Ch 43 : We Need Your Advice

"I'm so glad just us girls can hang out." Lily said to the twins and Robin as they stood or sat at the bar. The girls were hanging out together while the guys were doing their own thing, Marshall was working upstairs in the apartment, trying to get his law degree and the rest were watching Logan at his game.

When they arrived in this world Logan had decided to make use of his great height and superior physique to make a living, granted he had no need to do that with the wealth that he had the Elf's steal back in the HP world but what's living without some routine and it would also do the job of explaining to the group how Logan paid for things.

So be became a basketball player for the New York Knicks, he instantly gained popularity with his looks and physical abilities that he had to force himself to keep at borderline human limits so that he didn't hurt people and there was also the fact that he was dating twins which also gained a lot of media coverage.

(I know nothing about American basketball or basketball in general, I just choose a team around the time period that the TV series was set in.)

The only reason the twins weren't being swarmed in the bar right now was because of what happened at one of Logan's games when a guy, that was definitely drunk, started harassing the girls, that being Hestia, Flora, Robin and Lily, he was clearly making them uncomfortable and if the look on the girls faces said anything he also stunk to the high heaven's.

Well Logan didn't take kindly to that so after making a shot at the basket from more then half-way across the court Logan turned to the side where they were sitting, and this was all before the ball even went through the whoop, Logan grabbed the drunk man by his collar with one hand and lifted him up so that they were eye level, "Leave my girls alone." He growled before he then threw the man behind him, the other players that were coming up to Logan when they saw what he was doing quickly dodged out of the way when they suddenly found an over weight man come flying towards them.

The man flew at least 8 metres before landing and sliding across the court, the entire stadium was silent after that and there was only the sound of a buzzer going off when the ball Logan had thrown before finally going into the whoop after being on the edge for awhile.

The crowd broke out into cheers so loud that it shook the entire stadium and made the metal ceiling rattle like a group of horses were doing a tap dance on top of the roof.

"So what should we do? How about we- Oh, hello?" Lily clapped excitedly before she was cut off from talking suddenly when someone literally cut in front of her rudely and started flirting with Robin, acting like she didn't even exist. Lily choose to ignore the look he was sending the twins, the fact that he was already ignoring her to flirt with Robin was enough for her to get upset about, she didn't need to also think about how he would be doing the same to them if not for Logan's world famous temper when it came to his ladies safety.

Seeing the look on Lily's face the twins decided to use the opportunity to grab her and ask her what they had been meaning to ask for a long time, "Come on Lily let's talk over at the booth." Hestia said as she grabbed Lily by her hand and Flora grabbed their drinks, carrying them over to their table.

"I miss that." Lily said as she looked over at Robin and the guy trying to pick her up, a upset look on her face, she clearly didn't like the look of the guy that was slobbering all over, metaphorically of course.

"You miss dating other people? Or just guy's hitting on you?" Flora asked her with a confused expression that the twins shared as they looked at Lily, confused as to why she would be displeased with her fiancée.

"Getting hit on, I'd always tell them to go away and try talking to someone that was interested but it did feel good to know that guys liked me." Lily said with a forlorn look on her face.

"We can't really say we know the feeling, the threat of death by Logan was always enough to keep all the guys away from us at school, and then the fools that did try something were clearly only after our bodies or the reputation of saying they had been with us." Flora said with a scowl that was shared with her twin.

"Oh, I know, it's just the feeling of being wanted and now that it's gone because of ... this." She said showing her ring on her left hand, "It feels like I'm losing something important, maybe my independence?" Lily said to them, trying to get them to understand where she was coming from.

"Lily ... you have never been independent, you literally do everything with Marshall, you even text him when he's on the toilet." Hestia said with a flat look and made it seem like she was just looking through her.

"Well I just want him to know I'm rooting for him." Lily said with a smile, that dropped when she saw the looks she was getting from the twins.

"And don't you have Marshall so that you feel wanted, why would you want that?" Hestia said as she pointed to Robin and the guy flirting with her, "When you have this." She said pointing down at her ring, the same one Marshall used to propose to her with.

"Yeah ... Yeah, you two or right. Thank you." Lily thanked the twins as she rubbed the ring on her finger, "Good. Now that's sorted there was something we wanted to ask you about relationships. We thought it would be a good idea to ask you for advice since you and Marshall are in a similar relationship to the one we have with Logan." Hestia said as Flora nodded her head to say that she agreed as well.

"What do you mean? I really doubt me and Marshall are in a a similar relationship to the ... three-way relationship you guy's have with Logan." Lily said with a confused look.

"We don't mean in that way silly." Flora said with a shake of her head.

"We mean that both of our relationships stared off in school and it has been the only one we have ever been in, that's how we're similar to you and Marshall." Hestia explained her self, "We wanted advice on how you know that Marshall is the right person for you, the person that you plan to spend the rest of your days with, the one you will love forever." She said with a pointed look to Lily's ring, the twins were also looking at Lily with completely serious faces that forced Lily to start acting the same way.

The booth was completely silent for a couple minutes as Lily thought deeply to herself and the twins just sat there waiting for her answer, finally Lily looked back up with a resolute face, "You have probably heard this said so many times before but that's just because of how truthful it is, that you should follow your heart, and I know how cliché that sounds! But it's the truth of the matter! If your heart is telling you that you don't want to be with someone I think that you should follow it's lead and maybe this is one of those situation when you do... " Lily said slowly going silent as she looked at the twins who seemed to have entered deep thought.

When Robin finally came over to the booth the twins stood up, "What'd I miss?" She asked the three of them, the twins looked to her and then Lily, they then said at the same time, "We're going to break up with Logan." Their faces confident albeit slightly sad when you looked closer at their eyes.

"What?!" Lily and Robin exclaimed in surprise when they heard the twins sudden decision.