he made the Potter's go into hiding, taking the invisibility cloak from them at the same time, the same one that would have saved their lives had they had it." Logan explained to the stunned Snape, it looked like a lot of pressure and guilt had been lifted of his shoulders.

"There was going to be a lot more that he would of had to face in the future, all the way up until he eventually killed Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts." Logan explained to them, Snape had calmed down completely and the twins had been very understanding of what Logan was revealing to them, it didn't change what they thought of him.

Nagini was of a different thought set compared to the rest, "What happened to me?" She asked quietly.

Logan looked over to her and saw that she was in a fragile state, "You were also killed during the last battle." He tried to tell her gently but being gentle was never his strong suit, "I made sure to change that, Nagini, so you don't have to worry about that ever happening." Logan smiled at her, trying to cheer her up.

The small smile she returned showed that it had worked some.

"Alright, while we're on this subject, does anyone have any questions?" Logan asked them all and as expected all of their hands were raised.

"Well this is going to take awhile... "


"Wait, why would he snap the elder wand?!" Snape raged at the screen, they had all just been watching the Harry Potter movies, after Logan had fitted the house out with all of the newest technology, the elf's were loving the washing machines and the little baby elf's could be found sitting in front of it watching the clothes get cleaned, must be house elf entertainment Logan thought to himself.

"Supposedly to stop future dark lords, like Voldemort and Grindelwald, craving it's power." Logan made a guess before standing up, "I'm going to go recruit someone, I suggest that you don't go out before you have gotten used to the new world you find yourself in." Logan advised them before leaving them to watch the Harry Potter movies.

Seconds after stepping out of the house Logan apparated away to who-knows-where.


Snape and Nagini were still going through the giant collection of DVD's Logan had the Elf's 'borrow', while the twins had gone up stairs together and into the room they shared with Logan and each other.

Sitting on the bed, they started discussing just what Logan had told them about himself, how he was actually a lot older then them but in a teenagers body.

"I think that was why he turned us down so long ago, even when we were basically jump at him naked." Hestia started, Flora nodded her head to say the she agreed with what her twin sister said.

"We must have looked like immature children to him back then." Flora agreed.

"What should we do? He's mentally in his thirties and even our combined age doesn't make up to that." Flora brought up a good point.

Hestia sighed before speaking, "I think that these are worries that we should bring up with Logan, he should know what to do, he always does. I just hope that relationship doesn't change because of this." She said to her sister, promising each other that they would speak with Logan at some point once he was back.


"Oh, this is the movie series Logan said that was his favourite, Mission Impossible it's called, I believe he said that his father named him after the main character, Ethan Hunt, in his last life, huh, isn't that a strange sentence." Snape said to Nagini, his mind still out of sorts after what Logan had told them and not even realise how much more familiar he was acting around Nagini, not even with his mastery of mind magic, it just went to show how effected he was over learning that his entire life was made up to entertain people.

"Yes. I believe that is correct, I would like to watch those next, if that is alright with you?" She asked him politely, Snape agreed, putting the first disk in the player.

Nagini and Snape seemed to have come to an understanding where they wouldn't judge the other now that they knew the truth of their old world and so a new friendship was born albeit a very fresh and strained one that was more like work-friends.

They were halfway through the ninth film, where Ethan Hunt and his team were trying to stop a terrorist from blowing up a space station and they had just reached the part where Ethan was thrown out into the emptiness of space and his team were trying to save him, and that's when Logan showed back up with three others, two men and a woman.

"Oh, which Tom Cruise movie is this?" Logan asked Nagini, as she stood up to greet him properly the new people, well the older man and woman gasped when they saw her lower half.

Nagini hugged Logan and told him that the movie was Mission Impossible 9 : Space Race before she transformed and hung over his shoulders, getting another gasp from behind them, "Oh, they had only made up to the sixth when I died, I'll have to re-watch them all again plus then new ones when I get the chance. Anyway let me introduce you to-".