Ch 46 : You can Have It

"Fishing?" The old man murmured as he looked from Logan to the harpoon in front of him, "You know why I'm here boy?" He asked Logan also now watching the sky's, and he following Logan's advice by getting the harpoon ready.

"You could say I do, I'm here for the same reason but I don't plan to kill Creeper, no, I've already got a spot cleared out for it to put in my collection." Logan grinned as he looked towards where he heard the sound of a wing beat, "Get ready, it's here." Logan said as he planted his feet and got ready for the Creepers initial attack, the out come of the clash would be very telling as to the end outcome of this thrilling fight between two titans.

Further down the road Creeper came into view, it was flying level with the road and quickly gaining speed as it headed right for them, "Get ready old timer, I hope you're a good shot with that thing." Logan shouted without turning around, all he got back was some muffled yells to mind his own business, Logan chose to ignore them and get ready to attack again regardless if the home made harpoon came through or not.

Creeper was seconds away from flying right into Logan when he suddenly side stepped and in it's place was a knife tipped harpoon with a line attached, it managed to impale the Creeper right through it's chest, the force of the hit sent it flying away and it would have continued to spin out of control until it stop it's self but that was cut short when Logan suddenly grabbed a hold of the line and started dragging it back down to earth, Logan used a wandless cutting charm to cut off the other end of the line so that it was no longer attached to the truck.

When the other people saw how Logan was slowly dragging the Creeper down with the rope, hand over hand, they were floored at how easily he was making it look, they had already experienced first hand how powerful the Creeper was when it flew away with people in it's arms and it didn't lose any speed when it did or when it crashed down into the school bus, wrecking it beyond repair, coming out of it with no injuries and a whole new head to show for it.

The Creeper was fighting hard to stay in the air but with each tug from Logan it would get sent forcefully forward and down closer to the ground, setting off it's balance and making it harder to fly properly. It looked down at Logan and saw the stress on Logan's face and the Creeper suddenly gained a grin and it didn't spell that things would be okay for Logan after it was done with him.

The Creeper suddenly stopped trying to resist the pull from Logan and instead sent it's self right down to the ground with a flap of it's wings, driving down with it's head pointed right at Logan. The sudden slack in the line made Logan stumble forward a little and so he wasn't total prepared for when the Creeper suddenly dived at and passed on bye him.

Logan made sure to not let go of the line even when he felt some extreme amounts of pain from his left arm, around his bicep, and so he only realised that he now only had one arm was when he tried to pull down the Creeper once again. Quickly Logan tightened the muscles on his left arm, well at least what was left of his left arm to make sure that he didn't bleed out.

Looking up at the Creeper and seeing his grin Logan could feel the blood vessels in his forehead throb with rage, and so using that anger Logan tightened his grip on the line and gave it one mighty pull and started swinging the Creeper around in the air in a circle before finally slamming it down into the school bus with a roar filled with all his rage at losing his left arm.

The Creeper was like a wrecking ball when it was smashed into the bus, making a huge dent in the roof that made it completely collapse inwards so that the bus was more like a pancake now then a vehicle. Using this time that the Creeper was still recovering Logan reached down and grabbed his severed arm by his bicep, when he did the Unicorn tattoo that was on the limb moved across the skin until it was at his right hand and then as if by magic the Unicorn passed over from the limb to his right hand, to then move up his right arm until it was sitting up on his shoulder near the snake tattoo.

Looking from his severed arm to the wrecked bus Logan had a thoughtful look on his face before he suddenly started running at the bus, jumping up with a roar he came down on the crumpled form of the Creeper, using his left arm like a sword he impaled the Creeper right through it's chest and then the bus as well, locking it in place.

The Creeper wined from the arm going through it's chest and out the other side, looking down at the arm it started trying to grab the arm and pull it out but Logan pinned it's arms down with his foot after he kicked it away from his left arm, stopping it from moving completely, looking up at Logan the Creeper growled when it saw the indifferent look on Logan's face, "You can have my left arm." Logan said as he winded back his right arm and punched Creeper right in the face, caving it's skull in and making it explode into black bloody chunk's that splattered across his trousers and right arm.

But even with no head, a destroyed body from being slammed into a bus and Logan's severed arm being punched through it's chest it didn't stop the Creepers body from moving around and trying to get up, "Give up there's no way you can win now ... why am I even bothering, you don't even have a head to hear me." Logan said to himself before he reached down and grabbed one of the Creepers flailing arms and then ripped it off with a grunt, ripping someone's arm's off is much harder then you think, who knew?

Logan then went on to do the same thing to the other arm, "You can say we're even now." Logan said to the broken creature that was now trying to flap it's broken wings to get away from Logan but was having no such luck with Logan's arm keeping it locked in place.