Ch 52 : Smile and Wave Boys

"So what will it be?" Logan asked them as he leaned on his only remaining hand or the sofa's arm rest, the two Jumpers were showing mixed emotions when he asked them what their decision was, Griffin looked excited like he was getting a free meal and David looked like he was being forced through a tube, Millie looked concerned and confused at the same time.

"How about I show you just what kind of fate they will have in my prison?" Logan told them standing up from the chair and leading them down to the basement, walking passed all the working house Elf's as they were taking care of the farm's and the creature's in them, "Keep up! I don't want to be pinking your meat chunks off the Kraken's teeth when you go wondering off." Logan yelled back at them, making them run to quickly catch up with Logan.

Finally they arrived at a plain black door that had a silver name plate on it that said Azkaban, "Here we are, now don't leave my side or you will most likely lose your soul and nothing can save you then." Logan told them before he opened the black door and showing them what was beyond it. A dark world filled with stormy skies and a freezing cold sea that housed a tower in the centre of it all, if you looked closely you would see cloaked figures floating around the tower.

Instantly harsh winds and cold rain hit them in their faces and made them try and cover themselves up with their coats, well besides Logan who just put up a weak invisible barrier with his magic that protected him from getting wet, "Alright, everyone in the boat!" Logan yelled at the group, pointing down at a small long boat that a house Elf was already waiting at to take them across.

They quickly followed Logan's order and they were soon off sailing across the harsh sea, "Why a boat? Why not just fly across? Oh great wizard." Griffin asked Logan with a sarcastic tone, he was basically shouting at Logan to be heard over the winds.

"Because I have made this entire area magic proof, there is magic here but it can't be cast in this area so there won't be any flying across or teleporting over. And I've told the sea monsters in this sea to not attack anyone on this boat when they either see more or a house Elf on it at the same time. Like the Kraken I told you about before, here he is now actually, make sure to wave back." Logan explained at he waves his hand at the tentacle that was waving at them from a random spot in the black sea.

The small group waved their hands on reflexe, their faces were showing stunned looks and disbelief, they didn't think Logan was telling the truth about the Kraken before.

They finally got to the small island, and to arrive to the thankful cheers of the small group, glad to be off and away from the sea filled with monster that are able to swallow them whole, "Stop kissing the ground, you were safer in that boat then you are here. Follow me and stay close, last warning." Logan warned them before he started walking away again, they quickly ran to catch up with him, leaving behind the house Elf that suddenly pulled out a loaf of bread and started breaking pieces off and throwing them into the water for some strange looking fish to starting then eating it up.

"As you can see the conditions here are terrible, nothings clean, they only get the most basic necessities to live off of and then we have the warden's for this fine establishment, the Dementor's." Logan said as he pointed down the corridor that they were in, there was a Dementor sucking the happiness out of one of the prisoners.

Millie gasped at the sight and covered her mouth with her hand as to try and contained her shock and to not get the Dementor's attention. David and Griffin were trying to keep incredibly still for the same reason Millie was covering her mouth.

"Dementor's are born from places of magic that have also been the sights for extreme amounts of suffering and pain, so it makes sense that they would from around prisons and battlefield's. They feed on happiness, just like it's doing now, but they can also suck your soul right out of you, all that will be left of you is a vegetable. So, Griffin, do we have a deal? For a bit of painless brain surgery that won't even leave any scars or damage will you condemn your worst enemy to a life time of suffering?" Logan asked the Jumper as he held out his hand to him.

Griffin looked from Logan's hand to the Dementor and without any hesitation he grabbed his hand and shook it, "You got yourself a deal wizard-man." Griffin said with a grin on his face, he was most likely thinking about Roland, his greatest enemy and the torture that he will go through in Azkaban.

After letting Griffin's hand go Logan looked towards David who had a pained look on his face, "What will it be David?" Logan asked him, once again offering his hand.

"You haven't given me a choice in the first place" He said as he grabbed Logan's hand.

"You made the right decision." Logan said with a grin that showed off his shark teeth and with that sight they weren't so sure if it was the right decision.