Ch 39 : The Talk

After Logan had reached the top of the stairs from the basement he began to hear laughing and talking coming from the living room.

Stepping into the doorway to the living room Logan leaned against it, which was really the only way he could stand in the doorway without hitting his head on it, and he watched as the twins and Katia talked, sharing stories from their world and swapping them for ones from Katia about the world that they were in now.

"Having fun?" Logan asked them as he walked deeper into the room, making the twins turn to him, Katia had already know he was there long before he even started walking up the basement stairs.

"Yes, we were just getting to know Katia, she was telling us about her travels around the world in search of her father." Hestia said with a smile, enjoying speaking to another girls, besides her sister, that wasn't racist about how pure your blood was or only focused on what magic spell works best to keep your skin smooth, it was very refreshing for them.

Logan then joined them on the sofa and just listened to them talk, cutting in at times to tell his side of the story, or one of his own. Nagini left his shoulders and transformed back and also joined in with her own little stories.

While they were talking Snape came back with Katia's father in tow, fully cured but with orders to take some certain potions that they gave him at certain times in the coming days, after that Katia and her father were then teleported away by a house elf.

It was getting late in the day and everyone headed off to bed, Logan was laying in the centre of the massive bed that actually fit him and that he shared with the twins, he was just waiting for the girls to finish getting ready for bed.

They soon came out of the bathroom in some large t-shirts of Logan's that acted almost like dresses on them, they had liked the idea after watching it in on of the romance movies they had watched today.

Climbing into bed either side of Logan the twins laid down so that their heads could rest comfortably in the cruck of Logan's neck, Logan was just about to fall asleep when a voice suddenly called out to him, "Logan ... " The voice asked softly, in his tired state Logan wasn't sure which twin was talking.

"Yeah?" He ask trying to blink away the sleep in his eyes, "What's up?"

"... Do you think that we are to immature to be in a relationship with you? Wouldn't you be happier with someone closer to your mental age that you could relate to better? ..." Flora asked quietly, Logan could feel Hestia nodded her head into his neck after her sister finished talking.

"Huh? Is this because I brought Katia over? She was just there when I was recruiting 47, and I thought that I should help her and her father out, that was it." Logan said trying to relieve the fears that he thought they were feeling.

"No, that's not it, we have been feeling this way since you told us about your last life. We're just not so sure that we are meant for each other when are mental ages are so far apart, even if that isn't the case for our bodies." Hestia took over for her sister in explaining just what the problem was that they were feeling.

"... Well ... How about we see how things progress as we travel to different worlds, the experiences will surely open your minds more and improve your maturity." Logan tried to convince them, "Besides there is so much we all haven't done together yet, you girls haven't even surprised me with your Animagus transformation yet." Logan said trying to bring the conversation onto greener pastures.

"Oh ... that's right." The twins exclaimed together at the same time, "We'll do that tomorrow then, for now lets get some sleep, okay?" Logan asked them.

He took the fact that they snuggled closer into his sides as the answer to that question, but not before they each gave him a kiss on his cheek, just like they normally would on any other night.


"Are you ready?" Logan asked the twins as they all stood in a grassy plain, the wind blowing the tall grass gently.

The twins nodded their heads to Logan and then turned to each other, and with a shared look that made it seem that they were talking to each other in their heads they both transformed at the same time, they shrunk down, even past the tall grass and so Logan couldn't see the rest of the transformation and had no clue as to what creature the twins turned into.

All things were quite and Logan started to get worried and so he called out to them, "Girls?" He was going to take a step forward to were they just were when out of the tall grass out hopped to identical pure black baby bunny rabbits, their ears at attention and the only spot of white on them was their fluffy tails. They had eyes that looked like a rabbits but they showed a lot more intelligence then what a normal rabbits eyes would have held.

"Girls?" Logan asked uncertainly, not sure if these two rabbits were actually the twins or just two rabbits from the field that they were in, but he was sure that it was seem when the rabbits hopped in time all the way up to his feet where they stood on their back feet and clawed at his legs like they wanted to be picked up.

Logan reached down and scooped the black bunnies into his hands and held them up to his face so that he could get a closer look at them, the rabbits then hopped a little bit in his palms and pushed their faces into his own like they were giving him a kiss on both of his cheeks, just like the twins do to him before they go to sleep.

"You two look super cute!" Logan exclaimed with glee, chuckling when he watched the bunnies cover their eyes with their long ears, "Hahahaha~!" Logan laughed as they acted embarrassed, one of the bunnies even thumped the ground in anger but in this case the ground was Logan's hand, and that just made him laugh harder, be he just couldn't help himself with how cute they were acting in their bunny forms.