Ch 37 : New Job Part 1/2


A helicopter exploded into a ball of fire a short ways away from the helipad of a futuristic skyscraper, on the helipad a woman gasped, as if she was in pain when she saw the helicopter exploded, most likely feeling the loss of a loved one that just went up in flames, not a pleasant way to go out if you asked anyone.

The bold man in a suit standing beside her seemed indifferent to what was happening in front of him, he took a step forward and pulled out his phone, dialling a number right after.

"Confirm target termination." A female voice on the other side demanded from him.

"Target, Le Clercq, Antoine, is terminated." The man confirmed to the woman.

"And the other? Second Target." The woman asked, demanding an answer once again.

The man looked slightly over his shoulder at the woman who was now looking at him with a hint of betrayal, he then looked back to the phone and as the woman called out to him, "47. 47. Second tar-" He dropped the phone over the edge of the skyscraper they were standing on, the woman voice getting out of ear shot before he could hear the rest of what she was going to ask of the man now identified as 47, not really a name but it seems that it was his.

47 turned around, back to the woman that had just levelled a weapon so that it was in line with his face, "Le Clercq, he was your target the whole time." She said it like it wasn't a question, her eyes on the edge of breaking out into tears.

"Everything you taught me was just so you could have a diversion." Her look of betrayal only grew stronger when she looked at 47 and realised that he had used her to get closer to his target.

"It was necessary." He defended himself.

"What? To kill a single man?" She questioned him, want to desperately know just why he made them get close to then turn around a betray her like this.

"No ... To put a stop to the Agent program once and for all. To set you free. Your father loved you Katia, he understood that Le Clercq would not rest once he knew who you were, that he would hunt you down. So he did what any parent would ... he died to save his children." 47 explained his true mission.

"Well that's not totally correct, he didn't actually die." Logan said suddenly appearing at the edge with a elderly man with a beard that was turning grey at his feet, he looked shell shocked and was having trouble breathing, most likely due to panic from almost dying in a explosion, but it could also just be his lung cancer Logan thought to himself as he watched 47's face actually show some surprise at seeing him and the old man.

Logan noticed that 47 looked more like his game counter part then he did his movie one, meaning he was more muscular and his face was sharper, even his voice sounded the same as the game, 'This world must be a combination of the game and the movie.' Logan thought to himself.

47 was clearly trying to figure out how Katia's father survived the explosion, probably coming to some kind of conclusion that involves a body double and him never getting on the plane, but that wouldn't explain why the helicopter exploded without the inhaler bomb, the conclusions and possibilities of how it happened raged a battle inside his head that was actually barely a second outside his mind and then he thought to how the tall and muscular man in front of him with long, thick and shaggy black hair, had managed to sneak up on them, him maybe with how worn out he was from the recent battle, but not Katia, not with her superior sense's that're closer to future prediction.

47 and Katia both raised their weapons once again, now aiming right for Logan's head, "Who are you? How do you have my father?" Katia demanded from him, looking from Logan to her father uncertainly, her feelings conflicted now that she knew her father was actually alive.

Logan started walking forward, leaving Katia's father where he was sitting, this made Katia hesitant with her aim on his head but 47 didn't falter in his, "I'll explain in a second, we need to deal with the Agent 'they' sent to take you out 47." Logan said, giving a pointed look to 47 when he said 'they', clearly hinting at the International Contract Agency that he worked for a short while ago.

And as if on cue the elevator pinged and the doors separated, to reveal 47, or at least a man that looked exactly like 47, it was another agent, 48 to be exact, sent by the Agency to cut off the lose ends, the lose end being 47 in this case.

"Hello 48. I know you're basically the same as 47 but I like him much more then you so I'm sorry about this." Logan said before 48 could even take a step out of the elevator and before he could ask what Logan meant he was set on by a wild beast.

Logan rushed 48, transforming into his shark-man form in the time it took him to get from the helipad to the elevator doors but it's also the same amount of time it took 48 to pull out with weapons and fire at Logan point black.

You could see the feeling of amazement cross 48's face and also the feelings of what basically translated to 'oh, fuck! I'm screwed!'.

48 couldn't even scream before a giant shark head bit down on his own, biting it off and swallowing it whole, which then let 48's headless body then drop to the floor, his knees making loud contact with the concrete and then whatever remanded of him did the same after.

Logan wiped the blood off his mouth as he turned back to the three horrified individuals that were staring at him like he had, well, like he had just bitten someone's head off.

Transforming back as he walked a little closer to them, making them take a step back, not even bothering to fire at him, if that was because they saw how ineffective it was for 48 or because they were still in shock at what he had just done it was unsure.

"Sorry about that." Logan said in a chipper tone, "My animal instincts get the better of me at times hahaha." Logan laughed, not noticing when the others didn't join in.

When Logan stopped laughing he let out a sigh, a smile still on his face, "Well why don't he explain why I'm here." Logan said before he turned to look at 47, "47 I'd like to offer you a job, as my head human butler." Logan smiled widely at him.

It seemed 47 was expecting something very grand and exciting when he heard that Logan was going to offer him a job but then he heard what the job was and it was like he was slapped in the face with a fish, "Huh?" Was all that came out of his mouth.