Ch 47 : Threw it in a Hole and Threw Away the Hole

Logan turned away from the Creeper and jumped up and out of the hole that they were in inside the wrecked school bus, landing on the road near to the four teens, the old man and his son that had gotten out of their truck and were just watching what went down between Logan and the Creeper inside the bus.

When Logan suddenly landed in front of them they backed away from him in fear, only the old man seemed to be brave enough to face Logan, "You manage to kill that thing?" The old man asked Logan as he looked from him to the bus that sounds could still be heard coming from.

"It's immortal and un-killable, all I can do it lock it away for a very long time, Dobby." Logan called out confusing the old man as he had no idea what Logan was talking about, he almost jumped out of his skin when a small bold man with big flappy ears in a butler suit appear from the middle of the air right next to them.

"Yes Master Whit- Master White!!! You're arm! No! No! No! Dobby be getting help for Master White! Master White be waiting for hel-!" Dobby started panicking before Logan suddenly cut him off mid-way through his panic attack, "Dobby." He said in a commanding no nonsense voice that got Dobby to stop jumping about in his panic, Dobby looked up at Logan with his hands shacking with adrenaline, "Seal my wound closed first, I'm getting tired of keeping my muscles taut to stop the bleeding." Logan said as he raised up what was left of his left arm, making Dobby and the old man cringe at the wound.

Dobby nodded his head quickly before snapping his fingers, "Yes, Master White, right away." With Dobby's snap a searing sound was heard from Logan's arm and a burnt smell spread through the air making the old man's and the teens noses wrinkled up at the smell of burnt human flesh.

Besides a bit of sweat breaking through on Logan's forehead and a small pained expression on his face there was nothing to show from Logan that his severed limb was getting burnt shut which must have been beyond excruciating.

Once the wound was completely sealed closed Logan let out a sigh and then looked to Dobby again, "Dobby get the a team of Shadow Elf's here, tell them to take that creature to the lowest lever of Azkaban, make sure they put it under the highest level of security." Logan said to the small Elf as he pointed over to the wrecked school bus, "Yes Master White!" Dobby shouted as he popped away.

Soon the sounds from the bus disappeared and Logan couldn't sense the Creeper anymore, but he wasn't able to sense the Shadow Elf's, "Huh, they've improved." Logan said to himself quietly before turning back to the old man, "I suggest you lot just forget about all of this, you've only just scratched the surface of this world so you can still leave it now, goodbye for good." Logan said before apparating away, leaving behind a stunned group of survivors that Logan had left befuddled but grateful for him saving their lives from the Creeper.


Silently a team of Shadow Elf's dragged the Creepers mangled twitching body through the corridors of Azkaban, passing by cells filled with criminal that Logan had picked up along the way, from worlds that he had visited, making sure to only take the worst of the worst to fill his cells and faking their deaths in their original worlds. Logan made sure that the Elf's only grabbed the criminals that deserved to be locked up in Azkaban, the murders and rapist.

While they were passing by a cell that was filled with crazed maniacal laughter that sounded like it was coming from a woman, the Creepers body stopped twitching for a split second and the laughter stopped at the same time, but it went unnoticed by the Shadow Elf's as they were more focused on the creature that their Master had assigned the highest alert level to, some crazy ladies wellbeing wasn't that important in the face of their current task.

It was only later on when the Creeper was already secured in the highest level cell, with chains and spikes impaled through multiple points of it's body chaining it to the room at the bottom of Azkaban, that soft singing was heard from the very top of it.

"Jeepers~ Creepers~ Where'd ya get those peepers?~ Jeepers~ Creepers~ Where'd ya get those eyes?~"

A woman with wild black curly hair, pale white skin, and sunken cheeks showing her sharp cheek bones was singing a song over and over again, even when her voice became hoarse and she could barely speak but a whisper she continued to sing. No longer did she cry for her fallen master, it was like something had given her a new purpose, shown her a path that she could follow.


"So this is where Creeper hid it." Logan said to himself as he looked on at an old truck that looked like it was put together by different parts taken from all types of different cars, mostly likely from those that it had run off the road it's self.


"Has all task been completed?" Logan asked the crowd that was gathered in front of him, it was made up of the Elf's, 47, Nagini and Snape was also there for once, not hold up in his potions lab like he was normally.

Logan got around of head nods and 'yes Master White' from the Elf's, "Alright lets be off." Logan said as he swung the cloak on his shoulder with his right hand, he was already getting used to only having one.