Ch 38 : New Job Part 2/2

I have currently written up to chapter 67 and I have posted those chapters on my Pa treon. Go check it out if you like, or don't and wait for the public chapters to be posted, that's cool as well.


"Anyway let me introduce you to 47, formerly the worlds best hitman, now my new head human butler. And then we had Katia and her father." Logan said introducing them to Snape and Nagini.

"This is Nagini." Logan said to them as he petted the large snake that was looking at them closely from his shoulder, the old man shuddered from the glare, "And this is my potions master, Severus Snape." Logan said as Snape walked over to them, his black cloak billowing behind him from non-existent wind, "Pleasure." Snape said dryly, bring back the same tone he used with his students back when he was a professor.

Snape got some hello's and nice to meet you from Katia and her father, "Right, Doc. Litvinenko, go with Severus, he'll whip something us to cure that pesky chest infection of yours." Logan said gesturing for the doctor to go with Snape, "Make sure you do a full medical check-up." Logan told Snape, who nodded his head to him before he walked off, fully expecting Litvinenko to follow him.

"You better go catch him up, it's a maze down there." Logan told him, which then sent him off running after Snape, well as best he could with a recently shot leg, even after Logan had healed it up, but then again he didn't focus his studies on the magical healing art's.

Katia then came up to him, shacking, grabbing onto his arm she asked quietly, "Can you ... can you really heal his lung cancer?" She asked him desperately.

After slowly prying her grip from his arm Logan looked at her with amusement, "After all you have seen today, you don't think the magical world hasn't made a cure for cancer? Hahahaha." Logan couldn't help but laugh heartedly at the look on her face.

"Granted they didn't actually know what it was they were curing and they called it Dragon Pox, very old fashioned and very racist those magical lot." Logan said in a reminiscing tone, that made Katia and 47 look at each other before turning back to Logan.

Seeing their looks Logan reassured them again, "Don't worry, Snape can even bottle luck, curing a little bit of cancer is simple. Now, 47, let me introduce you to your new co-workers. Dobby. Bat." Logan called and then two young house Elf's appeared in front of them, 47 was about to pull out this weapons but Logan put his arm in front of him and that stopped him from attacking them small Elf's.

"47 this is Dobby." Logan said introducing Dobby who waved at 47 even if he thought 47 was a weird name, but he wasn't going to judge his masters friends.

"He is my head house Elf, he takes care of managing the rest of the house Elf's and all of the task's I give them, but if they aren't busy with that they take care of the running of the house, all it's farms and keeping it clean, Dobby will give you a full tour later." Logan said nodding his head to Dobby who said, "Yes, Master White.".

"And this is Bat, leader of the Shadow Elf's." Logan said looking to the kneeling elf in ninja garb, "He does a similar job to your previous one, but he also manages the rest of the shadow elf's." Logan then turned back to 47 and Katia, "Katia please make yourself comfortable, I'll just be showing 47 something before we will be back shortly." Logan told her as he pointed to the sofa, she nodded her head and went to do as he said, looking around the house.

"Now, 47, your job from now on will to be basically my bodyguard when I go out into public, or if my girls go out, you'll go with and protect them, I'll introduce you to them later." Logan said as they started walking, 47 following a step behind him and Dobby two steps behind him, Bat disappeared somewhere but 47 could still feel him around even if he couldn't see him.

Logan lead them down to the basement and to the farms where 47 was amazed with what Logan was showing him, Dragon's normally had that effect on people, "They are quite impressive aren't they, would you believe that the magical community breed them like common cows for their hide, at least I'll only take what I need from them without hurting them and then take from the old dragons that die of old age. Not completely better then what they were treated like but at least it's a start." Logan said as they passed by the Dragon enclosure and passed some working house elf's that stopped their work shortly to bow to Logan before continuing on with their work.

"And the other half of your job will be to train these guys all your skills until they can pass on those skills themselves." Logan said as they came up of a training course like structure that had little ninja's without mask's jumping and teleporting from place to place on the course, at that point Bat reappeared next to them from thin air but there was no sound of a teleport like there normally was for house elf's.

"This being shadow elf training school, where baby elf's learn to be shadow elf's and not house elf's." Bat explained to 47, who nodded to the elf, clearly respecting the head shadow elf's skills as she couldn't sense him at all before he decided to show himself.

"I'll let you to get settled in, but first I have a job for you." Logan said making 47 focus on him fully, "Gather all the things you need, guns, bullets, explosives, and get them in bulk, once you explain to the elf's where they can get it they will be a big help to you, also they can teleport all over the world, so use them well." Logan told him and 47 nodded his head, Logan just turned away when he turned back again, "Oh, I almost forgot, your pin and mask." Logan said handing him a shark tooth pin like the one Dobby was wearing and a mask like Bats.

With all the same functions and more, and all thought activated. The mask was completely white, excepted for a black painted markings to make it look like a dog or a ... wolf, "Bat will teach you how to use it, and don't worry I don't expect you to wear it all the time. But these items are like statues symbol around here with the elf's so I suggest you always wear the pin, that can also let me track you so that's a plus." Logan explained before actually walking away, "Glad to have you with us Wolf!" Logan called behind him.


"Oh, my, is this really the Mona Lisa? Impossible! These no way this it the real thing!" Katia raved as she admired the painting in the corridor, one of the few that wasn't tying to take her ear off.

"Oh it's the real thing, well at least the one from our world." Flora said to Katia as she and Hestia came out from the bedroom behind them, they had heard the commotion that Katia was making and came out to see what it was and if Logan was back from his little task.

"From your world? What do you mean?" Katia asked them confused.

"Logan found a way to travel between universes, like this one for example, the non-magical are much more advanced and there is no signs of magic anywhere. And about the painting, Logan 'borrowed' it before we left." Hestia said putting emphasis on the 'borrowed'.

"Don't you mean stole?" Katia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I do but Logan insists that I say borrowed." Hestia said before holding out her hand, "I'm Hestia and this is my sister, Flora." She introduced them, Katia shook their hands one after the other.

"Nice to meet you, so are you Logan's little sisters or~?" Katia asked, clearly leaving the question open for them to fill in the rest, "We are Logan's girlfriends." The twins said in a well practiced manner at the same time.

"Huh?" Was all Katia could say at their response.