Ch 45 : It can't be Killed, but so What? I don't Plan to Kill It

On a lone stretch of road a broken down yellow school bus was sitting on the side of the road, all of it's windows blown out, two giant holes in the roof and all of it's ties had been flattened, it looked like a small bomb had been dropped on top of it.

There was three teenagers inside the bus, arguing with each other, there was then the sudden sound of a birds wings beating against the wind but it was a hundred times louder, whatever made the sound was definitely not small.

Once the teens heard the wing beat they all started panicking and became deftly silent, trying to hear where the sound came from, but it was all for nought as a man with great big bat like wings landed on top of the school bus and then put his hand right through the sheet metal that made up the roof of the bus, grabbing a hold of the teenage boy with glasses, instantly the boy began to panic and thrash against the hand the was grasping at his hair, the same one that was beginning to pull him out through the hole that it had made in the roof.

And as if by a miracle the man on the roof decided to let the boy go, dropping him to the floor of the bus, at least it seemed like a miracle to the boy with glasses when in fact it was because of the other man that had suddenly appeared on top of the bus next to the man with bat wings.

The other man had long black hair that was very spikey, and he was about 7' 3" tall, towering over even the man with bat wings and grey scally skin, the tall man was completely naked from the waist up, letting you see that he was very muscular and that he was covered in tattoos, they were of two aliens fighting on his stomach, around his neck there was a snake and then at random places on his arms there was a white dragon and also a unicorn. An odd combination of tattoos but they were all highly detailed and life like, it was almost like they were moving across the tall man's skin.

"Don't take this personally Jeepers Creepers, do you mind if I just call you Creeper? The thing is you're just the closest strong ... being that I can let some steam out on in this world." The tall man said the the man with bat wings who was now revealed to be called Jeepers Creepers, or just Creepers for short.

Creepers stared down the tall man and released an animal like growl at him and his over confidence, Creeper spread out his wings and prepared to take to the sky's with one powerful beat of said wings but was suddenly taken off balance when a mighty force came baring down on him from his front, sending him spinning out of control, and down into the hard road, but with hundreds of years of experience helped to quickly rebalance himself in the air and spread out his wings so that he slowed down before he hit the road, limiting the damage.

Looking back to the bus Creeper saw the tall man now at the end of the bus where he just was with his fist out stretched, it was now clear that the force that made him leave the bus was because of the tall man, "You can call me Logan, nice to meet ya." Logan said to Creeper as he stood up straight, smiling down at him from the bus showing that he wasn't the only one with sharp teeth.


Logan stared down the Creeper after having just punched ... it, forcing it off the top of the bus and into the tarmac, he then walked to the edge of the bus and dropped down to the road, "This is going to be fun." Logan said to himself silently but it seemed that Creeper also heard him if the growling was any tell.

And as if the last thread that was holding things together snapped the both rushed each other at the same time, connecting with a loud clap like thunder striking, Logan was using his giant strength that was contained in his much smaller body, making him fast and powerful where as a normal giant would instead just be very powerful but very slow due to their large size.

Creeper was using all the strength contained within the body that it was currently inhabiting, breaking the bodies limits regardless if it broke it down faster then normal, it needed the extra power to take on this new foe after all.

In their clash Logan got the upper hand when he got his arm in between them, letting him upper cut the Creeper and then grab his arm so that he could then turn and flip the Creeper so that he was then slammed down into the ground, Logan was going to punch him in the head when the Creeper managed to get away at the last second by flapping his wings and shooting across the road so that he was as far away from Logan as possible and it was a good thing too if the destroyed road where Logan's punch landed was any indication.

Logan looked to the Creeper and he smiled at it before sniffing the air deliberately, "Haah~ Is that fear I smell?" Logan smiled at the Creeper, which actually made it stop and stare at Logan wide eyed like it was realising that Logan was actually right, it certainly didn't seem to like that, no not one bit.

The Creeper shot up into the night sky, preventing Logan from tracking it with his natural eyes, he would of course be able to find it easily with a bit of wandless magic but what would be the point of that when he is finally fighting something that could be considered an equal.

As Logan was watching the sky's the teens still hiding in the bus, finally got brave enough to pop their heads from where they were hiding in-between the bus seats, they slowly climbed out from the wreck of a school bus and made their way over to Logan, still cautious around him even though he saved their lives and just fought the Creeper off, but a health douse of fear was a good thing when you were facing someone that could brake tarmac with a punch.

"Hey man, thanks for the save back there, that thing would have killed me without you here." The teen with glasses started thanking Logan, the other two beside him nodding their heads as well to show that they were actually thankful. Logan didn't take his eyes off the sky when he spoke, "Don't bother sucking up to me, I am not going to save you a second time, those guy's will probably help you though." Logan said as he pointed over his shoulder at the truck that just pulled up.

The truck was very old and it also had a rusty metal frame welded to it, along with what looked like a giant home made harpoon gun, there was a middle aged man on the back wielding the harpoon and in the front there was a young man and teenage girl, oh and of course a dog in the front seat as well.

The three teens ran over to the truck screaming out the teen girls name and screaming for help, when Logan's calm voice broke through the screaming, "Hey old man, get ready, it's running with it's tail between it's legs currently but it'll be back soon if it wants to recover it's pride that I just stomped on." Logan said as he looked over to the man out the corner of his eye.

"When he does get ready to do some fishing, ya hear me?" Logan said with a grin that made the man hesitate as he saw the sharp teeth in Logan's mouth making him instantly think of the creature that he had come out to original hunt.