Ch 49 : Colosseum Fight

Logan was standing over his operating table once again but this time there was a dirty, thin man wearing a prison uniform lying face down on the table, the man had been put to sleep with magic so that they was no chance of him waking up during the surgery. That wouldn't be very pretty, just imagine if you woke up while you were undergoing brain surgery that you didn't need or consent to.

Logan carefully made a cut a long the back of the man's head, so that he could then peal away the skin from the skull. With Logan's magically enchanted tool's cutting through the bone was like cutting through melted butter and so he was easily able to get to the part of the brain that he want to operate on, "Perfect, now don't move this is the difficult part." Logan said to the man, not getting an answer because of the magic keeping him under, but then again Logan doubted whatever the man had to say to him, it wouldn't be pleasant.

Logan then pulled out the Elder wand and pointed it at the cerebellum part of the brain, he then willed his magic to permanently transfigure the brain into that of a Jumpers brain, giving it that same growth that allow them to Jump.

Once that was done Logan put everything back and healed everything so that there wasn't even a scar, not bad work for someone with only one arm if he said so himself, Logan thought to himself as he released the magic keeping the man asleep, slowly the man was coming around but Logan couldn't be bothered to wait any longer and so he slapped the man across his face and with that the man was completely awake, looking around erratically.

When he saw Logan the man went deathly still, "W-what did you do to me?" The man stuttered out as he sat up on the metal table, backing as far away from Logan as he could, Logan just flicked his hand and the man raised up into the air so that he was in front of them, "Nothing that you haven't earned." Logan said before he grabbed the man's forearm and apparated them to a more open location.

They reappeared in an open field with the sun shining down on them, Logan tossed the man further away from him and then just watched as the man tried to stand back up, but he clearly still weak from all the time he had spent in Azkaban under the watch of the Dementor's.

"You have five second's to run, if you're still in my sight within that time I'll kill you, if not you're free to go. Starting now, five." Logan started counting down making the man forget his supposed exhaustion and start running away from Logan, heading towards the tree line not far away from them but before Logan even reached zero he suddenly appeared in front of the man in the middle of the air with a tell tail crack of apparation, "Zero." Logan said before making a punching motion towards the man's head, fully intending to end the man's life with this one punch.

"Wait!!!" The man begged as he covered up his head with his arm's but at the same time he also felt a strange sensation across his entire body, it was only when he didn't feel unimaginable amounts of pain that the man took his arms away from his head and looked around himself, he was now back in his cell in Azkaban but before he could even wonder how he got back there he passed out.

In the same cell a Shadow Elf with a hawk on their mask came out of the dark and grabbed the man that they had just knocked out, popping away once that had got a good hold of him.

The Shadow Elf called Hawk had popped into a sunny field with the prisoner in his hand, in the same field was his Master, "Master White, the prisoner appeared like you said, it didn't feels like Elf's magic or Master's magic." Hawk report to Logan when he was down on one knee, looking down at the ground.

"Good job Hawk. I'll take it from here." Logan nodded to the Shadow Elf, watching them pop away soon after.

Turning to look at the prisoner that had just Jumper back into their cell Logan couldn't help the grin stretch across his face, "Into the last stages now, it just needs a few more fine tuning to make sure that I'm getting the best result and there's no complication's when I do it to myself." Logan said to himself as he once again grabbed the man by his arm, apparation them back to his workshop.


"Wouldn't open that door if I was you, not if I wanted my girlfriend to keep breathing, but that's just me. What were you going to do here anyway? Bring her down here and have a picnic? A little tea party? Is that what you think is going to happen?" A man with scruffy brown hair, a black leather jacket and a wooden baseball bate in his hands said to a young man with a backpack and short brown hair, they were inside the gladiator colosseum of Rome. Being able to get passed all the locked doors with their genetic ability to Jump through space at will.

"If you so much as look at her-" The man with the backpack started before he was cut off, "What? What are you going to do? Where are you going to Jump me?" The man with the bat said before Jumping a couple steps back, surprising the man with the backpack.

"Did you think you were the only one?" The man with the bat asked rhetorically, he then Jumped back to where he was before, inches away from the other man's face surprising him and making him jolt.

"You really have no idea do you?" The man with the bat asked the other as he looked on with pity, "You live the life you live and go on a little Roman holiday, did you really think they wouldn't notice?" He asked as he started to circle the man with the backpack, like sharks circling their future meal.

"Just Jump all over the place, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump. And nothing's going to happen? Well they've noticed. Not me, I'm not talking about me, but them." He said, pointing down the colosseum with his bat, point at three Paladin's with the stun battens out already.

One of the Paladin's was a white man with short black hair and the other was a man of Asian descent with the same military style hair cut as the other, the last man was bold and he was wearing a black suit and a red tie, currently known as John Smith but better known as Agent 47.

"Hello boy's." The man with the bat said and at the same time the man with the backpack Jumped up to a higher floor of the colosseum, "Just me then." He grinned at them, spinning the bat around in his hand.