Ch 48 : How do you Jump?

I'm at 100 chapters on pat reon and to celebrate I did this 5 chapter mass release, I hope you enjoyed them.


"So, Logan where have we ended up this time?" Snape asked Logan as his hands were behind his back, his chin held high, 'Nothing's changed about you, has it Snape?' Logan thought to himself in his head but he said, "I've improved upon the world map again, let's go check." He said before leading the small group of Snape, Nagini and 47 to the map room.

Not much had changed about it, besides that the map had become more detailed and the person tracking system was more refined, tipping it with his finger made the map activate and start searching the world for similarities to the memories stored in it's 'brain'. A couple seconds later a few wisp's of red smoke rose up from the map and formed into the image of a man that seemed to be apparating around the map, traveling to different places on it.

"Is that apparation? Is there magic on this world?" Snape asked, excitement bleeding into his voice, excited at the prospect at getting to learn new kinds of magic.

"I don't think so... " Logan muttered as he watched the red smoke man separate into wisp's again and then form back together but this time form into letter's, forming the word Jumper in bold text, "It's a higher form of apparation, this world call's it jumping, and as long as you have been to that place before and can clearly picture the space you can jump to it, unlike apparation you can jump from one side of the world all the way to the other side quite easily and you can bring extremely large objects with you when you do, as long as it's not tied down to something even double decker buses can be jumped." Logan said with a grin as he locked at those around him.

"That's not all as well, because of the force used to open up a portal to jump through it can be used as a weapon to attack someone or if the jumper is powerful enough they can separate something from what it's tied to if they are trying to jump like a building for example." Logan explained with unconcealed excitement that was starting to spread to Snape, letting him regain the excitement he had before when he thought it was a new type of magic.

"Can anyone learn how to do it?" Snape asked quickly.

"It's a genetic trait, but I'm confident we can crack it with magic." Logan said with a confident grin before looking over at 47, "I have a very important task for you 47."


"You're an abomination. Only God should have the power to be in all places at all time's." A black man with white hair and with a scar going across with face said as he removed the clothe that was wrapped around a large knife, and with one swift motion that knife was plunged into the stomach of the man in front of him, the man was tied up to a tree with metal wires and it looked like there was electricity running through said wires with the way the man was twitching before the black man killed him.

As the black man wiped the blood off his knife he looked over to a bold man in a black suit with a red tie, "John cut this thing down and deal with the body." He said before walking further away and talking a call on his phone.

The bold man now know as John nodded his head to the black man before he walked up to the body and started cutting it down from the tree, once it was free he put the body in a black plastic body bag and then slung it over his shoulder, carrying it away to who knows where.


"Bat." The man called John said aloud when he was all alone in the jungle that they were in, the body bag now on the ground in front of him. Suddenly a small man wearing a ninja outfit with a white mask appeared in front of John, "47." Bat said with a nod to 47, who was acting undercover as a man called John Smith in a secret society of religious fanatics who are sworn to trace and kill Jumpers in this world.

The same Jumper that was in the body bag between Bat and 47.

"Bat." 47 said back with a nod of respect as well, 47 then reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive and handed it over to Bat before walked back the way he came from.

Bat pocketed the drive and then picked up the body bag, to then pop away without making a sound or leaving a trace.


"Master White." Bat called out to Logan who was working on something at his desk, "47 has delivered another body and a flash drive with information." Bat reported after popping into Logan's workshop and putting the body bag on to the silver metal table in one corner of the room that looked like it had a make over to look like an operating room, along with the metal tray filled with surgical tools on a desk that's on wheels and the super bright over head lights.

"Thank you Bat, just leave the flash drive on my desk and then you can take your leave." Logan said as he walked over to the operating table, Bat put the flash drive on Logan's desk and then popped away.

Standing over the body bag Logan grabbed the zip and pulled it open, revealing the still warm body inside, "Don't worry I plan to avenge your death but I also thank you for your contribution now." Logan said to the body in a thankful tone while his face was normal, like he wasn't talking to a recently killed dead body.

After so long Logan had grown numb to the sent and sight of death, he had even taking on the habit of talking to the body while he dissected it, trying to find the reason as to why it was able to Jump.

"So let's take a look-see why don't we?" Logan asked the body rhetorically after he had gotten on his scrubs and picked up a scalpel, making a Y shaped incision along the bodies chest.

Logan had used his incredible learning speed, obtained from the Thinking Cap and his Occlumency, to teach himself how to perform autopsy's and surgeries, he had gotten so good at it that he had reached the level that he could perform heart and brain surgery, but he had learned it more out of necessity but also a bit of curiosity.

He had found deformities in the brains of Jumpers that 47 had retrieved for him, that was an extra growth on the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for the bodies motor skills such as balance, coordination, and posture. It made a lot of sense that, that's where the deformity formed and that it lead to the ability to Jump through space.

After having cut open the bodies skull and freed the brain from it's old home, Logan held up the squishy organ to the light and looked over the back of the brain, finding the same growth that he had found in other Jumpers brains, "I was right, this growth is what let's them Jump." Logan said to himself as he pocked the brain, "Now I just need to reproduce this in others and see if they get the same result's." Logan said as he walked over to a sank filled with clear liquid beside him, it already had almost a dozen pink brains in it and Logan was now adding another to the collection, "Say hello to your brother's and sister's." Logan said with a smile as he dropped the brain into the tank.