Ch 53 : Feeling Good

"Birds flying high, you know how I feel~, sun in the sky, you know how I feel~, breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel~" Logan sang aloud to himself as he made a cut along the back off Griffin's skull, so that he could then peel back the skin on the top of his head and get a look at his white smooth skull.

"It's a new dawn~, it's a new day~, it's a new life~, for me~, and I'm feeling good~, I'm feeling good~!" Logan then grabbed a new knife and slowly cut through the bone of the skull and made a small window to the part of the brain that he was trying to examine.

"Fish in the sea~, you know how I feel~, river running free~, you know how I feel~, blossom on a tree~, you know how I feel~" Logan the started to feel around Griffin's brain with the end of his finger, gently feeling the same growth on the brain that all others Jumpers brains that he had looked at had as well. The only real difference that he could tell about Griffin's was that it was smaller then the others, he would have to look at David's to compare.

"It's a new dawn~, it's a new day~, it's a new life~, for me~, and I'm feeling good~, I'm feeling good~" Logan sang out aloud with a bit of joy at finding something new to the Jumper mystery that he was slowly uncovering and piecing together. He then put back the piece of bone that that he had cut away in the beginning and wandlessly joined the bone back together, it looked like he had never cut it out.

"Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know~ butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean~, sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean~ and this old world is a new world~, and a bold world~, for me~, for me~!" Logan then rolled the skin back into place and healed it back to normal with another wandless spell, it was then just the case of waking Griffin up with a simple spell that was actually made based on the laughing charm so it made you feel good as well as woke you up when you used it.

Logan stopped singing for now as Griffin was just waking up from his brain surgery, he thought it would be rude of him to continue at that point. Once his eyes were open Logan started rushing him off the table as he wanted to take a look at David's brain as soon as possible, "Alright, get up, up, up!" Logan shouted as he made a shooing motion with his hand, Griffin quickly jumped off the table and ran from the it and him, passed the screen that Logan put up to stop the others from seeing him work, he ran over to where Millie, David and 47 were waiting next to a bench with a cage filled with small blue skinned creatures with beetle like wings that were trying to break out of the cage.

"Alright, come on David, I don't have all day! I have some Paladin's to catch after this." Logan shouted at David, over where he was getting some emotional support from Millie who has seemed to have forgave him for lying to her before.

David walked over to Logan and stood next to the metal table, "So what do you need me to do?" He asked Logan, "Nothing." Logan answered as be waved his hand in David's face making him fall asleep and then he levitate him on to the table, face down, grabbing the curtain he pulled it closed.

"Now where was I ... Oh, right! Stars when you shine~, you know how I feel~, scent of the pine~, you know how I feel~ Oh, freedom is mine~, and I know how I feel~" Logan continued to sing.

Back with the other's, "Is he singing 'Feeling Good'?! Was he singing the entire time he was operating on my head?!" Griffin asked Millie as he rubbed the back of his head, panic and fear was literally dripping off his words.

Millie nodded her head at him with a sad and concerned look when she looked over at the cover blocking Logan and David from view, "Master White gained the habit of talking to the thing's that he dissects like they are alive and he's learning about them, I think the singing came from the fact that you are not dead." 47 explained to them helpfully.

"It's a new dawn~ It's a new day~ It's a new life~!" Logan singing could be heard clearly in that moment, as if to illustrate 47's point.


After getting a look at David's brain Logan was able to tell what made him and Griffin more powerful Jumper's compared to all the one's he had seen before, now he just needed to replicate it in his own brain.

Logan sent the small group back to the living room with 47 and made sure to tell the Shadow Elf's watching them that they are not aloud to leave that room or touch anything in it.

Pulling out a small vile from his pocket, inside it was a purple liquid, Logan flicked the cork off and down the whole vile without hesitation, it was a potion that Snape had made specifically at Logan's request, that being a potion that stopped someone from feeling all types of pain temporarily, for around about an hour.

Logan then pinched his thigh to test to see if the potion was working the way it should, feeling nothing Logan grinned before sitting down in a chair that was surrounded by mirror's so that the person in the chair could see 360 degree's around themselves, this was how Logan was going to perform brain surgery on himself. This being the only option as he had no one that he could trust enough to do it for him, Dobby being the closest possibility but he didn't understand the magic that was needed to be done to make him a Jumper.

Using his Occlumency Logan pushed his focus to it's limit's and then used his magic to control the tools that he had just used on David and Griffin, he was just glad they were also charmed to clean themselves, and he made them levitate up from their tray and controlled them so that they were now pointing at the back of his head.

The first cut was simple, he still couldn't feel any pain, not even when he had to peel his skin away from his skull, it felt incredible strange though, "Now the tricky part." Logan said quietly to himself as he slowly controlled the blade to cut into the back of his skull, the difficult part was judging the depth, it was much simpler when he actually had the blade in his hand.

A couple tense second's passed where the only sound that was heard in the work shop was the sound of Logan cutting away at his own bones. But it was finally over and thankfully he didn't cut more then he meant too. He then removed the little small bone lid that he cut out and kept it levitating in the air to the side so that it wasn't in the way.

Making sure that he could see the back of his brain properly Logan pulled out the Elder wand and reached around his back so that it was pointing at his exposed brain matter it was then just the task of willing his magic to reshape his cerebellum to that of a Jumpers. Once that was done he started putting himself back together again, the bone cap went back and was healed back together and then the skin was put back into place and that was healed completely as well, making sure to not leave a scar.

"Well that was easier that I thought it would be ... I might as well use this time while I can't feel any pain to also test out my new ability." Logan said to himself before he apparated away.