Ch 54 : Motherfucker!

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Samuel L. Jackson?" Logan asked Roland as they stared each other down inside Millie's apartment, the rest of the Paladin's were already knocked out on the ground at various places around the room.

Logan had already put them all to sleep with some wandless magic before he even Jumped into the building, leaving only Roland and him in the apartment awake.

Jumping for the first time felt completely different to apparating but because he was already used to one kind of teleportation it wasn't hard to get used to this type and it was now just the matter of getting experience of using it in battle and what better way then fighting someone who had trained and fought against Jumpers their entire lives, and that was why he was currently having a staring contest with Roland.

"You say only God should have the power to be in all places at all times ... but what about someone who can turn normal people into Jumpers? What does that make me?" Logan asked him with an innocent look on his face before grinning widely when he saw the look on his face turn from stone cold to a raging inferno, just like he wanted.

Roland fired at Logan with his stun baton, making a wire that was crackling with electricity come flying at him. Logan on instinct Jumped out of the way, and closer to Roland where he could punch at him with his right hand.

He was just about to land his fist in Roland's face when he felt danger coming from below and that made him Jump back to where he was before, turn's out Roland tried to tazze his groin when he went for a counter attack, "Bastard, never go for another man's family jewels." Logan said before he Jumped above Roland but he was upside down and he had his hand on Roland's head like they were performing a circus act.

Logan did it like this so that he could grab Roland in a way he wasn't expecting, once he had a hold of him Logan Jumped them away from the apartment, reappearing in the same field that he tested the prisoners ability to Jump before. Using Roland's sudden lapse in concentration due to being Jumped he grabbed Roland by the back of his clothes and threw him away but even while he was in the air Roland managed to attack back.

Firing his weapon at Logan while he was still spinning in the air, he managed to surprise Logan enough that the wire wrapped around Logan's arm before he Jump away. He couldn't feel the electricity due to the pain killer potion but he could feel how it was making his muscles spasm at random times uncontrollably but he felt that he could still Jump if he wanted to, if that was due to his Occlumency or because of how the Jump ability work, he wasn't sure and it would need further testing, later, right now he was still fighting Roland who was now standing up and pressing the button on his baton frantically when he saw how Logan wasn't reacting to the electric wire.

"Don't worry it's not broken, I just can't feel pain so it's kind of pointless to be used against me." Logan explained to him, hearing that Roland suddenly spinned and tried to drag Logan around by the wire but he was stopped in his tracks instantly when Logan didn't budge an inch, turning his head back around Roland saw that the wire was still on Logan's arm it was just that he hadn't moved, "And you can't through me around if I'm stronger then you, got any other moves you want to try?" Logan asked him as he stood on the wire so that it was held in place when he dragged his arm free from it. Roland didn't bother trying to stop him, he actually pressed a button on his baton and the wire retracted into the baton, which he then dropped by his side.

Putting his hand behind his back he pulled out a clothe covered blade and slowly unwrapped it, Logan didn't bother trying to stop him as he was interested as to what he would do next when he was running out of option's.


Back at the apartment filled with all the Paladin's that were still asleep Shadow Elf's started appearing out of the corners and little shadow's that they could fit in, one of the Elf's would grab a Paladin before popping away, to an Azkaban cell most likely after having striped them of everything that they could try and use to escape, leaving them with a thin set of clothes.

This kept happening until all the Paladin's in the apartment were taken away by a Shadow Elf. Similar things to this were happening all across the globe with the remaining Paladin's, using 47's insider information the Shadow Elf's were able to find and covertly take out all Paladin's, except for David's mother she was left alone as per the deal Logan had struck with him.


"You Jumper's are all the same, thinking that because you can Jump that it make's you a God, I'll tell you right now there's only one God and it's not you!" Roland said to Logan before he lunged forward with his knife aimed at Logan's stomach intending to gut him in one move but Logan Jumped away to the side but Roland's knife was already heading towards his throat.

Logan managed to grab Roland's wrist before he had his neck slashed but then Roland dropped the knife in to his waiting open hand that he then used to stab at Logan's chest and he actually managed to stab the knife into Logan's upper left pec where it was stuck due to Logan tightening his muscles around it but he was only able to do that due to the pain killer potion. Unable to get his knife free and his other hand was still in Logan's grasp Roland went for a punch to Logan's face.

At that point Logan let go of him and Jumped away so that they was a couple meters between them, when they were separated they got a chance to breath, Roland was breathing deeply from exhaustion and he looked like he was getting ready to run at Logan.

Where as Logan was breathing calmly and was nonchalantly pulling the knife from his chest, throwing it over his shoulder once it was free, "What are you going to do now? No more weapon's. None of your attack's can do enough damage to me to be meaningful and I can grab you at anytime and Jump you above an active volcano. Ready to give up?" Logan asked him but Roland just raised his fist and took a boxer stance, "Never, not while there is a Jumper still left in this world, I'll never rest until all of your kind is gone." Roland growled out before running at Logan.

"Arr~ I'm bored already. Let's end this now." Logan said with a sigh before he walked forward, dodged Roland's flurry of punches and then he uppercutted Roland in his jaw, knocking him out cold, making him drop to the ground like a sack of potato's.

"Bat." Logan called making Bat pop in front of him, Logan pointed to Roland and said, "Same drill as the others but put him in a level two cell, he'll definitely try and escape." Bat nodded his head and then grabbed Roland and popped away again.

Logan then wandlessly healed his cut and any damage from the electricity before Jumping away from the field back to the Black House.