Ch 44 : This is the End

"Is this your final decision?" Logan asked the twins who were sitting across from him, they were in the living room of the house that was currently floating aimlessly in the sky above New York, under camouflage of course.

Logan was idly stroking Nagini's head as she was coiled up in his lap in her snake form, the three of them had just had a very serious talk about their current relationship and how after they had met Lily and Marshall they had realised that they weren't meant for each other, and so had come to the final decision that they should break-up with Logan and have a fresh start in the new world that they had found themselves in but this time without Logan there to hold their hands the whole way through like he had done in the last one.

"Was it really all because I was protecting you two from everything ... was that not the entire reason our relationship started in the first place?" Logan questioned them, his face unreadable as it was blank without any tells of what he was feeling.

The twins exchanged a guilty look as what Logan said was the truth, they had original approached Logan for his protection and they were grateful back then and still are grateful for it but that changed once they had seen just how people treated them when they walked down the street or walked into a bar for example.

Everyone walked like there was glass around them and it now unnerved them and made them unhappy, and with the threat of a pre-arranged marriage no longer over their heads or their parents no longer able to reach them the protection Logan gave them lost it's ... appeal. Their love for him no longer seemed like it wouldn't run out, before it was a river but it was now more like a stream. Logan gave them everything they could ever ask for but they couldn't help but feel that he was the wrong person to be giving it to them and so the current situation.

"That is not the only reason, it is meanly because we feel that you aren't ... the one, as Ted would call it." Hestia explained with Flora nodding her head along beside her.

"Alright if that is it what do you want to do from now on? I can set up a place for you to live in this world or I can take you back to your original world and do the same there. What will it be?" Logan asked them his face still blank.

"Logan can we please- "Flora started before Hestia cut her off when she grabbed her arm from beside her, Flora looked over to her sister confused but quieted down once she saw the look she was getting.

"We'll say here, we have already started a life here." Hestia said and Logan just nodded before he stood up, "Dobby." He called his voice cold, he didn't even look at the twins as he started to walk away from them Nagini followed after him, Dobby appeared next to the sofa, he looked to Logan for what to do.

"Take the twins to the apartment that I set up. Now." Logan commanded not giving Dobby or the twins a chance to get a word in before they were all suddenly popped away with the tell-tail sound of an Elf magic teleport.

Logan just kept on walking through the house, his face unchanged, "I need 10 elf's now." Logan spoke before 10 house elf's popped into existence next to him, quickly running to catch up with him, "Take all of the twins belongings, one of the small holding bags filled with American money and take it all to the apartment in New York below us." Logan told them and right after he did the elf's popped away again.

Logan's face was still stone cold as he went to complete his next task of making himself disappear from this world in such a way that he could reappear and people wouldn't ask too many questions about where he had been.


"Logan are you sure this is the right- " Snape tried to ask Logan before he was cut off by said man, "They have made their decision and I have made mine, don't continue to question me on this Snape." Logan all but commanded Snape to shut up, and all he could do was to snap his mouth shut at the look Logan sent his way when he tried to speak.

Logan summoned the Deathly Hallows, putting the Invisibility cloak over his shoulders that had the Resurrection Stone on a buckle that held it in place and he also flicked the Elder wand out into his hand from his wand holder on his forearm.

The veil was already in the air in front of the house and all that was needed to do now was to make the veil take them to a new world, without hesitation Logan made the veil bigger and activated it, quickly then sending the house through the veil.


"You guy's went through with it then, how are you two feeling?" Lily asked the twins as they sat up in the apartment on the sofa's, Robin, Marshall and Ted was also there to support the twins.

"We feel like we have made the right decision but we don't like how it went down, Logan was very calm and cold when we told him and he would have normally gone on a rampage to let off some stream. The last time someone did something like this was in school when a boy made a racist comment about him and Logan then went on to beat him half to death ... it's actually more accurate to say that Logan beat him to death." Flora said with a sad look on her face that her twin shared, the rest in the apartment were all stunned into silence at what they just learned about their giant friend.

"What do you think Logan's doing now?" Ted asked everyone, they all showed thoughtful looks, "Probable beating someone to death, it seems to be how he lets go of stress." Hestia said as she nodded her head, Flora was also nodded her head along.

Everyone else couldn't help but look at them with shocked looks when they saw just how casual they were talking about Logan beating someone up to realise his stress but they didn't know just how right the twins were about Logan.